Displaying Visual Basic Editor

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This section describes how to launch Visual Basic Editor.

From the E5061B measurement screen, launch Visual Basic Editor using one of the following methods:

  1. Macro Setup > VBA Editor

  2. Press Alt + F11 keys on the keyboard.

Initial Screen of Visual Basic Editor

When you launch Visual Basic Editor, it displays the initial screen, which contains a number of windows as shown in the following figure. The initial screen provides the following GUI elements:

Example of Visual Basic Editor initial screen

  1. Menu bar

  2. Toolbar

  3. Project Explorer

  4. Property Window

Menu Bar

Clicking one of the menu labels brings up the corresponding menu. The menu bar can be used as the primary method to navigate through E5061B's VBA environment.


The toolbar provides access to commonly used commands via icon buttons; these commands are a subset of the commands accessible from the menu bar.

Project Explorer

Within the E5061B's VBA environment, you can develop your application as a project that consists of a number of files (modules). Project Explorer shows a list of all files (modules) that make up a project. The list also includes files (modules) created or loaded in Visual Basic Editor. For information on modules, refer to A Project and Three Types of Module.

 To display the project explorer, do one of the following:

  1. On the View menu, click Project Explorer.

  2. Press Ctrl + R keys on the keyboard.

  3. On the toolbar, click .

Property Window

A property window shows the settings (label, font, color, size, etc.) of a control (such as a command button or text box) placed on the user form. For information on user forms, refer to User Form.

You can also set properties by programming in the code window.

 To display the properties window, do one of the following:

  1. On the View menu, click Properties Window.

  2. Press F4 key on the keyboard.

  3. On the toolbar, click .