These commands are for setting up ripple tests.
CALCulate:MEASure:RLIMit DISPlay | LINE | STATe | SELect | TYPe REPort | DATA |
Click a keyword to view the command details.
See Also
Learn about Ripple tests
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets or returns the ripple limit table for the active trace of selected channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<data> |
Indicates the array data (for ripple line) of 1 + Num (number of limit lines)* 4. Where n is an integer between 1 and Num.
Specify an integer 0 to 1 as follows. 0: OFF 1: ON
The index of the array starts from 0. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:RLIMit:DATA? |
Return Type |
Variant type Array |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Turns ON/OFF the ripple limit line display, for the active trace of selected channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<bool> |
ON or 1 - Turns limit testing ON. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:RLIMit:DISPLay:LINE:STATe? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets or gets the ripple limit band for ripple value display for selected channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<band> |
1 to 12 |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS:RLIM:DISP:RIPP:SEL calculate2:measure2:rlimit:display:ripple:select |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:RLIMit:DISPlay:SELect? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
1 |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets/gets the display type of ripple value for the active trace of selected channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<typ> |
Select from the following:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:RLIMit:DISPLay:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: All (Read-only) Read the ripple test result for the active trace. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<bool> |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:RLIMit:FAIL? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Read-only) Reads the ripple value of the ripple test for the active trace. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<data> |
{numeric 1} ... {numeric NOP×3+1}<newline><^END> NOP is the number of measurement points.
Examples |
CALC:MEAS:RLIM:REP:DATA? calculate2:measure2:rlimit:report:data? |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:RLIMit:REPort:DATA? |
Return Type |
Variant |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Turns ON/OFF the ripple test function for the active trace of selected channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<bool> |
ON (or 1) - turns limit testing ON. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:RLIMit:STATe? |
Return Type |
Boolean |