The General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) is a system of hardware and software that allows you to control test equipment to make measurements quickly and accurately. This topic contains the following information:
Note: All of the topics related to programming assume that you already know how to program, preferably using a language that can control instruments.
Other Topics about GPIB Concepts
The system bus and its associated interface operations are defined by the IEEE 488 standard. The following sections list and describe the main pieces of hardware in a GPIB system:
Controllers specify the instruments that will be the talker and listener in a data exchange. The controller of the bus must have a GPIB interface card to communicate on the GPIB.
The Active Controller is the computer or instrument that is currently controlling data exchanges.
The System Controller is the only computer or instrument that can take control and give up control of the GPIB to another computer or instrument, which is then called the active controller.
Talkers are instruments that can be addressed to send data to the controller.
Listeners are instruments that can be addressed to receive a command, and then respond to the command. All devices on the bus are required to listen.
Every GPIB instrument must have its own unique address on the bus. The VNA address (default = 716) consists of two parts:
The Interface select code (typically 7) indicates which GPIB port in the system controller is used to communicate with the device.
The primary address (16) is set at the factory. You can change the primary address of any device on the bus to any number between 0 and 30. To change the analyzer address click System / Configure / SICL-GPIB.
A secondary address is sometimes used to allow access to individual modules in a modular instrument system, such as a VXI mainframe. The VNA does NOT have a secondary address.
GPIB Cables are the physical link connecting all of the devices on the bus. There are eight data lines in a GPIB cable that send data from one device to another. There are also eight control lines that manage traffic on the data lines and control other interface operations.
You can connect instruments to the controller in any arrangement with the following limitations:
Do not connect more than 15 devices on any GPIB system. This number can be extended with the use of a bus extension.
Do not exceed a total of 20 meters of total cable length or 2 meters per device, whichever is less.
Avoid stacking more than three connectors on the back panel of an instrument. This can cause unnecessary strain on the rear-panel connector.
The GPIB / SCPI Programming Elements
The following software programming elements combine to become a GPIB program:
The GPIB command is the basic unit of communication in a GPIB system. The analyzer responds to three types of GPIB commands:
1. IEEE 488.1 Bus-management Commands
These commands are used primarily to tell some or all of the devices on the bus to perform certain interface operations.
All of the functions that can be accomplished with these commands can also be done with IEEE 488.2 or SCPI commands. Therefore, these commands are not documented in this Help system. For a complete list of IEEE 488.1 commands refer to the IEEE 488 standard. Examples of IEEE 488.1 Commands
CLEAR - Clears the bus of any pending operations
LOCAL - Returns instruments to local operation
2. IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
These commands are sent to instruments to perform interface operations. An IEEE 488.2 common command consists of a single mnemonic and is preceded by an asterisk ( * ). Some of the commands have a query form which adds a "?" after the command. These commands ask the instrument for the current setting. See a complete list of the Common Commands that are recognized by the analyzer. Examples of IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
*OPC - Operation Complete
*RST - Reset
*OPT? - Queries the option configuration
3. SCPI Commands
The Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) is a set of commands developed in 1990. The standardization provided in SCPI commands helps ensure that programs written for a particular SCPI instrument are easily adapted to work with a similar SCPI instrument. SCPI commands tell instruments to do device specific functions. For example, SCPI commands could tell an instrument to make a measurement and output data to a controller. Examples of SCPI Commands:
For more information on SCPI:
The Rules and Syntax of SCPI Commands provides more detail of the SCPI command structure.
SCPI Command Tree is a complete list of the SCPI commands for the analyzer
SCPI commands are included with the language specific I/O statements to form program statements. The programming language determines the syntax of the programming statements. SCPI programs can be written in a variety of programming languages such as VEE, HP BASIC, or C++. Example of a Visual Basic statement:
Instrument drivers are subroutines that provide routine functionality and can be reused from program to program. GPIB industry leaders have written standards for use by programmers who develop drivers. When programmers write drivers that comply with the standards, the drivers can be used with predictable results. To comply with the standard, each instrument driver must include documentation describing its functionality and how it should be implemented.
Interconnected devices - Up to 15 devices (maximum) on one contiguous bus.
Interconnection path - Star or linear (or mixed) bus network, up to 20 meters total transmission path length or 2 meters per device, whichever is less.
Message transfer scheme - Byte-serial, bit-parallel, asynchronous data transfer using an interlocking 3-wire handshake.
Maximum data rate - 1 megabyte per second over limited distances, 250 to 500 kilobytes per second typical maximum over a full transmission path. The devices on the bus determine the actual data rate.
Address capability - Primary addresses, 31 Talk and 31 Listen; secondary addresses, 961 Talk and 961 Listen. There can be a maximum of 1 Talker and up to 14 Listeners at a time on a single bus. See also previous section on GPIB addresses.
GPIB Interface Capability Codes
The IEEE 488.1 standard requires that all GPIB compatible instruments display their interface capabilities on the rear panel using codes. The codes on the analyzer, and their related descriptions, are listed below:
SH1 |
full source handshake capability |
AH1 |
full acceptor handshake capability |
T6 |
basic talker, serial poll, no talk only, unaddress if MLA (My Listen Address) |
no extended talker capability |
L4 |
basic listener, no listen only, unaddress if MTA (My Talk Address) |
no extended listener capability |
SR1 |
full service request capability |
RL1 |
full remote / local capability |
no parallel poll capability |
DC1 |
full device clear capability |
DT1 |
full device trigger capability |
C1 |
system controller capability |
C2 |
send IFC (Interface Clear) and take charge controller capability |
C3 |
send REN (Remote Enable) controller capability |
C4 |
respond to SRQ (Service Request) |