Channel Setup – Advanced PRACH Carrier

Advanced PRACH carriers consist of the following:

Channel Configuration Summary Table

This table enables you to view the key parameters for each channel in a carrier. Unlike the channel configuration summary table for the basic uplink carrier selections, the advanced PRACH carrier does not allow channel additions or deletions.

This button opens a window of predefined channel configuration selections according to the selected carrier type:

Double-clicking a configuration replaces the current configuration in the setup table. Select the carrier type from the Waveform or Carrier views.


Channel Number

View the channel number of the displayed parameters. The advanced PRACH carrier allows only one PRACH, so this cell always displays 1.


This cell displays the selected channel type. Since PRACH is the only available channel type, this cell always displays PRACH.


Choices: On | Off

Default: On

Turn the channel on or off by either double clicking in the cell, or by clicking in the cell and using the drop-down arrow to display the choices.

If the channel is turned off, the software does not allow the generation or downloading of the waveform. The PRACH channel must be on to generate and download the waveform.

Message Part State

Choices: On | Off

Default: On

Set the message part to be either on or off. When set to Off, only the preamble is transmitted. If the channel is configured for only the preamble and you select the preconfigured ClosedPreamble + Message channel setup, the software turns the Message Part state to On.

Message Control

Msg-Ctrl Channelization

Range: 0–255

Default: 15

Enter the channel code for the message-control part. Because the message control has a spread factor of 256, there are 256 channelization codes.

Msg-Ctrl Power

This cell only provides information (grayed out) and its value remains static.

Msg-Ctrl Symbol Rate

This cell only provides information (grayed out) and its value remains static.

Msg-Ctrl Slot Format

This cell only provides information (grayed out) and its value remains static.

Msg-Ctrl Data

Choices: PN9 | PN15 | 3GPP STD | User Defined Bits

Default: 3GPP STD

When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to Data Source Selection dialog box where you select the data type.

Message Data

Msg-Data Channelization

Range: 0–255

Default: 0

Enter the channel code for the message-data part. Because the message has a spread factor of 256, there are 256 channelization codes.

Msg-Data Power

This cell only provides information (grayed out) and its value remains static.

Msg-Data Symbol Rate

Choices: 15 ksps | 30 ksps | 60 ksps | 120 ksps

Default: 60 ksps

The Msg-Data Symbol Rate value is coupled with the Msg-Data Slot Format value in accordance with the 3GPP Closedspecification 25.211 V8.3.0.

Msg-Data Slot Format

Choices: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3

Default: 2

The Msg-Data Slot Format value is coupled with the Msg-Data Symbol Rate value in accordance with the 3GPP Closedspecification 25.211 V8.3.0.

Msg-Data Data

Choices: PN9 | PN15 | RACH | User Defined Bits

Default: RACH

When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to Data Source Selection dialog box where you select the data type. When the data type selection is RACH, the software uses the transport channel data cell to provide the data.


TFCI State

This cell only provides information (grayed out) and its value remains static.


Range: 0–1023

Default: 0

Enter the TFCI value.


Range: 0–15

Default: 0

Enter the number of the signature to be repeated 256 times within the preamble.

Number of Preamble

Range: 0–100

Default: 1

Set the number of preambles. If using multiple preambles with an active message part, all of the preambles are sent prior to the message part.

Maximum Preamble Power

This cell only provides information (grayed out) and its value remains static.


This cell only provides information (grayed out) and its value remains static.


Range: 1–15

Default: 3

Enter the number of access slots that separate the preamble from the message part. The slot count starts from the beginning of the preamble to the beginning of the message part. If the message part is off, this setting has no effect.


Range: 1–60

Default: 3

Enter the number of access slots that separates the preambles. The slot count starts from the beginning of one preamble to the beginning of next preamble.


Choices: 10 ms | 20 ms

Default: 20 ms

Set the transmission time interval of the message part. If the message part is off, this setting has no effect.

Power Setup Mode

This cell only provides information (grayed out) and its setting remains static.

Transport Channel

RACH Block Size

Range: 0–5000

Default: 168

This cell sets the block size. The RACH data is encoded into the blocks. To determine the number of data bits being transmitted, multiply the block size with the number of blocks value.

RACH Number of Blocks

Range: 0–295

Default: 1

This cell sets the number of transport blocks coded onto one random access channel (RACH).


Choices: 0 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 24

Default: 16

This cell specifies the number of cyclic redundancy code (CRC) bits that are added to each transport channel block.


Choices: PN9 | PN15 | User Defined Bits

Default: PN9

When the Msg-Data Data cell selection is RACH, the software uses the transport channel to provide the data. When you click the cell, a dialog box button ( ) appears and provides access to Data Source Selection dialog box where you select the data type.

Carrier n - Uplink

Waveform Graph

CCDF Graph