Configuring Network

This section describes how to set the following basic items necessary to connect the E5061B to the LAN (Local Area Network).

If you need detail network settings, consult your network administrator and perform operation in the same way as the Windows PC.

Other topics about Using Windows

Enabling/Disabling Network

You can enable/disable the network connection function of the E5061B.

To enable/disable the network connection function

  1. Use the LAN cable to connect the E5061B to the LAN.

  2. Press System > Misc Setup > Network Setup > Network Configuration to open Network Connections window.

  3. Perform either of the following:

Double-click the Local Area Connection icon in the Network Connections window to enable the network connection function.

Double-click the Local Area Connection icon in the Network Connections window. The Local Area Connection Status screen appears. Click the Disable button to disable the network connection function.

  1. Close Network Connections window.

Check/Reset IP Address

The IP address of the E5061B can be checked/reset by System > Misc Setup > Network Setup > LAN Dialog.

Setting IP address

Follow these steps to set the IP address:

  1. Press System > Misc Setup > Network Setup > Network Configuration.

Windows 10

  1. Double-click the your desire interface, the Ethernet or Ethernet 2 icon in the Network Connections window so that Ethernet Properties screen appears.

  2. Select (highlight) Internet Protocol 4  (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol 6  (TCP/IPv6) then click Properties.

  3. Click (select) Use the following IP address and then enter the IP address, subnet mask and gateway address.

  4. If the IP address can be obtained automatically (if the DHCP server can be used), click (select) Obtain an IP address automatically.

  5. Click OK > Close.

Windows 7/Windows XP

  1. Double-click the Local Area Connection icon in the Network Connections window. The Local Area Connection Status screen appears.

  2. Click Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties screen appears.

  3. Select (highlight) Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.

  4. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties appears. Click (select) Use the following IP address and then enter the IP address, subnet mask and gateway address.

  5. If the IP address can be obtained automatically (if the DHCP server can be used), click (select) Obtain an IP address automatically.

  6. In Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties, click OK.

  7. In Local Area Connection Properties, click OK.

  8. In Local Area Connection Status, click Close.

  9. Close Network Connections window.

Checking Computer Name

Follow these steps to check the computer name:

Windows 10

  1. Press System > Misc Setup > Control Panel.

  2. Click System and Security > System to see the computer name in Computer Name tab.

Windows 7/Windows XP

  1. Press System > Misc Setup > Network Setup > Network Identification.

  2. See the desired computer name in Computer description in Computer Name tab.