Status Command Keywords

The following keywords can be appended to the node or nodes that represent the Status register you want to control.

Learn about Status Registers

SCPI Command Tree


(Read-only) Monitors the conditions as they occur REAL TIME. That is, a condition may occur, and then clear before the condition is read. Reading this register returns a 16-bit decimal weighted number.

:ENABle <bit>

Enables register bits that will monitored using the service request (SRQ) method. (To use the direct read method, you do not have to enable the bit.)

Default value for STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle and STATus:OPERation:ENABle is 0: No bits enabled.

Default value for all other registers :ENABle <bits> is 32767; ALL BITS ENABLED.

Therefore it is ONLY necessary to send the ENABle keyword if you want to DISABLE some conditions. For example, to enable ONLY Trace1 (bit 2) of the LIMIT1 register (disable all other traces) , send: STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit1:ENABle 4


Read the enable register to verify the bits that you enabled. Returns a 16 bit weighted sum of the bits that are enabled.


(Read-only) This is the Default keyword for most registers. Use it to determine if a condition has occured. These bits remain set until they are read or otherwise cleared.

:MAP <bit>,<error>

Associates a bit is the User register with an error number. For example

STATus:QUEStionable:DEFine:USER2:MAP 0,-113

0 is the bit that will be set

-113 is the error

When error -113 "Undefined Header" occurs, bit 0 in the USER2 register will be set to 1.

:NTRansition <bits>

Write-Read - Negative Transition register bits set the condition to be set on the Negative going (True to False) transition. Use this register if you are only interested in a condition changing from True to False.


queries the register to verify that you set a negative transition.

:PTRansition <bits>

Write-Read - Positive Transition register bits set the condition to be set on the False to True transition. Use this register if you are only interested in the change of a condition from False to True.


Queries the register to verify that you set a positive transition.