Marker Routing


Marker Routing Settings

Pulse/RF Blanking

Choices: None, Marker 1, Marker 3, Marker 4
Default: None
Dependency: Active only when the I/O port type in the Assign External Instrument dialog box is set to Digital

Sets the marker that is used to trigger the signal generator's Pulse/RF Blanking function. The Pulse/RF Blanking function turns off the RF output signal during specific conditions determined by the marker. Pulse/RF blanking also incorporates ALC hold, so you do not need to select ALC hold when using Pulse/RF blanking. Do not blank longer than 100 ms to avoid exceeding the ALC hold limit.

This choice disables Pulse/RF blanking.

Marker 1
This choice selects Marker 1 to activate Pulse/RF blanking.

Marker 3
This choice selects Marker 3 to activate Pulse/RF blanking.

Marker 4
This choice selects Marker 4 to activate Pulse/RF blanking.

This selection may be changed even while the waveform is playing.


ALC Hold

Choices: None, Marker 1, Marker 3, Marker 4
Default: None
Dependency: Active only when the I/O port type in the Assign External Instrument dialog box is set to Digital

Sets the marker that is used to trigger the signal generator's ALC Hold function. The ALC hold marker function holds the ALC modulator at its current level when the marker signal is low. When the marker signal goes high, the ALC hold function is discontinued. ALC hold is automatically incorporated in the RF blanking marker function. So if you select the RF blanking marker function, there is no need to select the ALC hold marker function for the same marker number. You can use the ALC hold function by itself when you have a waveform signal that incorporates idle periods or when the increased dynamic range encountered with RF blanking is not desired. The ALC hold should only be used for short periods of time of less than 100 ms. Extended periods of using the ALC hold feature may affect the waveform’s output amplitude.

This choice disables ALC Hold.

Marker 1
This choice selects Marker 1 to activate ALC Hold.

Marker 3
This choice selects Marker 3 to activate ALC Hold.

Marker 4
This choice selects Marker 4 to activate ALC Hold.

This selection may be changed even while the waveform is playing.


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Related Topics:

General Settings