
Other topics about Sample Programs


The sample program performs calibration with the specified calibration type. The following subroutine are provided.

See Calibration for this programming.

Sample Program in Excel VBA


'*** The variables of the resource manager and the instrument I/O are declared.

  Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager

  Dim Ena As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488


Sub main()

    Dim Ch As String

    Dim CalKit As Integer

    Dim Port As String

    Dim Isolation As String


    Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager

    Set Ena = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488


    '*** Open the instrument.

    Set Ena.IO = ioMgr.Open("GPIB0::17::INSTR")

    Ena.IO.timeout = 10000

    Const Cal85032F = 4         'cal kit number.


    Ch = Cells(5, 5)            'Select channel

    Port = Cells(3, 6)          'Sets the select port 1.

    Isolation = Cells(3, 7)      'Sets the select port 1.

    CalKit = Cal85032F          'Sets cal kit (85032F)



    Ena.WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:CKIT " & CalKit, True  'Select the calibration kit


    Select Case Cells(3, 5)

        Case "Response (Open)"   'Perform response calibration (OPEN).

            Call OpenShortResponse(Ch, Port, "Open", Isolation)

        Case "Response (Short)"   'Perform response calibration (SHORT).

            Call OpenShortResponse(Ch, Port, "Open", Isolation)

        Case "Response (Thru)"    'Perform response calibration (Thru).

            Call ThruResponse(Ch, Port, Isolation)

        Case "Full 1 Port"    'Perform 1-port calibration.

            Call SOLT(Ch, 1, Port, Isolation)

        Case "Full 2 Port"     'Perform full 2-port calibration.

            Call SOLT(Ch, 2, Port, Isolation)

    End Select




  End Sub



Sub ThruResponse(Ch As String, ThruDirection As String, Isolation As String)

    Dim Dummy As Variant   'Variant to receive the result


    With Ena

    Select Case ThruDirection

    Case "1 to 2"

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:THRU 1, 2", True

        MsgBox ("Set Thur to Port 1 and 2. then click [OK] button")  'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:THRU 1, 2", True       'Measurement the calibration data.

    Case "2 to 1"

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:THRU 2, 1", True

        MsgBox ("Set Thur to Port 1 and 2. then click [OK] button")  'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:THRU 2, 1", True       'Measurement the calibration data.

    Case Else

        MsgBox ("Select ""1 to 2""  or ""2 to 1"".")  'Display the message box.


    End Select

    .WriteString "*OPC?", True    'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

    Dummy = .ReadNumber


    ' *** Isolation Calibration

    If Isolation = "Yes" Then

        Select Case ThruDirection

            Case "1 to 2"

                .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:LOAD 2", True

            Case "2 to 1"

                .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:LOAD 1", True

        End Select

    End If

    .WriteString "*OPC?", True    'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

    Dummy = .ReadNumber



    .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:SAVE", True      'Calculating the calibration coefficients.

    End With

End Sub

Sub OpenShortResponse(Ch As String, Port As String, OpenOrShort As String, Load As String)

    Dim Dummy As Variant   'Variant to receive the result


    If Port = "1 to 2" Or Port = "2 to 1" Then

        MsgBox ("Select 1 or 2.")  'Display the message box.


    End If


    With Ena


    Select Case OpenOrShort

    Case "Open"

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:OPEN " & Port, True

        MsgBox ("Set Open to " & Port & ", then click [OK] button") 'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:OPEN " & Port, True

    Case "Short"

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:SHOR " & Port, True

         MsgBox ("Set Open to " & Port & ", then click [OK] button") 'Display the message box.

         .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:SHOR " & Port, True

    End Select

    .WriteString "*OPC?", True    'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

    Dummy = .ReadNumber

    ' *** Isolation Calibration

    If Load = "Yes" Then

        MsgBox ("Set Load to " & Port & ", then click [OK] button") 'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:LOAD " & Port, True

        .WriteString "*OPC?", True    'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

        Dummy = .ReadNumber

    End If

    .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:SAVE", True      'Calculating the calibration coefficients.


    End With

End Sub

Sub SOLT(Ch As String, NumPort As String, Port As String, Isolation As String)

    Dim Dummy

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer


    With Ena


    Select Case NumPort

        Case 1

            .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:SOLT1 " & Port, True          'Set the 1-port calibration type.

        Case 2

            .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:SOLT2 1, 2", True             'Set the full 2-port calibration type.

    End Select


    ' *** Reflection

    If NumPort = 2 Then Port = 1

    For i = 1 To NumPort

        MsgBox ("Set Open to Port " & Port & ". then click [OK] button")   'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:OPEN " & Port, True     'Measurement the OPEN calibration.

        .WriteString "*OPC?", True     'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

        Dummy = .ReadNumber


        MsgBox ("Set Short to Port " & Port & ". then click [OK] button")    'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:SHORT " & Port, True   'Measurement the SHORT calibration.

        .WriteString "*OPC?", True     'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

        Dummy = .ReadNumber


        MsgBox ("Set Load to Port " & Port & ". then click [OK] button")   'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:LOAD " & Port, True     'Measurement the LOAD calibration.

        .WriteString "*OPC?", True     'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

        Dummy = .ReadNumber

        Port = 2

    Next i


    ' *** Transmission

    If NumPort = 2 Then

        MsgBox ("Set Thru to Ports 1 and 2. then click [OK] button")   'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:THRU 1,2", True     'Measurement the THRU calibration.

        .WriteString "*OPC?", True     'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

        Dummy = .ReadNumber

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:THRU 2,1", True     'Measurement the THRU calibration.

        .WriteString "*OPC?", True     'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

        Dummy = .ReadNumber

    End If


    ' *** Isolation Calibration

    If Isolation = "Yes" And NumPort = 2 Then

         MsgBox ("Set Loads on Ports 1 and 2. then click [OK] button")   'Display the message box.

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:SOLT2 1,2", True

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:ISOL 1,2", True

        .WriteString "*OPC?", True    'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

        Dummy = .ReadNumber

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:METH:SOLT2 2,1", True

        .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:ISOL 2,1", True

        .WriteString "*OPC?", True    'Reads the *OPC? result to wait the calibration end

        Dummy = .ReadNumber

    End If

    .WriteString ":SENS" & Ch & ":CORR:COLL:SAVE", True   'Calculating the calibration coefficients


    End With

End Sub