Other topics about Sample Programs
This program that demonstrates how to perform power calibration.
This program, as shown in the figure below, is run by making connections between the E5071C and the power meter (E4418B) through the USB/GPIB interface and between the E5071C and the external controller through the GPIB cable. Then the program executes the power calibration of the E5071C by using the power sensor (E4412A). The obtained power calibration data array is saved into a file.
Connecting E5071C, power meter, and external controller
See Power Calibration for this programming.
Sub pow_cal_Click()
Dim defrm As Long
Dim vi As Long
Dim SwpType As String, StartPower As String, StopPower As String, CwFreq As String
Dim Nop As Long, NumOfAve As String, Limit As Double, CorrData() As Double
Dim Result As String * 10000, OpcRes As String * 2, Res As Variant
Dim i As Long, Stat As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim err As String * 50, ErrNo As Variant
Const TimeOutTime = 50000 ' TimeOut time should be greater than the measurement time.
' Assign a GPIB address to the I/O pass.
Call viOpenDefaultRM(defrm)
Call viOpen(defrm, "GPIB0::17::INSTR", 0, 0, vi)
Call viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, TimeOutTime)
SwpType = "POW" ' Sweep type : POWER
Nop = 21 ' Number of points : 41
StartPower = "-20" ' Start Power : -20 dBm
StopPower = "-10" ' Stop Power : -10 dBm
CwFreq = "1E9" ' CW frequency : 1 GHz
NumOfAve = "4" ' Number of averaging : 4
Limit = 10 ' Limit for corrected data : 10 dBm
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SYST:PRES" + vbLf, 0) ' Presetting the analyzer
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SYST:COMM:GPIB:PMET:ADDR 13" + vbLf, 0) ' Setting GPIB address of the power meter to ENA
' Setting measurement conditions
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS1:SWE:TYPE " & SwpType & vbLf, 0)
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS1:SWE:POIN " & CStr(Nop) & vbLf, 0)
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SOUR1:POW:STAR " & StartPower & vbLf, 0)
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SOUR1:POW:STOP " & StopPower & vbLf, 0)
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SENS1:FREQ " & CwFreq & vbLf, 0)
Stat = MsgBox("Do you perform zeroing and calibrating the power sensor?", vbYesNo)
If Stat = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Zero and calibrate the power sensor by using the power meter, then press [OK] key.", vbOKOnly
End If
' Connecting the power sensor A to the port-1 of ENA
Call viVPrintf(vi, "*CLS" + vbLf, 0)
Stat = MsgBox("Set the power sensor connected to the port 1 in the ENA, then press [OK] key.", vbOKOnly)
' Performing power calibration measurement
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SOUR1:POW:PORT1:CORR:COLL:AVER " & NumOfAve & vbLf, 0)
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SOUR1:POW:PORT1:CORR:COLL ASEN" + vbLf, 0)
Call viVPrintf(vi, "*OPC?" + vbLf, 0)
Call viVScanf(vi, "%t", OpcRes)
' Error hnadling at power meter measurement
Call viVQueryf(vi, ":SYST:ERR?" & vbLf, "%t", err)
ErrNo = Split(err, ",")
If Val(ErrNo(0)) = 0 Then
ReDim CorrData(Nop)
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":FORM:DATA ASC" + vbLf, 0)
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":SOUR1:POW:PORT1:CORR:DATA?" + vbLf, 0)
Call viVScanf(vi, "%t", Result)
Res = Split(Result, ",")
If fnLim(vi, Nop, Limit, Res) Then
MsgBox "Power meter calibration measurement is complete.", vbOKOnly
For i = 1 To Nop
Cells(i + 5, 2) = i
Cells(i + 5, 3) = Res(i - 1)
Next i
GoTo ReCalibration
End If
MsgBox "Error", vbOKOnly
GoTo ReCalibration
End If
Call viClose(vi)
Call viClose(defrm)
Exit Sub
Stat = MsgBox("Do you perform the power meter calibration measurement again?", vbYesNo)
If Stat = vbYes Then
GoTo MeasStart
GoTo ProgEnd
End If
End Sub
Function fnLim(vi As Long, Nop As Long, Limit As Double, Res As Variant) As Boolean
For i = 1 To Nop
If Abs(Res(i - 1)) > Limit Then
Call viVPrintf(vi, "SOUR1:POW:PORT1:CORR OFF" + vbLf, 0)
MsgBox "The corrected data is out of limit!", vbOKOnly
fnLim = False
Exit Function
End If
Next i
fnLim = True
End Function
10 DIM Swp_type$[11],Inp_char$[9],Buff$[9],Err_mes$[50],File$[20]
20 DIM Corr_data(1:1601)
30 REAL Start_p,Stop_p,Cw_freq,Limit
40 INTEGER Nop,Pow_rang,Num_avg,Err_no,Verifier,Data_size,I
60 !
70 ASSIGN @Agte507x TO 717
80 !
90 Swp_type$="POW" !Sweep type : POWER
100 Nop=41 !Number of points : 41
110 Pow_rang=0 !Power Range :-20 to +12 dBm
120 Start_p=-2.0E+1 !Start Power :-20 dBm
130 Stop_p=-1.0E+1 !Stop Power :-10 dBm
140 Cw_freq=1.0E+9 !CW frequency : 1 GHz
150 Num_avg=4 !Number of averaging : 4
160 Limit=10 !limit for corrected data : 10 dBm
170 !
180 ! Presetting the analyzer
190 !
200 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SYST:PRES"
210 !
220 ! Setting GPIB address of the power meter to E5071C
230 !
250 !
260 ! Setting measurement conditions
270 !
280 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SENS1:SWE:TYPE "&Swp_type$
290 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SENS1:SWE:POIN ";Nop
300 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SOUR1:POW:ATT ";Pow_rang
310 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SOUR1:POW:STAR ";Start_p
320 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SOUR1:POW:STOP ";Stop_p
330 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SENS1:FREQ ";Cw_freq
340 !
350 PRINT "Do you perform zeroing and calibrating the power sensor?"
370 INPUT "[Y/N]",Inp_char$
380 IF UPC$(Inp_char$)="Y" THEN
390 PRINT "Zero and calibrate the power sensor by using the power meter, then press [Enter] key."
410 INPUT "",Inp_char$
420 END IF
430 !
440 Meas_start: !
450 !
460 ! Connecting the power sensor to the port 1 in the ENA
470 !
480 OUTPUT @Agte507x;"*CLS"
490 PRINT "Set the power sensor connected to the port 1 in the ENA, then press [Enter] key."
510 INPUT "",Inp_char$
520 !
530 ! Performing power calibration measurement
540 !
550 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SOUR1:POW:PORT1:CORR:COLL:AVER ";Num_avg
570 OUTPUT @Agte507x;"*OPC?"
580 ENTER @Agte507x;Buff$
590 !
600 ! Error hnadling at power meter measurement
610 !
620 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":SYST:ERR?"
630 ENTER @Agte507x;Err_no,Err_mes$
640 !
650 IF Err_no=0 THEN
660 REDIM Corr_data(1:Nop)
670 OUTPUT @Agte507x;":FORM:DATA ASC"
690 ENTER @Agte507x;Corr_data(*)
700 Verifier=FNLim(@Agte507x,Nop,Limit,Corr_data(*))
710 IF Verifier=-1 THEN
720 PRINT "Do you perform the power meter calibration measurement again?"
740 INPUT "[Y/N]",Inp_char$
750 IF UPC$(Inp_char$)="Y" THEN GOTO Meas_start
760 IF UPC$(Inp_char$)<>"Y" THEN GOTO Prog_stop
770 END IF
780 PRINT "Power meter calibration measurement is complete."
800 ELSE
810 PRINT "Error: "&Err_mes$
830 PRINT "Do you perform the power meter calibration measurement again?"
850 INPUT "[Y/N]",Inp_char$
860 IF UPC$(Inp_char$)="Y" THEN GOTO Meas_start
870 IF UPC$(Inp_char$)<>"Y" THEN GOTO Prog_stop
880 END IF
890 !
900 ! Installing the corrected data to a file
910 !
920 File$="CORR_DATA"
930 Data_size=Nop*8
940 ON ERROR GOTO Skip_purge
950 PURGE File$
960 Skip_purge: OFF ERROR
970 PRINT "The file installing power correction data: "&File$
990 CREATE File$,Data_size
1000 ASSIGN @File TO File$;FORMAT ON
1010 FOR I=1 TO Nop
1020 OUTPUT @File USING "3D,3X,MD.4DE";I,Corr_data(I)
1030 NEXT I
1040 ASSIGN @File TO *
1050 !
1060 PRINT "Installing the corrected data to the file is DONE."
1070 !
1080 GOTO Prog_end
1090 !
1100 Prog_stop: !
1110 PRINT "Program Interruption"
1120 !
1130 Prog_end: !
1140 !
1150 END
1160 !
1170 ! Limit Test Function for the Corrected Data
1180 !
1190 DEF FNLim(@Agte507x,INTEGER Nop,REAL Limit,REAL Corr_data(*))
1210 !
1220 FOR I=1 TO Nop
1230 IF ABS(Corr_data(I))>Limit THEN
1250 PRINT "The corrected data is out of limit!"
1260 PRINT
1270 RETURN -1
1280 GOTO Fn_exit
1290 END IF
1300 NEXT I
1310 !
1320 RETURN 0
1330 !
1340 Fn_exit: !
1350 !
1360 FNEND