Property (Read Only)
All revision:
Data = SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.MSTatistics.DATA
In revision A.9.60 and above, the following syntax is also supported:
Data = SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).TRACe(Tr).MSTatistics.DATA
This command reads the statistics values of the active trace of selected channel (Ch). The statistical values contains: mean value, standard deviation and the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value.
In revision A.9.60 and above, you can select the trace and read the statistics values of the trace just by executing the above TRACe(Tr) command. You do not need to execute SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter(Tr).SELect.
Parameter |
Data |
Description |
Indicates 3-element array data (statistics value).
The index of the array starts from 0. |
Data type |
Variant type (Variant) |
Dim MstData As Variant
MstData = SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.MSTatistics.DATA
No equivalent key is available on the front panel.
All revision:
In revision A.9.60 and above, the following syntax is also supported:
{numeric 1},{numeric 2},{numeric 3}<newline><^END>
Description |
{numeric 1} |
Mean value |
{numeric 2} |
Standard deviation |
{numeric 3} |
Difference between the maximum value and the minimum value (Peak to Peak) |
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