VB Script: Using Echo Window

Other topics about Sample Application Program


This sample program demonstrates the following operation.

  1. Activate Marker 1.

  2. Search Max point.

  3. Display the marker value in the echo window.

To use this sample:

  1. Copy the following code into a Notepad file.

  2. Save the file on the analyzer storage in the D: folder. Name the file as "echoMarker.vbs"

  3. Double-click the file to execute.

Sample Program


dim ena

set ena = CreateObject("E5070.Application")

ena.scpi.display.table.state = true

ena.scpi.display.table.type = "echo"


ena.scpi.calculate.selected.marker(1).state = true


ena.scpi.calculate.selected.marker(1).function.type ="maximum"


axisx = ena.scpi.calculate.selected.marker(1).x

axisy = ena.scpi.calculate.selected.marker(1).y

ena.scpi.display.echo.data = cstr(axisx)

ena.scpi.display.echo.data = cstr(axisy(0))