A warning message is displayed in the instrument message/Warning area in the lower left part of the display against a gray background. Pushing a front panel key or executing :DISP:CCL command clears the message.
This message simply appears on the display, being not known to a remote environment such as a GPIB. This message is not displayed when another error (against a red background) is already displayed in the instrument message/Warning area.
Messages |
Description |
Calibration data lost ([parameter])/ |
One or more of the below calibration data is lost. The lost parameter is indicated in the message, for example, calibration data lost (band information): (nominal value), (band information), (local gain), (source output power), (virtual bridge), (receiver if range), (port characteristics), (absolute gain), (mixer current), (constants for sweep controller), (reference frequency),(receiver if flatness), (PLL cpc). |
Calibration extrapolated |
The frequency range that can be calibrated with the ECal module is exceeded. In this case, the calibration data for the minimum frequency or maximum frequency are used instead of the data exceeding the allowable frequency range for calibration. |
Fixture Simulator failed to read user file |
This warning occurs when the recalling files is not proper format. |
Incompatible recall file |
The recall state file is stored by the unit with upper frequency model. Some setting may be lost. |
Invalid key code |
The key code entered to enable or disable an option is incorrect. Enter the correct key code to proceed. |
Peak not found |
This warning message is displayed when, with the tracking turned ON, the peak specified by the marker search has not been found by the time the sweep is finished (with the tracking executed). |
Segment table changed |
This warning message is displayed when the setting specified segment by segment in the segment table is automatically changed by a change in the other setting. For example, this warning message is displayed when, with the power specified segment by segment in the segment table, the power setting for a segment is adjusted by a change in the power range setting. |
Target value not found |
This warning message is displayed when, with the tracking turned ON, the target specified by the marker search has not been found by the time the sweep is finished (with the tracking executed). This warning message is displayed also when, with the bandwidth marker displayed, the setting for the bandwidth marker is changed at the end of the sweep, or when, with the active marker changed or moved, the bandwidth is not found. |
Transform, Gate not allowed |
This message appears when you have set the measurement points to two, sweep type to other than linear sweep, or frequency offset to enabled, while the gating/conversion function of the time domain feature is turned on. If this message is displayed, the gating/conversion function is automatically turned off. |
Unknown SSD image |
This message appears when wrong SSD is installed. |
Unknown system revision |
This message appears when wrong SSD is installed. |
Unable to find help file |
This warning message appears when Help file could not be executed when you press the Help key. The file is either corrupted or unavailable. Re-install the firmware. |
Unable to find help id file |
This warning message appears when Help file could not be executed when you click a button at the menu bar and press the Help key to execute a help topic related to the button. The help id file is either corrupted or unavailable. |
User Preset File not found |
This warning message is displayed if no user preset file (D:\UserPreset.sta) exists when executing the SYST:UPR command. If this message is displayed, a normal preset (:SYST:PRES) will be performed |