CALCulate:MEASure:FUNCtion: DOMain | USER | [RANGe] | STARt | STOP |
Click on a Red keyword to view the command details.
See Also
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Read-only) Returns the trace statistic data for the selected statistic type for the specified channel. Select the type of statistic with CALC:FUNC:TYPE. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
Return Type |
Depends on FORM:DATA |
Examples |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Read-Write) Sets the range used to calculate trace statistics. Each channel has 16 user ranges. The x-axis range is specified with the CALC:FUNC:DOM:USER:START and STOP commands. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<range> |
Range number. Choose from: 0 to 16 0 is Full Span of the current x-axis range 1 to 16 are user-specified ranges |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FUNCtion:DOMain:USER[:RANGe]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Full Span |
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Read-Write) Sets the start of the specified user-domain range. To apply this range, use CALC:FUNC:DOM:USER To set the stop of the range, use CALC:FUNC:DOM:USER:STOP. Note: This command does the same as CALC:MARK:FUNC:DOM:USER:STAR |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<range> |
Range number that will receive the start value. Choose an integer between 1 and 16 |
<start> |
Start value of the specified range. Choose a real number between: |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FUNCtion:DOMain:USER:STARt? <range> |
Return Type |
Numeric |
The analyzer's Minimum x-axis value |
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Read-Write) Sets the stop value of the specified user-domain range. To apply this range, use CALC:FUNC:DOM:USER. To set the start of the range, use CALC:FUNC:DOM:USER:START Note: This command does the same as CALC:MARK:FUNC:DOM:USER:STOP |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<range> |
Range number that will receive the stop value. Choose an integer between 1 and 16 |
<stop> |
Stop value of the specified range. Choose a real number between: |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FUNCtion:DOMain:USER:STOP? <range> |
Return Type |
Numeric |
The analyzer's Maximum x-axis value |
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Write-only) For the active trace of specified channel, executes the statistical analysis specified by the CALC:FUNC:TYPE command. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Read-Write) Displays and hides the trace statistics (peak-to-peak, mean, standard deviation) on the screen. The analyzer will display either measurement statistics or Filter Bandwidth statistics; not both. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<bool> |
ON or 1 - Displays trace statistics OFF or 0 - Hides trace statistics |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FUNCtion:STATistics[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Read-Write) Sets statistic TYPE that you can then query using CALC:FUNCtion:DATA?. Note: this command affects only the selected measurement on the specified channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. There must be a selected measurement on the trace. If unspecified, <mnum> is set to 1. |
<char> |
Choose from: PTPeak - the difference between the max and min data points on the trace. STDEV - standard deviation of all data points on the trace MEAN - mean (average) of all data points on the trace MIN - lowest data point on the trace MAX - highest data point on the trace |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FUNCtion:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Character |
PTPeak |
Last modified:
18-May-2016 |
First Release |