A command error indicates that the test set's GPIB parser has detected an IEEE 488.2 syntax error. When one of these errors is generated, the command error bit in the event status register is set.
-100 |
std_command |
Command - This event bit (Bit 5) indicates a syntax error, or a semantic error, or a GET command was entered, see IEEE 488.2, |
-101 |
std_invalidChar |
Invalid character - Indicates a syntactic elements contains a character which is invalid for that type. |
-102 |
std_syntax |
Syntax - Indicates that an unrecognized command or data type was encountered. For example, a string was received when the device does not accept strings. |
-103 |
std_invalidSeparator |
Invalid separator - The parser was expecting a separator and encountered an illegal character. For example, the semicolon was omitted after a program message unit. |
-104 |
std_wrongParamType |
Data type -The parser recognized a data element different than one allowed. For example, numeric or string data was expected but block data was encountered. |
-105 |
std_GETNotAllowed |
GET not allowed - Indicates a Group Execute Trigger was received within a program message. Correct the program so that the GET does not occur within the program code. |
-108 |
std_tooManyParameters |
Parameter not allowed - Indicates that more parameters were received than expected for the header. For example, *ESE common command only accepts one parameter, so *ESE 0,1 is not allowed. |
-109 |
std_tooFewParameters |
Missing parameter - Indicates that less parameters were received than required for the header. For example, *ESE requires one parameter, *ESE is not allowed. |
-110 |
std_cmdHeader |
Command header - Indicates an error was detected in the header. This error is used when the device cannot detect the more specific errors -111 through -119. |
-111 |
std_headerSeparator |
Header separator - Indicates that a character that is not a legal header separator was encountered while parsing the header. |
-112 |
std_IDTooLong |
Program mnemonic too long - Indicates that the header contains more that twelve characters, see IEEE 488.2, |
-113 |
std_undefinedHeader |
Undefined header - Indicates the header is syntactically correct, but it is undefined for this specific device. For example, *XYZ is not defined for any device. |
-114 |
std_suffixOutOfRange |
Header suffix out of range - Indicates the value of a header suffix attached to a program mnemonic makes the header invalid. |
-120 |
std_numericData |
Numeric data - This error, as well as errors |
-121 |
std_invalidCharInNumber |
Invalid character in number - Indicates an invalid character for the data type being parsed was encountered. For example, an alpha in a decimal numeric or a "9" in octal data. |
-123 |
std_exponentTooLarge |
Exponent too large - Indicates the magnitude of an exponent was greater than 32000, see IEEE 488.2, |
-124 |
std_decimalTooLong |
Too many digits - Indicates the mantissa of a decimal numeric data element contained more than 255 digits excluding leading zeros, see IEEE 488.2, |
-128 |
std_numericNotAllowed |
Numeric data not allowed - Indicates that a legal numeric data element was received, but the device does not accept one in this position for the header. |
-130 |
std_suffix |
Suffix - This error, as well as errors -131 through -139, are generated when parsing a suffix. This particular error message is used if the device cannot detect a more specific error. |
-131 |
std_badSuffix |
Invalid suffix - Indicates the suffix does not follow the syntax described in IEEE 488.2,, or the suffix is inappropriate for this device. |
-134 |
std_suffixTooLong |
Suffix too long - Indicates the suffix contain more than 12 characters, see IEEE 488.2, |
-138 |
std_suffixNotAllowed |
Suffix not allowed - Indicates that a suffix was encountered after a numeric element that does not allow suffixes. |
-140 |
std_charData |
Character data - This error, as well as errors |
-141 |
std_invalidCharData |
Invalid character data - Indicates that the character data element contains an invalid character or the particular element received is not valid for the header. |
-144 |
std_charDataTooLong |
Character data too long - Indicates the character data element contains more than twelve characters, see IEEE 488.2, |
-148 |
std_charNotAllowed |
Character data not allowed - Indicates a legal character data element was encountered where prohibited by the device. |
-150 |
std_stringData |
String data - This error, as well as errors |
-151 |
std_stringInvalid |
Invalid string data - Indicates that a string data element was expected, but was invalid, see IEEE 488.2, For example, an END message was received before the terminal quote character. |
-158 |
std_stringNotAllowed |
String data not allowed - Indicates that a string data element was encountered but was not allowed by the device at this point in parsing. |
-160 |
std_blockData |
Block data - This error, as well as errors -161 through -169, are generated when parsing a block data element. This particular error message is used if the device cannot detect a more specific error. |
-161 |
std_badBlock |
Invalid block data - Indicates a block data element was expected, but was invalid, see IEEE 488.2, For example, and END message was received before the end length was satisfied. |
-168 |
std_blockNotAllowed |
Block data not allowed - Indicates a legal block data element was encountered, but not allowed by the device at this point in parsing. |
-170 |
std_expr |
Expression - This error, as well as errors -171 through -179, are generated when parsing an expression data element. This particular error message is used if the device cannot detect a more specific error. |
-171 |
std_invalidExpression |
Invalid expression - Indicates the expression data element was invalid, see IEEE 488.2, For example, unmatched parentheses or an illegal character. |
-178 |
std_exprNotAllowed |
Expression data not allowed - Indicates a legal expression data was encountered, but was not allowed by the device at this point in parsing. |
-180 |
std_macro |
Macro - This error, as well as error -181 through -189, are generated when defining a macro or execution a macro. This particular error message is used if the device cannot detect a more specific error. |
-181 |
std_validOnlyInsideMacro |
Invalid outside macro definition - Indicates that a macro parameter place holder was encountered outside of a macro definition. |
-183 |
std_invalidWithinMacro |
Invalid inside macro definition - Indicates that the program message unit sequence, sent with a *DDT or a *DMC command, is syntactically invalid, see IEEE 488.2, |
-184 |
std_macroParm |
Macro parameter - Indicates that a command inside the macro definition had the wrong number or type of parameters. |
These errors are generated when something occurs that is incorrect in the current state of the instrument. These errors may be generated by a user action from either the remote or the manual user interface
-200 |
std_execGen |
Execution - This event bit (Bit 4) indicates a PROGRAM DATA element following a header was outside the legal input range or otherwise inconsistent with the device's capabilities, see IEEE 488.2, |
-201 |
std_invalidWhileInLocal |
Invalid while in local |
-202 |
std_settingsLost |
Settings lost due to rtl |
-203 |
std_commandProtected |
Command protected - Indicates that a legal password-protected program command or query could not be executed because the command was disabled. |
-210 |
std_trigger |
Trigger |
-211 |
std_triggerIgnored |
Trigger ignored |
-212 |
std_armIgnored |
Arm ignored |
-213 |
std_initIgnored |
Init ignored |
-214 |
std_triggerDeadlock |
Trigger deadlock |
-215 |
std_armDeadlock |
Arm deadlock |
-220 |
std_parm |
Parameter - Indicates that a program data element related error occurred. |
-221 |
std_settingsConflict |
Settings conflict - Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed due to the current device state. |
-222 |
std_dataOutOfRange |
Data out of range - Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed because the interpreted value was outside the legal range defined by the devices |
-223 |
std_tooMuchData |
Too much data - Indicates that a legal program data element of block, expression, or string type was received that contained more data than the device could handle due to memory or related device-specific requirements. |
-224 |
std_illegalParmValue |
Illegal parameter value - Indicates that the value selected was not part of the list of values given. |
-225 |
std_noMemoryForOp |
Out of memory - The device has insufficient memory to perform the requested operation. |
-226 |
std_listLength |
Lists not same length - Attempted to use LIST structure having individual LIST's of unequal lengths. |
-230 |
std_dataCorruptOrStale |
Data corrupt or stale - Indicates invalid data, a new reading started but not completed since the last access. |
-231 |
std_dataQuestionable |
Data questionable - Indicates that measurement accuracy is suspect. |
-232 |
std_invalidFormat |
Invalid format |
-233 |
std_invalidVersion |
Invalid version - Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed because the version of the data is incorrect to the device. For example, a not supported file version, a not supported instrument version. |
-240 |
std_hardware |
Hardware - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because of a hardware problem in the device. |
-241 |
std_hardwareMissing |
Hardware missing - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because of missing device hardware. For example, an option was not installed. |
-250 |
std_massStorage |
Mass storage - Indicates that a mass storage error occurred. The device cannot detect the more specific errors described for errors -251 through -259. |
-251 |
std_missingMassStorage |
Missing mass storage - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because of missing mass storage. |
-252 |
std_missingMedia |
Missing media - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because of missing media. For example, no disk. |
-253 |
std_corruptMedia |
Corrupt media - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because of corrupt media. For example, bad disk or wrong format. |
-254 |
std_mediaFull |
Media full- Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because the media is full. For example, there is no room left on the disk. |
-255 |
std_directoryFull |
Directory full - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because the media directory was full. |
-256 |
std_fileNotFound |
File name not found - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because the file name was not found on the media. |
-257 |
std_fileName |
File name - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because the file name on the device media was in error. For example, an attempt was made to read or copy a nonexistent file. |
-258 |
std_mediaProtected |
Media protected - Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed becuse the media was protected. For example, the write-protect switch on a memory card was set. |
-260 |
std_expression |
Expression |
-261 |
std_math |
Math in expression |
-270 |
std_macroExecution |
Macro - Indicates that a macro related execution error occurred. |
-271 |
std_macroSyntax |
Macro syntax - Indicates that a syntactically legal macro program data sequence, according to IEEE 488.2, 10.7.2, could not be executed due to a syntax error within the macro definition. |
-272 |
std_macroExec |
Macro execution - Indicates that a syntactically legal macro program data sequence could not be executed due to some error in the macro definition, see IEEE 488.2, |
-273 |
std_badMacroName |
Illegal macro label - Indicates that the macro label was not accepted, it did not agree with the definition in IEEE 488.2, 10.7.3 |
-274 |
std_macroPlaceholderMa |
cro parameter - Indicates that the macro definition improperly used a macro parameter placeholder, see IEEE 4882, 10.7.3. |
-275 |
std_macroTooLong |
Macro definition too long - Indicates that a syntactically legal macro program data sequence could not be executed because the string of block contents were too long for the device to handle, IEEE 488.2, |
-276 |
std_macroRecursion |
Macro recursion - Indicates that a syntactically legal macro program data sequence count not be executed because it would be recursive, see IEEE 488.2, |
-277 |
std_cantRedefineMacro |
Macro redefinition not allowed - Indicates that redefining an existing macro label, see IEEE 488.2, |
-278 |
std_macroNotFound |
Macro header not found - Indicates that a legal macro label in the *GMS?, see IEEE 488.2, 10.13, could not be executed because the header was not previously defined. |
-280 |
std_program |
Program |
-281 |
std_cantCreateProgram |
Cannot create program |
-282 |
std_illegalProgramName |
Illegal program name |
-283 |
std_illegalVarName |
Illegal variable name |
-284 |
std_programRunning |
Program currently running |
-285 |
std_programSyntax |
Program syntax |
-286 |
std_programRuntime |
Program runtime |
-290 |
std_memoryUse |
Memory use |
-291 |
std_execOutOfMemory |
Out of memory |
-292 |
std_nameNotFound |
Referenced name does not exist |
-293 |
std_nameAlreadyExists |
Referenced name already exists |
-294 |
std_incompatibleType |
Incompatible type |
A device-specific error indicates that the instrument has detected an error that occurred because some operations did not properly complete, possibly due to an abnormal hardware or firmware condition. For example, an attempt by the user to set an out of range value will generate a device specific error. When one of these errors is generated, the device specific error bit in the event status register is set.
-300 |
std_deviceSpecific |
Device specific - This event bit (Bit 3) indicates that a device operation did not properly complete due to some condition, such as overrange see IEEE 488.2, |
-310 |
std_system |
System |
-311 |
std_memory |
Memory - Indicates some physical fault in the devices memory, such as a parity error. |
-312 |
std_PUDmemoryLost |
PUD memory lost - Indicates protected user data saved by the *PUD command has been lost, see IEEE 488.2, 10.27. |
-313 |
std_calMemoryLost |
Calibration memory lost - Indicates that nonvolatile calibration data used by the *CAL? command has been lost, see IEEE 488.2, 10.2. |
-314 |
std_savRclMemoryLost |
Save/recall memory lost - Indicates that the nonvolatile data saved by the *SAV command has been lost, see IEEE 488.2, 10.33. |
-315 |
std_configMemoryLost |
Configuration memory lost - Indicates that nonvolatile configuration data saved by the device has been lost. |
-320 |
std_storageFault |
Storage fault - Indicates that the firmware detected a fault when using data storage. This is not an indication of physical damage or failure of any mass storage element. |
-321 |
std_outOfMemory |
Out of memory - An internal operation needed more memory than was available |
-330 |
std_selfTestFailed |
Self-test failed - Indicates a problem with the device that is not covered by a specific error message. The device may require service. |
-340 |
std_calFailed |
Calibration failed - Indicates a problem during calibration of the device that is not covered by a specific error. |
-350 |
std_queueOverflow |
Queue overflow - Indicates that there is no room in the queue and an error occurred but was not recorded. This code is entered into the queue in lieu of the code that caused the error. |
-360 |
std_comm |
Communication - This is the generic communication error for devices that cannot detect the more specific errors described for error -361 through -363. |
-361 |
std_parity |
Parity in program message - Parity bit not correct when data received for example, on a serial port. |
-362 |
std_framing |
Framing in program message - A stop bit was not detected when data was received for example, on a serial port (for example, a baud rate mismatch). |
-363 |
std_inputBufferOverrun |
Input buffer overrun - Software or hardware input buffer on serial port overflows with data caused by improper or nonexistent pacing. |
A Query error is generated either when data in the instrument's GPIB output queue has been lost, or when an attempt is being made to read data from the output queue when no output is present or pending.
-400 |
std_queryGen |
Query - This event bit (Bit 2) indicates that an attempt to read data from the Output Queues when no output is present or pending, to data in the Output Queue has been lost see IEEE488.2, |
-410 |
std_interrupted |
Query INTERRUPTED - Indicates the test set has been interrupted by a new program message before it finishes sending a RESPONSE MESSAGE see IEEE 488.2, |
-420 |
std_unterminated |
Query UNTERMINATED - Indicates an incomplete Query in the program see IEEE 488.2, |
-430 |
std_deadlocked |
Query DEADLOCKED - Indicates that the Input Buffer and Output Queue are full see IEEE 488.2, |
-440 |
std_responseNotAllowed |
Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response - Indicates that a query was received in the same program message after a query requesting an indefinite response was executed see IEEE 488.2, |
-500 |
std_powerOn |
Power on |
-600 |
std_userRequest |
User request |
-700 |
std_requestControl |
Request control |
-800 |
std_operationComplete |
Operation complete |
100 |
dupWindNum |
"Duplicate window number" |
101 |
windNumNotFound |
"Window number not found" |
102 |
failedWindCreate |
"Window creation failed" |
103 |
noCalcParamSelection |
"CALC measurement selection set to none" |
104 |
dupMeasName |
"Duplicate measurement name" |
105 |
dataNotFound |
"Requested data not available" |
106 |
measNotFound |
"Requested measurement not found" |
107 |
traceNotFound |
"Requested trace not found" |
108 |
notImplemented |
"Mnemonic not yet implemented" |
109 |
noDocument |
"No measurement container found" |
110 |
dupTraceNum |
"Duplicate trace number" |
111 |
titleStrTooLong |
"Title string exceeds 50 characters" |
112 |
memoryNotFound |
"Requested memory not found" |
113 |
exceedMaxTraces |
"Exceeded the maximum number of traces per window" |
114 |
SerNumNotFound |
"The serial number was not found. Please store the serial number." |
115 |
LoadFailed |
"The state was not loaded. Please check the file name." |
116 |
StoreFailed |
"The state was not stored. Please check the file and path names." |
117 |
File |
"An in the File operation occurred. Please check file and path names." |
118 |
measChanConflict |
"Measurement does not belong to specified channel." |
119 |
exceedMaxWindows |
"Exceeded the maximum number of data windows" |
120 |
markerNotFound |
"The specified marker was not found." |
121 |
diagnostic |
"Diagnostic ." |
122 |
channelNotFound |
"The specified channel was not found." |
123 |
exceedMaxMeasurements |
"Exceeded the maximum number of allowed mesurements." |
124 |
parameterOutOfRange |
"The specified value was out of range." |
125 |
userRangeNotValid |
"The currently selected user range is not valid." |
126 |
referenceMarkerNotFound |
"The reference marker is not active." |
127 |
sweepSegmentNotFound |
"The sweep segment was not found." |
128 |
markerNotDelta |
"The specified marker is not a delta marker." |
129 |
printoutFailed |
"Attempt to output to a printer failed." |
130 |
memory_trace_not_compatible |
"Memory not compatible. Trace Math not applied." |
131 |
trace_math_reset |
"Memory not compatible. Trace Math turned off." |
132 |
hw_read_failed |
"Hardware read failed." |
133 |
hw_write_failed |
"Hardware write failed." |
134 |
dsp_active |
"Failed because DSP was not halted." |
135 |
secure_memory |
"Attempt to access secure memory region." |
136 |
snum_protected |
"The serial number is protected." |
137 |
snum_format_bad |
"The serial number format is bad." |
138 |
snum_already_set |
"The serial number is already set." |
139 |
hw_setting_failed |
"Hardware setting failed." |
140 |
cal_access_failed |
"Calibration data access failed." |
141 |
db_access_failed |
"Database access failed." |
142 |
memory_range_exceeded |
"Command exceeds usable memory range." |
143 |
lost_phase_lock |
"Phase lock has been lost." |
144 |
over_power |
"Detected too much power at input." |
145 |
ee_wrt_failed |
"EEPROM write failed." |
146 |
yig_cal_failed |
"YTO calibration failed." |
147 |
ramp_cal_failed |
"Analog ramp calibration failed." |
148 |
dspcom_bad |
"DSP communication failed." |
149 |
no_license_found |
"Request failed. The required license was not found." |
150 |
argLimited |
"The argument was out of range |
151 |
markerBWNotFound |
"The Marker Bandwidth was not found." |
153 |
peakNotFound |
"The Peak was not found." |
154 |
targetNotFound |
"The Target search value was not found." |
155 |
calNotImpl |
"The Calibration feature requested is not implemented." |
156 |
calClassNotValidForCalType |
"SENS:CORR:CCH measurement selection set to none" |
158 |
calNotValidForConfidenceChe |
"Selected measurement does not have a calibration valid for Confidence Check" |
159 |
invalidPort |
"Specified port is out of range" |
160 |
invalidPortPath |
"ROUT:PATH:DEF:PORT x, y does not match measurement; setting to defaults" |
161 |
ioInvalidWrite |
"Attempted I/O write while port set to read only." |
162 |
ioInvalidRead |
"Attempted I/O read from write only port." |
163 |
calsetNotFound |
"Requested Cal Set was not found in Cal Set Storage." |
164 |
noCalSetSelected |
"There is no Cal Set currently selected for the specified channel." |
165 |
cantDeleteCalSetInUse |
"Cannot delete a Cal Set while it is being used." |
166 |
calsetStimChange |
"Channel stimulus settings changed to match selected Cal Set." |
167 |
exceedMaxCalSets |
"Exceeded the maximum number of cal sets." |
168 |
calCouldNotTurnOn |
"A valid calibration is required before correction can be turned on." |
169 |
standardMeasurementRequired |
"The attempted operation can only be performed on a standard measurement type." |
170 |
noDivisorBuffer |
"A valid divisor buffer is required before normalization can be turned on." |
171 |
InvalidReceiverPowerCalParagraph |
"Receiver power cal requires the measurement to be of unratioed power." |
172 |
ecalCouldNotConfigure |
"Could not configure the Electronic Calibration system. Check to see if the module is plugged into the proper connector." |
173 |
measHasNoMemoryAlg |
"This measurement does not support memory operations" |
174 |
measHasNoNormalizeAlg |
"This measurement does not support normalize operations." |
175 |
userCharacterizationNotFound |
"User characterization was not found in the Electronic Calibration module." |
176 |
measInvalidBufferSize |
"The data provided has an invalid number of points. It could not be stored." |