An error message is displayed against a red background in the instrument message/warning area in the lower left part of the screen. Pushing a front panel key or executing :DISP:CCL command clears the error message. Errors caused by the operation of a front panel key simply appear on the display. They are not stored in the error queue with some exceptions.
An error with a positive error number is uniquely defined for this instrument. On the other hand, an error with a negative error number is basically defined for common GPIB devices in IEEE488.2.
No. |
Message |
Description |
20 |
Additional standard needed |
The GPIB command that turns ON the calibration function has been sent before to all of the data measurements needed to calculate the calibration factor that has been completed. In 1-port calibration, for example, when measurements are completed for OPEN and SHORT standards but not yet for LOAD standard: Try to turn ON the calibration function by calculating 1-port calibration coefficient using SENS:CORR:COLL:SAVE. Be sure to measure all necessary calibration data before sending the commands. This error is not generated by front key operations. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-168 |
Block data not allowed |
An block-data element has been received at a position where this instrument does not accept one. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
240 |
Calibration data lost |
This error occurs when a file containing the system calibration data is not found or in a damaged state at time of the startup of this instrument, indicating a failure of this instrument. Contact the Keysight Technology sales office or the company from which you bought the instrument. |
22 |
Calibration method not selected |
This error occurs when the command for validating the calibration data, SENS:CORR:COLL:SAVE is executed before the command for selecting a calibration type, SENS:CORR:COLL:METH:xxxx, is executed. This error is not generated by front key operations. |
-148 |
Character data not allowed |
A character data element (not violating the standard) has been received at a position where this instrument does not accept one. Double quotes (") are omitted where it is necessary to place a parameter in double quotes ("), for example. |
-100 |
Command error
A comprehensive syntax error has occurred showing that this instrument cannot detect a more detailed error. This code simply shows that a command error defined in, IEEE488.2 has occurred. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-222 |
Data out of range |
A data element (not violating the standard) outside the range defined by this instrument has been received. This error occurs when an integer-based command for which the parameter can be rounded exceeds the range of -65536 to +65536 or when a real-number-based command for which the parameter can be rounded exceeds the range of -9.9e37 to +9.9e37, for example. This error occurs also when a numeric value other than a specified one is entered into a command in which the "port number" and "CalKit number" are specified as parameters and hence the parameters are not rounded. Such commands are, for example, SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ:OPEN, SENS:CORR:COLL:ECAL:SOLT2, SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:ORD:LOAD, etc. |
Data type error |
The parser has recognized a data element that must not exist. Block data is sent instead of numeric value data or character string data that had been expected, for example. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
32 |
ECal module not in appropriate RF path |
This error occurs when an ECal command, SENS:CORR:COLL:ECAL:SOLTn, is executed with the port on the ECal module not connected correctly to the instrument. When the auto-detect function is turned OFF, (SENS:CORR:COLL:ECAL:ORI OFF), however, this error does not occur even when the port on the ECal module is not connected correctly to the instrument. |
502 |
Equation runtime error |
This error occurs under the following conditions:
-200 |
Execution error |
An error associated with execution has been generated for which this instrument cannot specify the error message. This code shows that an error associated with execution defined in, IEEE488.2 has occurred. This error also occurs when a calibration measurement is aborted. |
-123 |
Exponent too large |
The absolute value of the exponent exceeds 32,000 (see, IEEE488.2). |
-178 |
Expression data not allowed |
An expression-data element has been received at a position where this instrument does not accept one. |
-170 |
Expression error |
When the expression data is put to syntactic analysis, an error not corresponding to one of Error Numbers -171 through -179 occurs. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
31 |
Failed to configure ECal module |
This error occurs when the control of the ECal module fails at the time of executing an ECal command, SENS:CORR:COLL:ECAL:SOLTn. The failure results are from the failure to connect the ECal module to the USB port, failure of the ECal module, etc. |
102 |
Failed to copy file |
This error occurs when copying a file (MMEM:COPY command) fails. |
104 |
Failed to create directory |
This error occurs when creating a directory (MMEM:MDIR command) fails. |
103 |
Failed to delete file |
This error occurs when deleting a file (MMEM:DEL command) fails. |
100 |
Failed to read file |
This error occurs when the formatted data array (MMEM:LOAD:FDAT command) and limit table (MMEM:STOR:LIM command) for the active trace on the active channel, segment sweep table (MMEM:LOAD:SEGM command) for the active channel, etc. cannot be read normally. |
101 |
Failed to write file |
This error occurs when the formatted data array (MMEM:STOR:FDATcommand) and limit table (MMEM:STOR:LIM command) for the active trace on the active channel, segment sweep table (MMEM:STOR:SEGM command) for the active channel, display image (MMEM:STOR:IMAG command) for the LCD screen, etc. cannot be written normally. |
-257 |
File name error |
A file name error. This message appears when an error exists in the file name and hence a command is not executed correctly. This error occurs when you try to copy to an unsuitable file name, for example. |
-256 |
File name not found |
The specified file name is not found and hence the command is not executed correctly. This error occurs when you try to read a file that does not exist in a disk or a disk is not correctly inserted into the drive to read or write a file, for example. |
107 |
File transfer failed |
This error occurs when writing data into or reading data from a file (MMEM:TRAN command) fails. |
201 |
Firmware license not found |
Frequency option or/and Generation code license codes do not exist in .lic file. See the Backing_Up_License_Key_File. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-105 |
GET not allowed |
A group execution trigger (GET) has been received in the program message (see 7.7, IEEE488.2). |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-240 |
Hardware error |
When hardware error occurs, this error is displayed. |
-114 |
Header suffix out of range |
The unit of the header is outside the range. The header is invalid in the unit for numeric parameters following a SCPI command. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-224 |
Illegal parameter value |
The parameter value is not suitable. This error occurs when the CALC:PAR:DEF command is used to specify an S-parameter that does not exist in the model (specify S44), for example. |
-213 |
Init ignored |
Because another measurement is in progress, the request for initiating a measurement ("INIT" command) is ignored. |
35 |
Insufficient ECal module memory |
This error occurs when the embedded memory is insufficient to save the user property in ECal module during the user definition ECal processing. |
243 |
Insufficient privileges |
Logged-in Windows account does not have administrator privileges. Re-Log-in with administrator account. |
-161 |
Invalid block data |
Block data has been expected, but the block data that appears is invalid for some reason (see, IEEE488.2). The END message is received before the length of block data has been filled, for example. |
28 |
Invalid calibration method |
If the type of calibration is not specified or not correct when partial overwrite is executed with the GPIB command, this error occurs. This error does not occur for operation with front keys. |
-101 |
Invalid character |
An invalid character exists in the program message character string. |
-141 |
Invalid character data |
An invalid character is found in the character data element, or the parameter received is not valid. |
-121 |
Invalid character in number |
A character that is invalid for the data type subject to syntactic analysis has been received. For example, a letter is found in a decimal numeric value or a numeric character "9" in octal data. |
500 |
Invalid equation expression |
The equation expression used in Equation Editor is not valid. |
501 |
Invalid equation label |
The equation label used in Equation Editor is not valid. |
-171 |
Invalid expression |
The expression-data element is invalid (see, IEEE488.2). For example, parentheses are not paired, or illegal characters are used. |
-232 |
Invalid Format |
A legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed because the data format or structure is inappropriate. For example when loading memory tables or when sending a :SYST:SET parameter from an unknown instrument. |
-103 |
Invalid separator |
The parser (a syntactic analysis program) had been expecting a delimiter, but a character that is not a delimiter has been sent. |
-151 |
Invalid string data |
Character string data has been expected, but the character string data that appears is invalid for some reason (see, IEEE488.2). The END message is received before the ending quotation mark character appears, for example. |
-131 |
Invalid suffix |
The suffix does not comply with the syntax defined in, IEEE488.2. Or it does not suit E5063A. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
53 |
Log sweep requires 2 octave minimum span |
The span of sweep range did not satisfy the requirement for logarithmic sweep. The sweep type is automatically changed to linear sweep when this error occurs. For example, this error occurs when, with the start and stop frequency are set 1 MHz and 2 MHz respectively, the sweep type is changed to logarithmic sweep. Set the stop frequency to more than four times as many as the start frequency. And then select logarithmic sweep. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-109 |
Missing parameter |
The number of parameters is less than that required for the command, or the parameter has not been entered. For example, the :SENS:SWE:POIN command requires one more parameter. Therefore, when a message "SENS:SWE:POIN" is sent, this error is returned. |
-270 |
Macro error |
An error occurring when macro is executed. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
70 |
No GPIB system controller |
The GPIB system controller is not set properly. This error occurs when USB/GPIB interface is not connected or the interface setting is improper, during the measurement for power calibration data or for that in scalar-mixer calibration. It also occurs when USB/GPIB interface is not connected or the interface setting is improper, though the control of the external signal source is enabled. Ensure the connection of USB/GPIB interface and its setting. |
52 |
No valid memory trace |
This error occurs when you have executed either DISP:WIND:TRAC:MEM ON command to display memory trace, or any other command to enable data calculation using memory trace (CALC:MATH:FUNC command with other than NORM is specified), though no valid data exists in memory trace. This error is not generated by front key operations. |
-120 |
Numeric data error |
An error resulting from the numeric value data (including numeric value data having no decimal point representation) has occurred. A numeric value error other than Errors -121 through -129 has occurred. |
-128 |
Numeric data not allowed |
An numeric-value-data element (not violating the standard) has been received at a position where this instrument does not accept one. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
200 |
Option not installed |
The received command has been ignored because of the mismatch between the contents of an option for this instrument and the command. It also occurs when you try to enable the fault location function in a model not having the fault location option. This holds true for the SRL (Structural Return Loss) option. This error is not generated by front key operations. |
-225 |
Out of memory |
Insufficient memory is available in this instrument to perform the required operation. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-220 |
Parameter error |
When a parameter-related error other than Errors -221 through -229 occurs, that error is displayed. |
-108 |
Parameter not allowed |
The number of parameters exceeds the one required for the command. For instance, when a program message ":SENS1:SWE:TYPE LIN, SEGM" is sent instead of a correct program message with a command ":SENS1:SWE:TYPE LIN" which requires a parameter, the instrument receives the message as the number of parameters is invalid. See the command reference to confirm the required number of parameters. |
41 |
Peak not found |
This error occurs when, after specifying a peak and executing the CALC:MARK:FUNC:EXEC and CALC:FUNC:EXEC commands, the specified peak is not found in the marker search analysis. |
220 |
Phase lock loop unlocked |
This error occurs when the PLL circuit of this instrument becomes unlocked while the measurement is in progress. The measurement value is not correct. This error may occur when an external reference out of specification is connected to this instrument. Should an error occur with an external reference not connected, this instrument is faulty. Contact an Keysight Technology sales office or the company from which you bought the instrument. |
221 |
Port 1 receiver overload |
The excessive signal has been input on port 1. When this error occurs, signal source is turned OFF. Check the input signal level on port 1. |
222 |
Port 2 receiver overload |
The excessive signal has been input on port 2. When this error occurs, signal source is turned OFF. Check the input signal level on port 2. |
241 |
This error occurs when the power-on test fails, indicating a failure of this instrument. Contact an Keysight Technology sales office or the company from which you bought the instrument. |
61 |
Power unleveled |
The out power level exceeds available range. For example, if the level after correction exceeds the power level that can be outputted when correcting the power level with the power slope feature, this error occurs. Check that the power level is set correctly and the correction value of the power slope is set correctly. |
121 |
Print failed |
This error occurs when printing fails for reasons other than Error 120, Printer error. |
120 |
Printer error |
This error occurs when the previous printing is still in progress or the printer fails (offline, short of paper, etc.) at the time of outputting the display image on the LCD screen to the printer (:HCOP command). |
-112 |
Program mnemonic too long |
The length of the header exceeds 12 characters (see, IEEE488.2). |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-430 |
The state that generates a "DEADLOCKED" Query error (see, IEEE488.2). This error occurs when both input and output buffers have become full, preventing the instrument from continuing processing, for example. |
-400 |
Query error |
A comprehensive query error has occurred showing that this instrument cannot detect a more detailed error. This code simply shows that a query error defined in and 6.3, IEEE488.2 has occurred. |
-410 |
The state that generates a "INTERRUPTED" Query error (see, IEEE488.2). This error occurs when data bytes (DAB) or GET are received before the transmission of the response when a query is not completed, for example. |
-420 |
The state that generates an "UNTERMINATED" Query error (see 6.3.2, IEEE488.2). This error occurs when this instrument is designated as the talker and an incomplete program message is received, for example. |
-440 |
Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response |
After a query asking for an indefinite response has been run, another query is received in the same program message (See, IEEE488.2). |
-350 |
Queue overflow |
The queue contains a specific code in place of the code which caused this error. The code indicates that the error occurred because of no space is available in the queue, but the error is not recorded. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
105 |
Recall failed |
This error occurs when reading an instrument status file (State01.sta, etc.) (MMEM:LOAD:STAT command) fails. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
106 |
Save failed |
This error occurs when writing an instrument status file (State01.sta, etc.) (MMEM:STOR:STAT command) fails. |
33 |
Selected parameter not valid for confidence check |
This error occurs when the parameter except S-parameter has been selected, while using the confidence check function for calibration coefficient. Select S-parameter (S11, S21, S12 or S22). |
57 |
SnP request not valid |
This error occurs when you try to save data to a Touchstone file but no measurement has been executed. |
50 |
Specified channel hidden |
This error occurs when an attempt is made to activate a channel not on display using the DISP:WIND:ACT command. This error is not generated by front key operations. |
23 |
Specified error term does not exist |
The error occurs when the calibration coefficient type of the parameter specified in the read/write command of the calibration coefficient (SENS:CORR:COEF) is invalid for the calibration type selected by the calibration type selection command (SENS:CORR:COEF:METH:xxxx.) This error is not generated by front key operations. |
21 |
Specified ports overlapped |
This error occurs when a port number is duplicated in a command requiring two or more port numbers as parameters. Such commands are, for example, SENS:CORR:COLL:THRU 2,2. Specify port setup correctly to avoid duplication of ports. This error is not generated by front key operations. |
51 |
Specified trace dose not exist |
This error occurs when CALC:PAR:SEL command is executed to activate more traces than specified by CALC:PAR:COUN command. This error is not generated by front key operations. |
26 |
Standard not selected |
This error occurs when you execute the measurement under the condition that the standard is not selected for the subclass (the standard number is set to 0). |
-150 |
String data error |
When a character-string-data element is put to syntactic analysis, an error not corresponding to one of Error Numbers -151 through -159 occurs. |
-158 |
String data not allowed |
A character-string-data element has been received at a position where this instrument does not accept one. |
-138 |
Suffix not allowed |
A suffix is attached to a numeric value element to which a suffix is not allowed to be attached. |
-134 |
Suffix too long |
The unit is too long. The unit is expressed in 12 or more characters (see, IEEE488.2). |
-102 |
Syntax error |
A command or data type that is not recognized exists. |
-310 |
System error |
One of the errors designated as "system errors" in this instrument has occurred. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
40 |
Target value not found |
This error occurs when the target is not found during the marker search analysis after specifying the target and executing the CALC:MARK:FUNC:EXEC and CALC:FUNC:EXEC commands. This error occurs also when the bandwidth is not found after executing the bandwidth marker command, CALC:MARK:BWID:DATA? |
-124 |
Too many digits |
The number of digits of the argument of the decimal numeric-value-data element exceeds 255 with the preceding 0 removed (see, IEEE488.2). |
-223 |
Too much data |
The block-, expression-, or character-string-type program data that has been received conforms with the standard. But it exceeds the amount that can be processed under the condition of the memory or conditions specific to memory-related devices. In this instrument, this error occurs when the number of characters exceeds 254 in a character-string parameter. |
54 |
Transform, Gate not allowed |
This message appears when you turn ON the transform/gating function of the time domain feature, while measurement points are set to two, or sweep type is set to other than linear sweep Set the measurement points to three or more and the sweep type to linear sweep, and then turn ON the transform and/or gating conversion function. |
-211 |
Trigger ignored |
This instrument receives and detects a trigger command (":TRIG") or an external trigger signal. But it is ignored due to the timing condition (This instrument is not in the wait-for-trigger state, for example). Change the setup so that a trigger command or an external trigger signal can be sent after the instrument has entered the wait-for-trigger state. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
-113 |
Undefined header
A command not defined in this instrument, though not illegal in the syntactic structure, has been received. For example, when a message ":DISP:WIND1:TABL:MEM ON" is sent to a correct program message ":DISP:WIND1:TRAC1:MEM ON," the message sent is received as an undefined command by this instrument. See the command reference and use correct commands. This error occurs also when a port that does not exist in this model is specified in a command specifying a port number as an index. Such commands are SENS:CORR:EXT:AUTO:PORTn, SENS:CORR:COLL:ADAPn:xxxx, CALC:SRL:CONNn:xxxx, and SENS:CORR:EXT:PORTn:xxxx; they include "n" as a part. |
34 |
User characterization not found in module |
This error occurs when the selected user profile is not detected in the ECal memory, while reading it from the ECal module, written by the user definition ECal. |
No. |
Message |
Description |
30 |
Valid Ecal module not found |
This error occurs when a required ECal module is not connected on the E5063A. This error occurs, for example, when the Ecal characterization is executed with 4 port Ecal. Use 2 port Ecal in this case. |
81 |
Valid USB switch not found |
This error occurs when a required USB switch is not connected on the E5063A. |