Channel Setup – Advanced Uplink Carrier

Advanced uplink carriers consist of the following:

This topic describes the parameters available in the advanced uplink Closed channel setup node.

Channel Configuration Summary Table

This table enables you to view the key parameters for each channel in a carrier. Unlike the channel configuration summary table for the basic uplink carrier selections, the advanced carrier does not allow channel additions or deletions. All of the advanced channel configurations (RMC, FRC, CELL_FACH) are created in accordance with the 3GPP standards.

This button opens a window of predefined channel configuration selections according to the selected carrier type:

ClosedAdv W-CDMA/HSPA+ UL Rel 10

ClosedAdv W-CDMA/HSPA+ UL Rel 11 (MEU Option U03 or greater only)

Double-clicking a configuration replaces the current configuration in the setup table. Select the carrier type from the Waveform or Carrier views.


This table enables you to configure 3GPP channel parameters. The figure above shows the parameters for the DPCCH channel. These parameters will vary according to the channel type. For example, E-DPCCH, HS-DPCCH, DPDCH, and E-DPDCH  all have different parameter sets than what is shown in the figure above. Toggle a channel type below to see a list of its associated parameters. Then click a channel parameter to jump to a description.






This cell displays the selected channel type.


This cell only provides information (grayed out) on the selected channel. For the E-DPDCH, the software uses the Channel Number, TTI, E-TFCI Table Selection, E-TFC Index, E-DPDCH Maximum Channelization Codes, Modulation Capacity and PLnon-max to determine the State.

State (Alternate)

On the E-DPDCH, this cell only provides information (grayed out) to use when ALT (Alternate parameter settings) is selected in the TTI Pattern Data Type Entry window. For the E-DPDCH, the software uses the Channel Number, TTI, E-TFCI Table Selection (Alternate), E-TFC Index (Alternate), E-DPDCH Maximum Channelization Codes, Modulation Capacity and PLnon-max to determine the State (Alternate).

Channel Number

View the channel number of the displayed parameters.


View the channel type.

I/Q Axis

This cell only provides information (grayed out) on the selected channel data path as to whether it is on I or Q.


Range: −60 to 0 dB

Enter the channel power level relative to the carrier power.

On E-DPDCH, the software ensures that the power values among the channels are maintained in accordance with the 3GPP standards. For example using the FRC 3 channel configuration, the standard states that a power difference of -3.01 dB be maintained between the E-DPDCH with SF2 and the E-DPDCH otherwise. With the E-DPDCH with SF2 set to 0 dB, the power level of the E-DPCCH otherwise is -3.01 dB. With the E-DPDCH otherwise set to -60 dB, the DPDCH minimum power is -56.99 dB. This means, even though the minimum power range value is -60 dB, the E-DPDCH with SF2 cannot go lower than -56.99 dB.

Power (Alternate)

Range: −60 to 0 dB

On the E-DPDCH, enter the channel power level relative to the carrier power to use when ALT (Alternate parameter settings) is selected in the TTI Pattern Data Type Entry window for a user-defined pattern. This cell is grayed out if the data entry type is MAIN ALL (no alternate parameter settings).

When the waveform encounters a slot set to ALT during waveform playback, it ignores the Power value as the channel power and instead uses the Power (Alternate) value for the channel power. Conversely when a slot is configured as MAIN or MAIN ALL (all slots set to MAIN), the waveform uses the Power value.

On E-DPDCH, the software ensures that the power values among the channels are maintained in accordance with the 3GPP standards. For example using the FRC 3 channel configuration, the standard states that a power difference of -3.01 dB be maintained between the E-DPDCH with SF2 and the E-DPDCH otherwise. With the E-DPDCH with SF2 set to 0 dB, the power level of the E-DPCCH otherwise is -3.01 dB. With the E-DPDCH otherwise set to -60 dB, the DPDCH minimum power is -56.99 dB. This means, even though the minimum power range value is -60 dB, the E-DPDCH with SF2 cannot go lower than -56.99 dB.

Slot Format

Range: 0 to 4

Default: 0

This cell applies to the DPCCH. To enter a value, highlight the existing value and enter the new slot number. The slot format determines the number of transmitted TFCI bits in addition to other control bits.


This cell only provides information (grayed out) on the symbol rate for the selected channel.

For the E-DPDCH, the software uses the Channel Number, TTI, E-TFCI Table Selection, E-TFC Index, E-DPDCH Maximum Channelization Codes , Modulation Capacity and PLnon-max to determine the Symbol Rate.

For the HS-DPCCH, the Rate value can be 15 ksps or 30 ksps, which is determined by Secondary Cell Enabled and MIMO settings. For more information, refer to TS 25.212 Table 15C.4.

Rate (Alternate)

On the E-DPDCH, this cell only provides information (grayed out) on the symbol rate for the alternate setting to use when ALT (Alternate parameter settings) is selected in the TTI Pattern Data Type Entry window. The software uses the Channel Number, TTI, E-TFCI Table Selection (Alternate), E-TFC Index (Alternate), E-DPDCH Maximum Channelization Codes, Modulation Capacity and PLnon-max to determine the Symbol Rate (Alternate).

Spreading Code

This cell only provides information (grayed out) on the spreading code for the selected channel.

For the E-DPDCH, the software uses the Channel Number, TTI, E-TFCI Table Selection, E-TFC Index, E-DPDCH Maximum Channelization Codes, Modulation Capacity and PLnon-max to determine the Spreading Code.

For the HS-DPCCH, the Spreading Code is defined by Rate and Nmax-dpdch (which is the number of DPDCH) as the following table. See in TS 25.213 for more details.

Nmax-dpdch Slot Format = 0 Slot Format = 1
0 33 16
1 64 32

Spreading Code (Alternate)

On the E-DPDCH, this cell only provides information (grayed out) on the spreading code for the alternate setting to use when ALT (Alternate parameter settings) is selected in the TTI Pattern Data Type Entry window. The software uses the Channel Number, TTI, E-TFCI Table Selection (Alternate), E-TFC Index (Alternate), E-DPDCH Maximum Channelization Codes, Modulation Capacity and PLnon-max to determine the Spreading Code (Alternate).


Choices: 2 ms | 10 ms

On the E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH, double click or use the pull-down menu to set the TTI for the selected channel. The TTI information effects the Tx length of the TTI Pattern, even if Data is set to E-DCH. The software ensures that all the TTI values of the channels are set to the same value.

The information in this cell is only relevant when the E-DCH is the data selection for the Data cell.

TTI Pattern

Choices: Main All | User

This cell sets the TTI pattern for the E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to the TTI Pattern Selection dialog box where you can select or create TTI data patterns. Selecting User activates the data editor enabling you to enter the state and power, and designate main or alternate of any slot up to 15,330 slots. Select all main parameters (Main All) or use a user-defined file to assign either the main or alternate parameter settings for E-TFCI table selection, E-TFC index, and Power.

The Number of Frames cell in the advanced carrier view determines the length of the waveform. If the configured pattern length exceeds the waveform length, the software ignores the excess pattern slots.


Choices: 10 ms | 20 ms | 40 ms | 80 ms

On the DPDCH, double click or use the pull-down menu to set the DCH TTI. The information in these cells is only relevant when the DCH is the data selection for the Data cell.

DCH TTI is the transmit time interval for the data, which is the product of block size (determined by the software) and number of blocks. The TTI determines over how many consecutive frames the transport layer data is distributed. For example, since each frame is 10 milliseconds, a TTI of 40 milliseconds distributes the data over four frames.

DCH1 Rate Matching Attribute / DCH2 Rate Matching Attribute

Range: 1 to 256

Default: 256

On the DPDCH, enter a DCH rate matching attribute. The information in these cells is only relevant when the DCH is the data selection for the Data cell.

DCH1 Number of Blocks / DCH2 Number of Blocks

Range: 0 to 512

On the DPDCH, enter a DCH number of blocks. At least one of the DCH number of blocks should be set to more than 0. The information in these cells is only relevant when the DCH is the data selection for the Data cell.

DCH1 Block Size / DCH2 Block Size

This cell only provides information (grayed out) on the DCH block size in the current RMC channel configuration, which complies with the 3GPP standards. The information in these cells is only relevant when the DCH is the data selection for the Data cell.


This cell only provides information (grayed out) on the DCH cyclic redundancy bits in the current RMC channel configuration, which complies with the 3GPP standards. The information in these cells is only relevant when the DCH is the data selection for the Data cell.

DCH1 Coding Type / DCH2 Coding Type

This cell only provides information (grayed out) on the DCH coding type in the current RMC channel configuration, which complies with the 3GPP standards. The information in these cells is only relevant when the DCH is the data selection for the Data cell.

E-TFCI Table Selection

Choices: 0 | 1

On the E-DPCCH and the E-DPDCH, enter the value for this cell that selects the 3GPP standards Annex B table ( B.1 Table 0, B.2 Table 1, B.2a. Table 2, B.2b Table 3, B.3 Table 0 or B.4 Table 1) for the E-TFC Index cell value. Each table lists the E-TFC index values, which set the transport block size (bits) for the E-DCH. With the TTI set to 2 ms and the Modulation Capacity set to 16QAM (2x4PAM), the software internally increases the table value by two. For example, if the displayed table value is one and the previously stated conditions exist, the actual table value is three. Because this is done internally, the increased value does not appear in the UI. The software ensures that the same E-TFCI table selection value applies to both the E-DPDCH and E-DPCCH.

The table associated with the E-TFC Index description shows the default E-TFCI Table Selection value for the supported FRCs.

E-TFCI Table Selection (Alternate)

Choices: 0 | 1

Default: 0

On the E-DPCCH and the E-DPDCH, enter the value for this cell that selects the 3GPP standards Annex B table ( B.1 Table 0, B.2 Table 1, B.2a. Table 2, B.2b Table 3, B.3 Table 0 or B.4 Table 1) for the E-TFC Index (Alternate) cell value. Each table lists the E-TFC index values, which sets the transport block size (bits) for the E-DCH. With the TTI set to 2 ms and the Modulation Capacity set to 16QAM (2x4PAM), the software internally increases the table value by two. For example, if the displayed table value is one and the previously stated conditions exist, the actual table value is three. Because this is done internally, the increased value does not appear in the UI. The software ensures that the same E-TFCI table selection value for the alternate setting applies to both the E-DPDCH and E-DPCCH.

This cell is grayed out while the TTI Pattern is MAIN ALL. Select User to make the cell active. The software uses this value for the slots selected as ALT in the TTI Pattern.

The table associated with the E-TFC Index description shows the default E-TFCI Table Selection (Alternate) value for the supported FRCs.

E-TFC Index

On the E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH, enter the E-TFC index value. On the E-DPCCH, the information in this cell is only relevant when STD is the data selection for the Data cell.

The index number corresponds to a value that is the number of bits for the E-DCH (E-DPDCH transport channel) in accordance with the 3GPP standards Annex B tables, B.1 Table 0, B.2 Table 1, B.2a. Table 2, B.2b Table 3, B.3 Table 0 or B.4 Table 1. The following table shows the default index values for the supported FRCs along with their associated transport block size and E-TFCI table values. The software ensures that the same E-TFC index value applies to both the E-DPDCH and E-DPCCH.

Default E-TFC Index Value and E-TFCI Table Selection to E-DCH Block Size

FRC Selection

E-TFC Index

Transport Blk Size (Bits)

Table Selection

FRC1 (E-DPDCH testing)






B.2 2 ms TTI E-DCH Transport Block Size Table 1

FRC1 (E-DPDCH testing) + HS-DPCCH

FRC1 (E-DPCCH missed detection test)













FRC4 (E-DPDCH Testing)









B.4 10 ms TTI E-DCH Transport Block Size Table 1

FRC4 (E-DPDCH testing) + HS-DPCCH

FRC4 (E-DPCCH missed detection test)

















FRC8 (Non E-DPCCH boosting)






B.2b 2ms TTI E-DCH Transport Block Size Table 3*

FRC8 (Non E-DPCCH boosting) + HS-DPCCH

FRC8 (E-DPCCH boosting)

* When using 16QAM (2X4PAM) and a 2 ms TTI, the software internally increases the table value by two per the 3GPP standards. Because this is an internal process, the table value increase does not show in the user interface.

E-TFC Index (Alternate)

On the E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH, enter the E-TFC index value. On the E-DPCCH, the information in this cell is only relevant when STD is the data selection for the Data cell.

The index number corresponds to a value that is the number of bits for the E-DCH (E-DPDCH transport channel) in accordance with the 3GPP standards Annex B tables, B.1 Table 0, B.2 Table 1, B.2a. Table 2, B.2b Table 3, B.3 Table 0 or B.4 Table 1. The software ensures that the same E-TFC index value applies to both the E-DPDCH and E-DPCCH.

This cell is grayed out while the TTI Pattern is MAIN ALL. Select User to make the cell active. The software uses this value for the slots selected as ALT in the TTI Pattern.

The table associated with the E-TFC Index description shows the default index values for the supported FRCs.

E-DPDCH Maximum Channelization Codes

On the E-DPDCH, this cell only provides information (grayed out) on the spreading factor and number of E-DPDCHs to be used in the standard-based configuration. The maximum channelization codes are used together with the E-DCH configuration and PLnon-max parameter to automatically calculate the physical channel codes as defined in the standards.

Modulation Capacity

Choices: QPSK (2xBPSK) | 16QAM (2x4PAM)

On the E-DPDCH, double click or use the pull-down menu to set the modulation capacity. If the Modulation Capacity is set to 16QAM (2x4PAM) and TTI is set to 2 ms, the E-TFCI table selection is internally increased by 2.


Range: 0.44 to 1

Default: 0.44

On the E-DPDCH, enter the PLnon-max value. The PLnon-max is used together with the E-DPDCH Maximum Channelization Codes and E-DCH configuration to automatically calculate the physical channel codes as defined in the 3GPP standards.

Happy Bit

Choices: HAPPY | Not HAPPY | User Defined Bits

Default: HAPPY

This bit is present during the uplink transmission of the E-DPCCH when it uses the STD data selection. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to the Happy Bit Selection Closeddialog box from where you make the selection.

With the dialog box selection of User Defined Bits, the software allows the customized setting of each bit to be HAPPY or Not HAPPY for up to 65,536 E-DPCCH subframes or frames. The Happy bit notifies the basestation as to whether the UE is satisfied (happy) with the current Serving Grant based on available data rate, power, and capacity.


Range: 0 to 1023

Default: 0

On the DPCCH, enter a TFCI code. The number of TFCI bits transmitted is dependent on the slot format. The TFCI bits inform the basestation of the UE's transport channel formatting.

TPC Pattern

Choices: Up/Down | Down/Up | All Up | All Down | User Defined Bits

Default: Up/Down

This cell sets the TPC (transmit power control) pattern. This pattern instructs the base station to increase or decrease its power in 1 dB increments. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to the TPC Entry window where you can select from the choices

TPC Number of Steps

Range: 1 to 80

Default: 1

This cell sets the number of up and down power steps for the TPC Pattern selections Up/Down and Down/Up. For example with this cell set to 20 and the TPC Pattern set to Up/Down, the signal generator transmits a power pattern that tells the basestation to step-up the power up in 1 dB increments for 20-steps and then down for 20-steps. The signal repeats this pattern until the parameter changes or the signal terminates. 


Choices: PN9 | PN15 | User Defined Bits

Default: PN9

This cell sets the FBI pattern for the DPCCH. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to the Data Source Selection window where you can select or create data patterns. Selecting User Defined Bits activates the data editor enabling you to enter a binary value of any length up to 400,000 bits. If the software sees more bits than what it can use, it truncates the data and discards the unused bits

The FBI bits are used to implement closed loop format diversity by controlling the phase, or phase and amplitude of the second antenna of the base station. The FBI bits are also used for site selection diversity transmit power control during a soft handoff. The slot format determines the number of FBI bits per slot.

Transmission Pattern

Choices: Continuous | User Defined Burst Pattern

Default: Continuous

This cell sets the transmission pattern for the DPCCH. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to the Transmission Pattern Selection dialog box where you can select or create data patterns. Selecting User Defined Burst Pattern activates the data editor enabling you to enter the state and the power of any slot up to 15,330 slots.

The Number of Frames cell in the advanced carrier view determines the length of the waveform. If the configured pattern length exceeds the waveform length, the software ignores the excess pattern slots.

For CELL_FACH channel configurations, this parameter is not visible, but is set to continuous by the software.


Choices: PN9 | PN15 | DCH | E-DCH | STD | User Defined Bits

(The shown choices are a composite of the available choices, the actual choices vary by channel type.)

Default: Varies by channel type

When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to Data Source Selection dialog box where you select the data type. For channel configurations with multiple data channels, if you change the data type on one data channel, the software changes the other data channels to the same data type.

The E-DPDCH Data have four selections:

The diagram below illustrates the data flow for each data type with either 2 or 4 E-DPDCH States set to On.


Choices: PN9 | PN15 | User Defined Bits

Default: PN9

When the DPDCH Data cell selection is DCH, the software uses the two transport channels, DCH1 and DCH2, to provide the data. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to the Data Source Selection window where you can select or create data patterns.


Choices: PN9 | PN15 | User Defined Bits

Default: PN9

When the E-DPDCH Data cell selection is E-DCH, the software uses the transport channel to provide the data. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to the Data Source Selection window where you can select or create data patterns.


This cell applies to the E-DPDCH and only provides information (grayed out) on the modulation type. It displays either BPSK or 4PAM. The software uses TTI, E-TFCI Table Selection, E-TFC Index, E-DPDCH Maximum channelisation codes, Modulation Capacity and PLnon-max to determine the modulation.

Modulation (Alternate)

This cell applies to the E-DPDCH and only provides information (grayed out) on the modulation type to use when ALT (Alternate parameter settings) is selected in the TTI Pattern Data Type Entry window. It displays either BPSK or 4PAM. The software uses TTI, E-TFCI Table Selection (Alternate), E-TFC Index (Alternate), E-DPDCH Maximum channelisation codes, Modulation Capacity and PLnon-max to determine the modulation.

Delta ACK

Range: 0 to 8

Default: 5

On the HS-DPCCH, enter the Delta ACK. The software defines the signaled value by using the Delta ACK, Delta NACK, Secondary Cell Enabled, MIMO or not, HARQ-ACK selection, and MIMO Type according to the following table. The signaled value is translated into the quantized amplitude ratios Ahs, in accordance with the 3GPP standards TS 25.213 Table 1A, to calculate the power of the HS-DPCCH slots carrying the HARQ Acknowledgment.

Some of the parameters mentioned above that affect the signaled value are only editable with a User-Defined HS-DPCCH Pattern. If left unedited, the software uses the default settings for these parameters.

Signaled Value to HS-DPCCH Parameters for the HARQ-ACK Field when Secondary Cell Active is 0 (from 3GPP TS 25.214 Table 2A)

HARQ-ACK message sent in one time slot Ahs equals the quantized amplitude ratio translated from

PRE before single transport block or

Post after a single transport block

MAX(Delta ACK, Delta NACK )
ACK/ACK Delta ACK + 1


PRE before dual transport block or

Post after a dual transport block

MAX( Delta ACK+1, Delta NACK+1)

Signaled Value to HS-DPCCH Parameters for the HARQ-ACK Field when Secondary Cell Active is not 0 (from 3GPP TS 25.214 Table 2B)

Secondary_Cell_Active Condition Ahs equals the quatized amplitude ratio translated from
Composite HARQ-ACK message(s) sent in one time slot contains...
at least one ACK but no NACK at least one NACK but no ACK both ACK and NACK, or a PRE, or a POST
1 NA Delta ACK + 1 Delta NACK + 1 MAX( Delta ACK+1, Delta NACK+1)
2 Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 2 and MIMO is not configured in any cell Delta ACK + 1 Delta NACK + 1 MAX( Delta ACK+1, Delta NACK+1)
2 Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 2 and MIMO is configured in any cell Delta ACK + 2 Delta NACK + 2 MAX( Delta ACK+2, Delta NACK+2)
3 NA Delta ACK + 2 Delta NACK + 2 MAX( Delta ACK+2, Delta NACK+2)

Delta NACK

Range: 0 to 8

Default: 5

On the HS-DPCCH, enter the Delta NACK. The software defines the signaled value with the Delta ACK, Delta NACK, HARQ-ACK selection, Secondary Cell Enabled, MIMO or not, and the MIMO Type according to the table in the Delta ACK description. The signaled value is translated into the quantized amplitude ratios Ahs in accordance with the 3GPP standards TS 25.213 Table 1A to calculate the power of the HS-DPCCH slots carrying HARQ Acknowledgment. 

Some of the parameters mentioned above that affect the signaled value are only editable with a User-Defined HS-DPCCH Pattern. If left unedited, the software uses the default settings for these parameters.

Delta CQI

Range: 0 to 8

Default: 5

On the HS-DPCCH, enter the Delta CQI. The software defines the signaled value with the Secondary Cell Active, the MIMO Type and CQI Report according to the following table. The signaled value is translated into the quantized amplitude ratios Ahs in accordance with the 3GPP standards TS 25.213 Table 1A to calculate the power of the HS-DPCCH slots carrying CQI.

Some of the parameters mentioned above that affect the signaled value are only editable with a User-Defined HS-DPCCH Pattern. If left unedited, the software uses the default settings for these parameters.

The signaled value to HS-DPCCH parameters for the CQI field (Table 2C from 3GPP TS 25.214)

Secondary_Cell_Active Condition Ahs equals the quatized amplitude ratio translated from
MIMO is not configured MIMO is configured
CQI of Type A CQI of Type B
0 NA Delta CQI Delta CQI+1 Delta CQI
1 Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 1 and MIMO is not configured in any cell Delta CQI+1 N/A N/A
1 Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 1 and MIMO is configured in any cell Delta CQI Delta CQI+1 Delta CQI
2 Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 2 and MIMO is not configured in any cell Delta CQI N/A N/A
2 Delta CQI+1 N/A N/A
2 Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 2 and MIMO is configured in any cell Delta CQI+1 Delta CQI+2 Delta CQI+1
3 NA Delta CQI+1 Delta CQI+2 Delta CQI+1


Ahs for Delta ACK

Range: 0.333 to 2

Default: 1

This cell applies to the HS-DPCCH and only provides information (grayed out) on the Ahs for Delta ACK. The software uses the Delta ACK to calculate the Ahs for Delta ACK in accordance with the 3GPP standards Table 1A. 

Ahs for Delta NACK

Range: 0.333 to 2

Default: 1

This cell applies to the HS-DPCCH and only provides information (grayed out) on the Ahs for Delta NACK. The software uses the Delta NACK to calculate the Ahs for Delta NACK in accordance with the 3GPP standards Table 1A.

Ahs for Delta CQI

Range: 0.333 to 2

Default: 1

This cell applies to the HS-DPCCH and only provides information (grayed out) on the Ahs for Delta CQI. The software uses the Delta CQI to calculate the Ahs for Delta CQI in accordance with the 3GPP standards Table 1A. 

ACK Power

Range: -60 dB to 0 dB

This cell applies to the HS-DPCCH and only provides information (grayed out) on the ACK power. The software uses Ahs for Delta ACK and the Power of the DPCCH to calculate the gain factor βhs for Delta ACK as follows, and then using the results, calculates ACK Power.

βhs = βcxAhs

NACK Power

Range: -60 dB to 0 dB

This cell applies to the HS-DPCCH and only provides information (grayed out) on the NACK power. The software uses Ahs for Delta NACK and the Power of the DPCCH to calculate the gain factor βhs for Delta NACK as follows, and then using the results, calculates NACK Power.

βhs = βcxAhs

CQI Power

Range: -60 dB to 0 dB

This cell applies to the HS-DPCCH and only provides information (grayed out) on the CQI power. The software uses Ahs for Delta CQI and the Power of the DPCCH to calculate the gain factor βhs for Delta CQI as follows, and then using the results, calculates the CQI Power.

βhs = βcxAhs

Subframe Delay

Range: 0 to 250 [256 chips unit]

Default: 0

On the HS-DPCCH, enter the subframe delay.

HS-DPCCH Pattern

Choices: Fixed Pattern | User Defined HS-DPCCH Pattern

Default: Fixed Pattern

This cell sets the HARQ pattern for the HS-DPCCH. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to the HS-DPCCH Pattern Selection dialog box where you can select or create data patterns. The dialog box varies according to the selected carrier type:

Adv W-CDMA/HSPA+ UL Rel 10

Adv W-CDMA/HSPA+ UL Rel 11 (MEU Option U03 or greater only)

Selecting User Defined HS-DPCCH Pattern activates the data editor enabling you to configure a pattern that includes State, Power, HARQ, CQI, PCI, MIMO Type, and Cell Selection for up to 15330 slots.

The Number of Frames cell in the advanced carrier view determines the length of the waveform. If the configured pattern length exceeds the waveform length, the software ignores the excess pattern slots.

Data Selection Dialog Box

Frame Structures

Understanding TFCI, TPC and Pilot Power Offsets

Understanding TPC Values

Uplink Channel Structures

User Interface Basics

DPCCH Transmission Pattern Selection for Advanced UL

E-DPCCH/E-DPDCH TTI Pattern Selection for Advanced UL

HS-DPCCH Pattern Selection for Advanced UL (Release 10)

HS-DPCCH Pattern Selection for Advanced UL (Release 11)