These commands set up communication between the PXB and external instrument connections.
System communication commands and queries will be slow to return error messages if you try to communicate with external instruments that are offline or incorrectly addressed. |
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:ADDRess "<ip address>"
This command sets the instrument's static LAN (IP) address.
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DGATeway "<ip address>"
This command sets the static LAN IP router/gateway address for the instrument.
This query returns the LAN connection host name for the PXB.
This query returns the unique media access control address assigned to the instrument.
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:SMASk "<ip address>"
This command sets the local area network (LAN) subnet mask address for your internet protocol (IP) network connection.
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:ADD "<inst name>",<family>,"<address>"
This command adds a new external instrument to use for data input or output. An external instrument must be registered before assigning it to an I/O block of a configuration or to a physical port I/O connector. The PXB uses this user-created instrument name, the family to which it belongs, and the LAN or GPIB address to identify the external instrument or device. To be effective, this command requires that the required commands that set the device address (LAN or GPIB) and the Apply command are executed.
"<inst name>" |
A short user-created name unique to this instrument is recommended. |
<family> |
The family to which it belongs, for example, MXG, ESGC, EXA, MXA, PXA, DSIM, M8960 or Custom |
"<address>" |
The LAN or GPIB address of this instrument. |
For example:
:SYST:COMMunicate:RDEVice:ADDRess "<inst name>","<address>"
This command is used to modify a previously assigned address for a registered external instrument. Ensure that the address that you are changing corresponds to the correct instrument.
:SYST:COMMunicate:RDEVice:ADDRess? "<inst name>"
This query returns the address for the specified instrument name.
:SYST:COMMunicate:RDEVice:REMove "<inst name>"
This command removes an external instrument from the registry.
This query returns the register device type or family.