Property (Read-Write)
All revision:
SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.TRANsform.TIME.STATe = Status
Status = SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.TRANsform.TIME.STATe
In revision A.9.60 and above, the following syntax is also supported:
SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).TRACe(Tr).TRANsform.TIME.STATe = Status
Status = SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).TRACe(Tr).TRANsform.TIME.STATe
This command turns ON/OFF the transformation function of the time domain function, for the active trace of selected channel (Ch).
You can enable the transformation function only when the sweep type is the linear sweep and the number of points is three or more. If you execute this object to try to enable the transformation function when the sweep type is other than the linear sweep or the number of points is less than three, an error occurs and the object is ignored.
When the sweep type is the power sweep, you cannot turn on the transformation function. If you execute this object trying to turn on the transformation function during the power sweep, an error occurs and the object is ignored.
In revision A.9.60 and above, you can select the trace and turn ON/OFF the transformation function of the time domain function, for the trace just by executing the above TRACe(Tr) command. You do not need to execute SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter(Tr).SELect.
Parameter |
Status |
Description |
ON/OFF of the gating function |
Data type |
Boolean type (Boolean) |
Range |
Select from the following:
Preset value |
False or OFF |
Dim Trans As Boolean
SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.TRANsform.TIME.STATe = True
Trans = SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.TRANsform.TIME.STATe
Analysis > Transform > Transform
All revision:
:CALCulate{[1]-160}[:SELected]:TRANsform:TIME:STATe {ON|OFF|1|0}
In revision A.9.60 and above, the following syntax is also supported:
:CALCulate{[1]-160}:TRACe{[1]-16}:TRANsform:TIME:STATe {ON|OFF|1|0}
30 ENTER 717;A