Other topics about Controlling E5071C
This chapter uses sample programs to demonstrate how to trigger the instrument to start a new measurement cycle and how to detect the end of a measurement cycle. The trigger system is responsible for such tasks as detecting the start of a measurement cycle (triggering) and enabling/disabling measurement on each channel.
You can detect the end of measurement by using either the status register or the SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.SINGle object.
The status of the E5071C can be detected through the status register. If your program is based on SPCI commands, you can use SRQ (Service Request) interrupts to detect the end of measurement.
On the other hand, if your program is based on COM objects, SRQ interrupts are not available; instead, you can use the following object to suspend the program until SRQs are generated upon completion of measurement.
Sample program is available to download from the Keysight Support page, named meas_srq.vba, that demonstrates how to use the status register to suspend the program until the end of measurement. This VBA program consists of the following modules:
Object name |
Module type |
Content |
frmSrqMeas |
UserForm |
Uses the status register to wait for the end of measurement. |
mdlSrqMeas |
Standard module |
Invokes a UserForm. |
This sample program correctly runs when the maximum number of chanĀnels/traces is set 9 channels/9 traces.
When you run this VBA program, the following UserForm appears.
The UserForm when running the meas_srq.vba program
For how to use each element, see the following description.
The program turns on/off Continuous Activation mode for each channel and determines whether to enable or disable each channel for measurement.
The program triggers the instrument to start a new measurement cycle, waits for the end of measurement, and then displays a message. For detail, see the description of the code window.
The program exits, and the UserForm disappears.
In Visual Basic Editor, open the UserForm (object name: frmSrqMeas), and double-click the Meas or Exit button to bring up the code window. The following is the description of the subprograms associated with the respective buttons.
Procedure called when the user clicks the Exit button on the UserForm (lines 10 to 50)
Unloads the UserForm from the memory, and terminates the program.
Procedure called when the user clicks the Meas button on the UserForm (lines 70 to 390)
Hides the UserForm (object name: frmSrqMeas) from the screen.
Displays 9 channel windows.
Sets the trigger source to "bus".
These lines turn on or off Continuous Activation mode for each channel depending on whether the corresponding option buttons are on or off. By default, the mode is turned on for channel 1 only.
These lines configure the instrument so that operation status event register's bit 4 is set to 1 only when operation status condition register's bit 4 is changed from 1 to 0 (negative transition).
Enables the operation status event register's bit 4.
Enables the status byte register's bit 7.
Clears the status byte register and operation status event register.
Triggers the instrument to start a measurement cycle.
Verifies that the instrument is in a measurement cycle, and suspends the program until the end of measurement. The time-out is set to 100 seconds (maximum value).
These lines display a measurement completion message upon detecting the end of measurement.
Displays the UserForm (object name :frmSrqMeas) on the screen.
Using SRQs to detect the end of measurement (object name: frmSrqMeas)
10| Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
30| Unload Me
50| End Sub
70| Private Sub cmdMeas_Click()
90| Dim Cond As Boolean
110| frmSrqMeas.Hide
130| SCPI.DISPlay.Split = "d123_456_789"
140| SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.Source = "bus"
160| SCPI.INITiate(1).CONTinuous = optOn1.Value
170| SCPI.INITiate(2).CONTinuous = optOn2.Value
180| SCPI.INITiate(3).CONTinuous = optOn3.Value
190| SCPI.INITiate(4).CONTinuous = optOn4.Value
200| SCPI.INITiate(5).CONTinuous = optOn5.Value
210| SCPI.INITiate(6).CONTinuous = optOn6.Value
220| SCPI.INITiate(7).CONTinuous = optOn7.Value
230| SCPI.INITiate(8).CONTinuous = optOn8.Value
240| SCPI.INITiate(9).CONTinuous = optOn9.Value
260| SCPI.STATus.OPERation.PTRansition = 0
270| SCPI.STATus.OPERation.NTRansition = 16
280| SCPI.STATus.OPERation.ENABle = 16
290| SCPI.IEEE4882.SRE = 128
300| SCPI.IEEE4882.CLS
310| SCPI.IEEE4882.TRG
320| WaitOnSRQ Cond, 100000
330| If Cond = True Then
340| MsgBox "Measurement Completion"
350| End If
370| frmSrqMeas.Show
390| End Sub
When you trigger the instrument by issuing the SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.SINGle object, you can use the SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC object to suspend the program until the end of measurement.
The sample program is available to download from the Keysight Support page, named "meas_sing.vba", that demonstrates how to use the SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.SINGle object to suspend the program until the end of measurement. This VBA program consists of the following modules:
Object name |
Module type |
Content |
frmSingMeas |
UserForm |
Uses the SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.SINGle and SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC objects to suspend the program until the end of measurement. |
mdlSingMeas |
Standard module |
Invokes a UserForm. |
This sample program correctly runs when the maximum number of chanĀnels/traces is set 9 channels/9 traces.
When you run this VBA program, a Userform appears.
In Visual Basic Editor, open the UserForm (object name:frmSingMeas), and double-click the Meas or Exit button to bring up the code window. The following is the description of the subprograms associated with the respective buttons.
Procedure called when the user clicks the Exit button on the UserForm (lines 10 to 50)
Unloads the UserForm from the memory, and terminates the program.
Procedure called when the user clicks the Meas button on the UserForm (lines 70 to 330)
Hides the UserForm (object name: frmSingMeas) from the screen.
Displays 9 channel windows.
Sets the trigger source to "bus".
These lines turn on or off Continuous Activation mode for each channel depending on whether the corresponding option buttons are on or off. By default, the mode is turned on for channel 1 only.
Triggers the instrument to start a measurement cycle.
Executes the SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC object to suspend the program until the value of 1 is returned indicating the end of measurement.
Displays a measurement completion message.
Displays the UserForm (object name: frmSingMeas) on the screen.
Using the SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.SINGle object to suspend the program until the end of measurement (object name:frmSingMeas)
10| Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
30| Unload Me
50| End Sub
70| Private Sub cmdMeas_Click()
90| Dim Dmy As Long
110| frmSingMeas.Hide
130| SCPI.DISPlay.Split = "d123_456_789"
140| SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.Source = "bus"
160| SCPI.INITiate(1).CONTinuous = optOn1.Value
170| SCPI.INITiate(2).CONTinuous = optOn2.Value
180| SCPI.INITiate(3).CONTinuous = optOn3.Value
190| SCPI.INITiate(4).CONTinuous = optOn4.Value
200| SCPI.INITiate(5).CONTinuous = optOn5.Value
210| SCPI.INITiate(6).CONTinuous = optOn6.Value
220| SCPI.INITiate(7).CONTinuous = optOn7.Value
230| SCPI.INITiate(8).CONTinuous = optOn8.Value
240| SCPI.INITiate(9).CONTinuous = optOn9.Value
260| SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.SINGle
270| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC
290| MsgBox "Measurement Completion"
310| frmSingMeas.Show
330| End Sub