HS-DPCCH Pattern Selection for Advanced UL (Release 10)

Access the ClosedHS-DPCCH Pattern Selection dialog box from the HS-DPCCH Pattern cell located in the HS-DPCCH channel settings table (See Channel Setup - Advanced Uplink Carrier for more details). Use this dialog box to select either a fixed pattern or a customized (user-defined) HARQ pattern for up to 15,330 slots (1022 frames). The HS-DPCCH Pattern table organizes the slots into groups of three. The first slot of the group sets the HARQ response, which is transmitted during the one slot. The second slot sets the CQI value for the CQI report. When selected (State checkbox checked), the report is transmitted over two slots (second and third slot of the group).

The software calculates the CQI based on the Secondary Cell Enabled and Active /MIMO state of each cell. In the software UI, some CQI parameter cells may appear active, but are ignored by the software for the CQI calculation. For more information, refer to the HS-DPCCH CQI Parameter Settings (R10) topic.

The Number of Frames cell in the advanced carrier view determines the length of the waveform. If the configured pattern length exceeds the waveform length, the software ignores the excess pattern slots.


This list enables you to quickly access the different areas of the HS-DPCCH Pattern Selection dialog box shown above.

Fixed Pattern

This selection enables a configuration of an all ACK pattern using a CQI value of 13 for Primary Cell and non-MIMO configuration.

When using the Fixed Pattern selection, the software uses the default settings for the various parameters.

User Defined HS-DPCCH Pattern

This selection enables the dialog box editor and allows the user to customize an HARQ pattern using groups of three slots within each frame for up to 1022 frames.


This button loads a user-defined pattern from a selected location. When you select this button, the Open user defined data dialog box appears for navigating to and selecting the desired file. An imported file automatically updates the HS-DPCCH Pattern area. The software accepts the following file types:

Notice in the following figure that the slots are shown in groups of three. Slots 0–2 is one group, 3–5 is another group and so on.

To create a file, enter a parameter for each column item in a slot whether it applies to the current slot and secondary cell active/MIMO status. Rel 10 carriers uses version 2.0 format for this file, so the text file will start at "Ver2.0".

After the version, 8 parameters will be followed in the first line, which are Secondary Cell Enabled, Primary Cell MIMO, Secondary Cell 1 Active, Secondary Cell 2 MIMO, Secondary Cell 2 Active, Secondary Cell 2 MIMO, Secondary Cell 3 Active and Secondary Cell 3 MIMO.

For example, a file with the first line:


This means secondary cell enabled is 2 with secondary cell 1 and secondary cell 2 active. None of the cells are configured in MIMO mode. See the table below.

Ver2.0 Secondary Cell Enabled Primary Cell MIMO Secondary Cell 1 Active Secondary Cell 2 MIMO Secondary Cell 2 Active Secondary Cell 2 MIMO Secondary Cell 3 Active Secondary Cell 3 MIMO
Ver2.0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

The following lines is for each slot parameters for HS-DPCCH. The parameter values are listed and separated with “,”: Frame Number, Slot Number, Power, HARQ_ACK1, HARQ_ACK2, CQI0-3, MIMO Type and CQI Report. For example,:

0,6,0.00 dB,1,A_A_A,AA_AA,13,13,13,13,A,1st Report

Frame Number Slot Number Power HARQ_ACK1 HARQ_ACK2 CQI0 CQI1 CQI2 CQI3 MIMO Type CQI Report
0 6 0.00 dB A_A_A AA_AA 13 13 13 13 A 1st Report

The power unit, and the space between the power value and dB is not required. If desired, place each slot setting on a separate line. The following three lines configure settings for Secondary Cell enabled = 2 and non-MIMO configuration:

1,1,0.00 dB,1,A_A_A,AA_AA,13,13,13,13,A,1st Report – Set slot 1 for frame 1

1,3,0.00 dB,1,A_A_A,AA_AA,13,13,13,13,A,1st Report – Set slot 3 for frame 1

The maximum file size should not exceed the data required to set the maximum number of slots (15,330) and the number of configured slots cannot exceed the waveform length.


This button saves the current pattern, showing in the HS-DPCCH Pattern area, to a file. When you select this button, a Save user defined data dialog box appears for navigating to the location where you can save the file. The software saves the user data as one of the following user-selectable file types:


This button resets the HS-DPCCH Pattern table to the following values:

The Clear button does not affect the Secondary Cell Enabled, and Active/MIMO status for each Primary Cell and Secondary Cell. 

Secondary Cell Enabled

Choices: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3

Default: 0

Set the number of Secondary Cells. This setting determines whether Active and MIMO check boxes are enabled.

Secondary Cell Active

Choices: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3

Default: 0

Read only. This parameter is determined by the total number of the checked Active in the Secondary Cell 1, Secondary Cell 2 and Secondary Cell 3.

Primary Cell

Configure the Primary Cell as MIMO (On = checked), or Non-MIMO (Off = unchecked).

Secondary Cell 1/2/3

The number in Secondary Cell Enabled determines the number of available secondary cells.

Active: Being checked means the cell is active.

MIMO: Being checked means the cell is configured as MIMO.

When Secondary Cell Enabled = 0, all Active and MIMO in Secondary Cell are grayed out.

When Secondary Cell Enabled = 1, Active and MIMO in Secondary Cell 1 are available to set, others are grayed out.

When Secondary Cell Enabled = 2, Active and MIMO in Secondary Cell 1 and Secondary Cell 2 are available to set.

When Secondary Cell Enabled= 3, all Active and MIMO are available to set.

HS-DPCCH Pattern

The software organizes the pattern table into groups of three slots, so there are five groups per frame. Only the first two slots of each group are configurable:


Displays the frame number (0–1021). The frame number increments after every 15 slots.


Displays the slot number (0–14) for each frame. The slot numbers repeat after every 15 slots. The software supports a maximum of 15,330 slots, and the number of configured slots cannot exceed the waveform length.


Manually set the state to either on (checked) or off for a slot. The third slot of each group is always unchecked and cannot be changed. When the second slot of a group is on (send CQI/PCI), the software uses the second and third slot to transmit the data. Even in this instance, the third slot remains unchecked.

Unchecked slots are DTX, with the exception of the third slot when it is being used with the second slot.


Range: -60 to 20 dB

Default: 0.00 dB

Manually set the power level for each slot. The bursting pattern uses the RMS of the carrier power as the absolute burst amplitude. During the power search the signal source uses the highest amplitudes of the channels (slot power + channel power) to find the RMS value. When you download the waveform, the software initiates an instrument power search. 

When the waveform resides in an instrument's non-volatile memory and is loaded into volatile memory, manually perform an instrument RMS power search. For more information on performing an instrument power search, refer to the instrument's User Guide. You may also perform the RMS power search. from the software interface.


Choices: Depends on Secondary Cell Enabled and Active/MIMO settings on each cell. See HARQ-ACK and CQI Cells for more information.

Default: ACK

Always Active for slot 0, 3, 6, 9. Sets the desired HARQ-ACK or HARQ-ACK2 response.

Click the cell to see a drop down arrow from which when clicked, a menu appears showing the choices.


Choices: A/D | N/D | AA/D | AN/D | NA/D | NN/D | D/A | D/N | D/AA | D/AN | D/NA | D/NN | A/A | A/N | N/A | N/N | A/AA | A/AN | A/NA | A/NN | N/AA | N/AN | N/NA | N/NN | AA/A | AA/N | AN/A | AN/N | NA/A | NA/N | NN/A | NN/N | AA/AA | AA/AN | AA/NA | AA/NN | AN/AA | AN/AN | AN/NA | AN/NN | NA/AA | NA/AN | NA/NA | NA/NN | NN/AA | NN/AN | NN/NA | NN/NN | PRE | POST

Default: AA/AA

Set the desired HARQ response. For an active (on) slot, click the cell to see a drop down arrow from which when clicked, a menu appears showing the choices.

Available when:

ACK and ACK2 Coupling

ACK and ACK2 are valid only in slot 0, 3, 6, 9, ......, that is, when slot index is multiples of 3. Whether ACK2 is valid and the choices of ACK/ACK2 depend on Secondary Cell settings. See the following use cases for more coupling information.


Range: Depends on Secondary Cell Enabled and MIMO state of Primary Cell. Refer to the HS-DPCCH CQI Parameter Settings (R10) topic.

Default: 13

Available for all the cases. Set the CQI or PCI CQI value for Primary Cell. When Primary Cell is configured in MIMO mode, it shows as PCI/CQI0. When Primary Cell is not configured in MIMO mode, it shows as CQI0.

PCI/CQI0 can be calculated from PCI0 and CQI0 by the following formula:

For MIMO Type A, PCI/CQI = PCI + CQI x 4

For MIMO Type B, PCI/CQI = PCI + (CQI + 1) x 4


Range: Depends on Secondary Cell Enabled and MIMO state of the first Secondary Cell. Refer to the HS-DPCCH CQI Parameter Settings (R10) topic.

Default: 13

Available for all the cases. Set the CQI or PCI CQI value for the first Secondary Cell. When Primary Cell is configured in MIMO mode, it shows as PCI/CQI1. When Primary Cell is not configured in MIMO mode, it shows as CQI1.

PCI/CQI1 can be calculated from PCI1 and CQI1 by the following formula:

For MIMO Type A, PCI/CQI = PCI + CQI x 4

For MIMO Type B, PCI/CQI = PCI + (CQI + 1) x 4


Range: Depends on Secondary Cell Enabled and MIMO state of the first Secondary Cell. Refer to the HS-DPCCH CQI Parameter Settings (R10) topic.

Default: 13

Available for all the cases. Set the CQI or PCI CQI value for the second Secondary Cell. When Primary Cell is configured in MIMO mode, it shows as PCI/CQI2. When Primary Cell is not configured in MIMO mode, it shows as CQI2.

PCI/CQI2 can be calculated from PCI2 and CQI2 by the following formula:

For MIMO Type A, PCI/CQI = PCI + CQI x 4

For MIMO Type B, PCI/CQI = PCI + (CQI + 1) x 4


Range: Depends on Secondary Cell Enabled and MIMO state of the first Secondary Cell. Refer to the HS-DPCCH CQI Parameter Settings (R10) topic.

Default: 13

Available for all the cases. Set the CQI or PCI CQI value for the third Secondary Cell. When Primary Cell is configured in MIMO mode, it shows as PCI/CQI3. When Primary Cell is not configured in MIMO mode, it shows as CQI3.

PCI/CQI3 can be calculated from PCI3 and CQI3 by the following formula:

For MIMO Type A, PCI/CQI = PCI + CQI x 4

For MIMO Type B, PCI/CQI = PCI + (CQI + 1) x 4


Choices: A | B

Default: A

Available when at least one cell is configured as MIMO. Set the notification type for the serving cell.

For more information on the types (A or B), refer to the 3GPP standards.

CQI Report 

Choices: 1st Report | 2nd Report

Default :1st Report

Set which CQI report to be transported in the slot.


Use this table to set up and apply a repeating HARQ pattern or CQI value to the HS-DPCCH Pattern table. The slots affected by the Tool table settings are identified by the Start, Step, and Repeat cells.

To apply all settings from the Tool table, requires three iterations:

  1. Set the Secondary Cell Enabled.

  2. Set Active/MIMO status for each Primary Cell and Secondary Cell.

  3. Set the cell parameters.

  4. Select the column type using the Edit cell.

  5. Click the Apply Pattern button.

  6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for the remaining Edit cell choices.

Tool Descriptions


Choices: POWER | HARQ-ACK | HARQ-ACK2 | CQI0 | CQI1 | CQI2 | CQI3 | MIMO Type | CQI Report

Default: POWER

For the indicated slots, select the column type to which the settings apply in the HS-DPCCH Pattern table. To completely setup the pattern table (all columns) with the Tool table parameters, cycle through each choice in the drop down menu. To display the choices, click the cell to show the drop-down arrow, and then click the arrow .


Sets the State to on (checked) and the power level.


Sets the active slots in the indicated ACK column.


Sets the active slots in the indicated ACK2 column.


Sets the active slots in the indicated CQI0 column.


Sets the active slots in the indicated CQI1 column.


Sets the active slots in the indicated CQI2 column.


Sets the active slots in the indicated CQI3 column.

MIMO Type Sets the notification type for the serving cell.
CQI Report Sets which CQI report to be transported in the slot.


Range: 0 to 15329

Set the starting slot number offset. While the HS-DPCCH Pattern table slot numbers (0–14) repeat for each frame, the Start values continuously increment up to the maximum range value. For example, to start the pattern on frame 2, slot 10, set this cell's value to 40. To set slot 6 in frame 8, set the Start value to 126.

This setting accepts values that are smaller or larger than the range values. When the software recognizes a value that is outside of the range, it ignores the value.


Range: 0 to 15329

This cell sets the pattern of transmitted slots by setting the interval of active slots. For example with a value of two, the software sets a repeating pattern for every other slot starting with the slot identified in the Start cell and ending with the number of repetitions identified in the Repeat cell. The software supports a maximum of 15,330 slots, and the number of configured slots cannot exceed the waveform length.


The pattern consists of only the slot identified with the starting value and ignores the repeat value.


The value determines whether the pattern transmits all slots from the Start value to the Repeat value or includes an integer number of DTX slots between each transmitted slot:

  • 1—transmits all slots from the Start value to the Repeat value

  • 2...15329—includes DTX slot(s)

This setting accepts values that are smaller or larger than the range values. When the software recognizes a value that is outside of the range, it ignores the value.


Range: 0 to 15330

Sets the number of slots to be configured.


No slots are set.


The value determines the number of configured slots.

  • 1—sets only the slot identified by the Start value.

  • 2...15330—sets the number of slots

If this value is larger than the number of remaining slots from the Start value to the last slot, then all remaining slots are included in the pattern. The number of configured slots cannot exceed the waveform length.


Range: -60 to 20 dB

Sets the power level for the slots in the pattern. If needed and after applying the pattern, manually adjust the power level on individual checked slots. The bursting pattern uses the RMS of the carrier power as the absolute burst amplitude. During the power search the signal source uses the highest amplitudes of the channels (slot power + channel power) to find the RMS value. When you download the waveform, the software initiates an instrument power search. 

When the waveform resides in an instruments non-volatile memory and is loaded into volatile memory, manually perform an instrument RMS power search. For more information on performing an instrument power search, refer to the instrument's User Guide. You may also perform the RMS power search. from the software interface.

The software lets you enter a value that is smaller or larger than the range limits. When this occurs and you apply the settings to the pattern table, the software enters the lower or upper range value respectively into the pattern table and leaves the over-range value in the Tool table cell.

HARQ-ACK and CQI Cells

The HARQ-ACK and CQI Tool table cell parameters change based on the Secondary Cell Enabled and the status of Active/MIMO of each cell. The following table shows the HARQ-ACK, ACK2 and each CQI cell by Secondary Cell Enabled and the status of each cell:

When a cell is configured as MIMO, CQI is shown as PCI/CQI. It can be calculated by PCI and CQI. For more information, refer to the HS-DPCCH CQI Parameter Settings (R10) topic.

Coding for HS-DPCCH Selection


Secondary Cell Enabled = 0

Primary Cell = unchecked MIMO


Choice is Case 1

Inactive Only CQI0 active Inactive Inactive

Secondary Cell Enabled = 0

Primary Cell = checked MIMO


Choice is Case 2

Inactive Only CQI0 active, shown as PCI/CQI Active Inactive

Secondary Cell Enabled = 1

Primary Cell = unchecked MIMO

Secondary Cell 1 = unchecked MIMO


Choice is Case 3


CQI0 active

CQI1 active when Secondary Cell 1 = Active

Inactive Inactive

Secondary Cell Enabled = 1

Primary Cell or Secondary Cell 1 = checked MIMO


Choice is Case 4


CQI0 active, shown as PCI/CQI, when Primary Cell is MIMO mode.

CQI1 is active when Secondary Cell 1 is active. CQI1 is shown as PCI/CQI1 when Secondary Cell 1 is MIMO mode.

Active Inactive

Secondary Cell Enabled = 2

Primary Cell = unchecked MIMO

Secondary Cell 1 = unchecked MIMO

Secondary Cell 2 = unchecked MIMO


Choice is Case 5


CQI0 is active.

CQI1 is active when Secondary Cell 1 is active.

CQI2 is active when Secondary Cell 2 is active

Inactive Active

Secondary Cell Enabled = 2

one of (Primary Cell, Secondary Cell 1, Secondary Cell 2) = checked MIMO


Choice is Case 4

Active when Secondary Cell Active = 2.

Otherwise, Inactive.

CQI0 is active, shown as PCI/CQI0 when Primary Cell is MIMO mode.

CQI1 is active when Secondary Cell 1 is active. CQI1 is shown as PCI/CQI1 when Secondary Cell 1 is MIMO mode.

CQI2 is active when Secondary Cell 2 is active. CQI2 is shown as PCI/CQI2 when Secondary Cell 2 is MIMO mode.

Active Active
Secondary Cell Enabled = 3


Choice is Case 4

Active when Secondary Cell Active = 2 or 3.

Otherwise, Inactive.

CQI0 is active, shown as PCI/CQI0 when Primary Cell is MIMO mode.

CQI1 is active when Secondary Cell 1 is active. CQI1 is shown as PCI/CQI1 when Secondary Cell 1 is MIMO mode.

CQI2 is active when Secondary Cell 2 is active. CQI2 is shown as PCI/CQI2 when Secondary Cell 2 is MIMO mode.

CQI3 is active when Secondary Cell 3 is active. CQI3 is shown as PCI/CQI3 when Secondary Cell 3 is MIMO mode.

Active when a cell is configured as MIMO.

Inactive when none cell is configured as MIMO.


ACK1 Choices

Case 4 A/D | N/D | AA/D | AN/D | NA/D | NN/D | D/A | D/N | D/AA | D/AN | D/NA | D/NN | A/A | A/N | N/A | N/N | A/AA | A/AN | A/NA | A/NN | N/AA | N/AN | N/NA | N/NN | AA/A | AA/N | AN/A | AN/N | NA/A | NA/N | NN/A | NN/N | AA/AA | AA/AN | AA/NA | AA/NN | AN/AA | AN/AN | AN/NA | AN/NN | NA/AA | NA/AN | NA/NA | NA/NN | NN/AA | NN/AN | NN/NA | NN/NN | PRE | POST
Case 5 A/D/D | N/D/D | D/A/D | D/N/D | D/D/A | D/D/N | A/A/D | A/N/D | N/A/D | N/N/D | A/D/A | A/D/N | N/D/A | N/D/N | D/A/A | D/A/N | D/N/A | D/N/N | A/A/A | A/A/N | A/N/A | A/N/N | N/A/A | N/A/N | N/N/A | N/N/N | PRE | POST

The software lets you enter values that are smaller or larger than the range limits. When this occurs and you apply the settings to the pattern table, the software enters the lower or upper range value respectively into the pattern table and leaves the over-range value in the Tool table cell.

Apply Pattern (Button)

Applies the repetition pattern to the HS-DPCCH Pattern table.

Channel Setup for Advanced Uplink Carrier

HS-DPCCH CQI Parameter Settings (Release 10)

HS-DPCCH CQI Parameter Settings (Release 11)