Analysis Using Fixture Simulator

Other topics about Analyzing Data


The Fixture Simulator provides the following functions:

Before you can use any of the features listed above, you must turn on the desired feature individually and issue the following command to turn on the Fixture Simulator:


Matching Circuit Embedding

The Matching Circuit feature simulates the characteristics that the DUT would exhibit when connected to a matching circuit.


To turn on or off the Matching Circuit, use the following command:


You can only turn on or off Matching Circuit for all the ports, not for each port individually. However, any port whose circuit type is set to "None" behaves as if this feature were permanently off.

Configuring the Matching Circuit Settings

To select a circuit type, use the following command:


To set the circuit constant, use the following commands:

Circuit constant










When you want to use a user file to define the circuit type, specify the file by using the following command:


Port Impedance Conversion

The Port Impedance Conversion feature converts the measurement results with a port impedance of 50 ohm to the characteristics of a different port impedance.


To turn on or off Port Impedance Conversion, use the following command:


You can only turn on or off Port Impedance Conversion for all of the ports, not for each port individually. However, any port with ZO set to 50 ohm behaves as if this feature were permanently off.

Setting the Z0 Value

To set the target port impedance, use the following command:




Network De-embedding

The Network De-embedding feature eliminates any network that can cause error between the calibration level and the DUT.


To turn on or off Network De-embedding, use the following command:


You can only turn on or off Network De-embedding for all of the ports, not for each port individually. However, any port whose Network De-embedding type is set to "None" behaves as if this feature were permanently off.

Selecting a Type

To select a Network De-embedding type, use the following command:


Specifying the File

To specify the file that defines the criteria for Network De-embedding, use the following command:


4-Port Network Embedding/De-embedding

The 4-port Network Embedding/De-embedding feature is provided to embed or de-embed a network (defined in a 4-port touchstone file) between the calibration surface and the DUT.


To turn on or off the 4-port network embedding/de-embedding feature, use the following command:


Setting Topology (connection method between analyzer and DUT)

To select a connection type, use the following command:


Connection type

To assign the ports (ports a through d in Connection_type), use the appropriate command that matches your selected connection type, as identified in the following table:

Connection type








Selecting Processing Type (embedding/de-embedding)

To select a network processing type, use the following command:


Specifying File

To select a file that defines the criteria for network embedding/de-embedding, use the following command:


Balance-Unbalance Conversion

The Balance-Unbalance Conversion feature converts the measurement results obtained in an unbalanced state to the characteristics of a balanced state. You can select mixed mode S parameter, balance and CMRR as the measurement parameter when you turn on Balance-Unbalance Conversion.


You can turn on or off Balance-Unbalance Conversion for each trace individually. To turn on or off Balance-Unbalance Conversion, use the following command:


Setting the Topology

To select a balance device type, use the following command:



Balance device type

To assign the ports (ports a through d in Balance_device_type), use the command that matches your selected device type, as identified in the following table:

Device Type


Unbalance-balance (SBALanced)


Balance-balance (BBALanced)


Unbalance-unbalance-balance (SSBalanced)



Selecting the Measurement Parameter

To select the measurement parameter, use the command that matches your selected device type, as identified in the following table:

Device Type



:CALC{1-36}:FSIM:BAL:PAR{1-36} :SBAL


:CALC{1-36}:FSIM:BAL:PAR{1-36} :BBAL


:CALC{1-36}:FSIM:BAL:PAR{1-36} :SSB

Differential Matching Circuit Embedding

The Differential Matching Circuit Embedding feature simulates the characteristics the DUT would exhibit if a balance-unbalance converted differential port were connected to a matching circuit after being subjected to balance-unbalance conversion.


To turn on or off Differential Matching Circuit Embedding, use the following command:


You can only turn on or off Differential Matching Circuit Embedding for all of the ports, not for each balance port individually. However, any balance port whose circuit type is set to "None" behaves as if this feature were permanently off.

Configuring the Matching Circuit Settings

To select a circuit type, use the following command:


To set the circuit constant, use the following commands:

Circuit constant










When you want to use a user file to define the circuit type, specify the file using the following command:


Differential Port Impedance Conversion

The Differential Port Impedance Conversion feature converts the measurement results for a balance-unbalance converted differential port to the characteristics of a different port impedance.


To turn on or off Differential Port Impedance Conversion, use the following command:


You can only turn on or off Differential Port Impedance Conversion for all of the balance ports, not for each port individually.

Setting the Z0 Value

To set the target differential port impedance, use the following command:




Sample Program

See Fixture Simulator.