Controls External Test Sets (N44xx, E5091A, "Z", and "H" series).
SENSe:MULTiplexer: OUTPut PORT | CATalog? | SELect TSET9 | OUTPut | PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4 |
Click on a Red keyword to view the command details.
See Also
See an example program using these commands.
Learn about External Test Set Control
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets and returns the address for the external test set at the specified ID. This command should be immediately preceded by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
Parameters |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
<address> |
Integer The test set address.
Examples |
SENS:MULT1:TYPE "Z5623A_K66" ' use K66 test set, and reference it through ID 1 SENS:MULT1:ADDR 0 ' first test set in sequence ' All subsequent commands using SENS:MULT1 will refer to this test set |
Query Syntax |
SENSe:MULTiplexer<id>:ADDRess? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets or gets the port selections for all available ports on the specified channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
<string> |
Comma-separated list of port selections, one for each port. Each port selection must correspond to one of the values returned by SENS:MULT:PORT:CAT?. Do NOT include + and - . |
Examples |
' for channel 5 and test set 1, set port 1 to T1, ' port 2 to A, port 3 to R2+, port 4 to R3-. SENS5:MULT1:ALLP "T1,A,R2,R3 " |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:MULTiplexer<id>:ALLPorts? |
Return Type |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Only) Returns a comma-separated list of the external test sets models that are currently supported. Choose one of these items to send SENS:MULT:TYPE. |
Examples |
Return Type |
String |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Only) Returns the total number of ports of the specified test set. Returns 0 if no test set is connected (GPIB test sets only). |
Parameters |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENSe:MULT:TYPE command. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Turns ON and OFF the display of the test set control status bar. This status bar indicates the test set that is being controlled and the current port mappings. This setting is turned ON automatically when the test set is enabled. |
Parameters |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
<bool> |
ON or 1 - Turns ON the display. OFF or 0 - Turns OFF the display. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe:MULTiplexer<id>:DISPlay[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
OFF or 0 |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Only) Returns the number of input ports for the specified test set.
Parameters |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
Examples |
SENS3:MULT1:INC? ' returns the number of input ports for test set 1 on channel 3 |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets and returns the display label for the test set on the specified channel. The label appears in a status bar at the bottom of the VNA display when SENS:MULT:DISP is set to ON. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<string> |
Display label text. |
Examples |
SENS3:MULT:LAB 'High-power output' |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:MULTiplexer:LABel? |
Return Type |
String |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the output port data for specified group with id of the E5092A multiport test set. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<id> |
Id of the external test set either 1 or 2. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
<grp> |
A | B | C | D |
<num> |
An integer specifying the decimal value of the control line. Values are obtained by adding weights from the following table that correspond to individual lines. The output port data range is between 0 to 255 (0=All line are turns OFF and 255 all lines are turn ON).
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:MULTiplexer<id>:OUTPut:<grp>[:DATa]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the output voltage for specified group with id of the E5092A multiport test set. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<id> |
Id of the external test set either 1 or 2. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
<grp> |
A | B | C | D |
<volt> |
Output voltage range for <grp> is between 0 to 5.2V and resolution is 10mV. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:MULTiplexer<id>:OUTPut:<grp>:VOLtage[:DATa]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 V |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the status of HIGH/LOW of all the control lines of the E5091A whose ID is 1 to 2 (id) when measuring selected channel in the measurement using the E5091A. Note: This command is available only for E5091A multiport test set. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
<num> |
An integer specifying the decimal value of the control line. Values are obtained by adding weights from the following table that correspond to individual lines.
Examples |
SENS3:MULT1:OUTP 48 'For Z5623A K64, lines 5 and 6 are OFF; all other lines are set to ON state. |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:MULTiplexer<id>:OUTPut[:DATA]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Only) Returns a comma-separated list of valid port selections for the specified port. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
<pnum> |
Integer - Input port number for which to return valid Output port selections. Read the number of input ports for the test set using SENS:MULT:INC? |
Examples |
SENS:MULT1:PORT3:CAT? ' returns the valid port selections for port 3 |
Return Type |
String |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Write-Only) Sets and returns a port mapping for a single port. If this command creates a conflict with an existing port, the VNA will resolve the conflict. Note: This command is not supported for the Z5623AK44. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENSe:MULT:TYPE command. |
<pnum> |
Integer - Logical port number. |
<string> |
Physical port number. |
Examples |
SENS:MULT1:PORT3:SEL "4" 'sets logical port 3 to physical port 4. |
Return Type |
String |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Enables and disables (ON/OFF) the port mapping and control line output of the specified test set. If the specified test set is not connected or not ON, then setting State ON will report an error. All other properties can be set when the test set is not connected. When this command is set to ON, then the display of the test set status bar (SENS:MULT:DISP) is also set to ON. |
Parameters |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. Must be previously set by the SENS:MULT:TYPE command. |
<bool> |
ON(1) Enables test set control. OFF (0) Disables test set control. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:MULTiplexer<id>:STATe? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
OFF (0) |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Loads a configuration file for the specified type of external test set. This command should be immediately followed by the SENS:MULT:ADDR command. |
Parameters |
<name> |
String The name of the type of test set. Must be one of the items in the list returned by the SENS:MULT:CAT? query. |
<id> |
Id of the external test set. Set by this command. Use consecutive values starting at 1. |
Examples |
SENS:MULT1:TYPE "Z5623AK66" ' use K66 test set, and reference it through ID 1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe:MULTiplexer<id>:TYPe? |
Return Type |
String |
Not Applicable |
Last Modified:
18-May-2016 |
First Release |