Group 1

This topic covers the Group 1 CELL_FACH settings.

1. General Settings

2. Preamble Settings

Scrambling Code (PRACH)

Scrambling Code (DPCH)


HS-DSCH Configured

DPCCH Only Part Length

E-DCH Length

DTX Length in ms

DTX Length in Chip

Miscellaneous Information

Preamble Info




E-DCH Info


Preamble Power




Access Slot


3. DPCCH Settings

4. HSUPA Settings


Slot Format

TPC Pattern



E-TFCI Table Selection

E-TFC Index

Happy Bit



Modulation Capability

Maximum Channel Codes

E-DCH Data

1. General Settings

Scrambling Code (PRACH)

Range: 0 to 8191

Default: 0

Sets the scrambling code number for the PRACH part.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]:PRACh:SCRamblecode <val>


Scrambling Code (DPCH)

Range: 0 to 16777215

Default: 0

Sets the scrambling code number for the DPCH part.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]|2:SCRamblecode <val>



Choice: 0 | 1

Default: 0

Sets the maximum number of DPDCH (Nmax-dpdch) to control the channel assignment.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]|2:NMDPdch 0|1


HS-DSCH Configured

Choice: No | Yes

Default: Yes

Sets the HS-DSCH configured state to control channel assignment.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]|2:HCONfig 0|1


DPCCH Only Part Length

Range: 2 ms| 4 ms| 10 ms

Default: 10 ms

Sets the DPCCH only part transmission length. This parameter is available when the HSUPA E-DCH TTI is set to 2 ms. When the HSUPA E-DCH TTI is set to 10 ms, this value is fixed to the selection of 10 ms.



E-DCH Length

Range: 10 to 5000 ms

Default: 10 ms

Sets the E-DCH transmission duration. The resolution of this value is aligned with the value of E-DCH TTI.



DTX Length in ms

Range: 10 to 500 ms

Default: 10 ms

Sets the DTX period of Group 1 in microseconds. DTX Length in Chip will be recalculated after setting this value. This value is adjusted by the values of DPCCH/HSUPA length of Group 1 and the value of HSUPA E-DCH TTI of Group 2.



DTX Length in Chip

Range: 38400 to 1920000

Default: 38400

Sets the DTX period of Group 1 in chip. DTX Length in ms will be recalculated after setting this value. This value is adjusted by the values of DPCCH/HSUPA length of Group 1 and the value of HSUPA E-DCH TTI of Group 2.



Miscellaneous Information

Preamble Info

Indicates the Preamble miscellaneous information.

Normalized power (NormPwr)


Indicates the DPCCH miscellaneous information.

Normalized power (NormPwr), IQ branch mapping (IQ), Channel code (ChCode), Spreading factor (SF).


Indicates the E-DPCCH miscellaneous information.

Normalized power (NormPwr), IQ branch mapping (IQ), Channel code (ChCode), Spreading factor (SF)


Indicates the E-DPDCH miscellaneous information.

Normalized power (NormPwr), IQ branch mapping (IQ), Channel code (ChCode), Spreading factor (SF)

E-DCH Info

Indicates the E-DCH miscellaneous information (i.e. Block size and Puncture rate).

2. Preamble Settings


Range 0 to 15

Default: 0

Sets the signature code of PRACH Preamble.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]:PRACh:PREamble:SIGNature <val>


Preamble Power

Displays the calculated PRACH Preamble power level in dB from DPCCH Power and Pp-e. The displayed power is in range of -50 to 10 dB with an inital value of -2.69 dB.

Power Preamble (Ppreamble) is calculated by: Ppreamble = Pdpcch - Pp-e.



Range: -10 to 10 dB, Resolution: 1 dB

Default: 0 dB

Sets the PRACH Pp-e in dB (power offset between the PRACH Preamble and the DPCCH).




Choice: 7680 | 12800

Default: 12800

Sets the Tp-a value expressed in units of chip. Tp-a specifies the time period (distance) between the PRACH preamble and the DPCCH.

The total time between the preamble and the DPCCH is calcurated from the Tp-a and Soffset values: Tp-a + 10240 + 256 * Soffset + 1024 chips.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]:PRACh:TPA 7680|12800



Range 0 to 9 (integer only)

Default: 6

Sets the Soffset of PRACH, which part of the time between the PRACH Preamble and the DPCCH transmission.

Each value of the range is a multiplier of 256 chips. So 0 is zero chips and 9 is 2304 chips.

The total time between the preamble and the DPCCH is calcurated from the Tp-a and Soffset values: Tp-a + 10240 + 256 * Soffset + 1024 chips.



Access Slot

Range 0 to 59

Default: 0

Sets the Preamble position.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]:PRACh:PREamble:ASLot <val>


3. DPCCH Settings


Range: -40 to 0 dB

Default: -2.69 dB

Sets the DPCCH power level in dB. The value entered here is also used by the same setting in the Group 2 node.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]|2:DPCCh:POWer <val>


Slot Format

Range: 1 | 3 | 4

Default: 1

Sets the slot format of DPCCH. The value entered here is also used by the same setting in the Group 2 node.



TPC Pattern

Choice: Up All | Down All | Custom Pattern

Default: Up All

Sets the TPC Closedpattern of DPCCH. The pattern entered here is also used by the same setting in the Group 2 node.

The Custom Pattern slection opens a pattern editor for creating, editing, saving, or recalling a pattern.



If PATTern is the selection, use "0" or "1" in a string (example: "00011101011") to configure the pattern. The maximum pattern length is 2,048 bits.



4. HSUPA Settings


Choice: Off | On

Default: On

Enables or disables the HSUPA state. The state controls the channel generation of HSUPA of this group. The timing of Groups are not changed by the state value.




Choice: 2 | 10 ms

Default: 10 ms

Sets the transmission time interval (TTI) of HSUPA E-DCH in ms.



E-TFCI Table Selection

Choice: 0 | 1

Default: 1

Sets the table number of E-DCH Transport Block Size Table.



E-TFC Index


0 to 127 (E-DCH TTI = 2ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 0)


0 to 125 (E-DCH TTI = 2ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 1)


0 to 127 (E-DCH TTI = 10ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 0)


0 to 120 (E-DCH TTI = 10ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 1)



Sets the E-TFC Index.



Happy Bit

Choice: Happy | Not Happy | Custom Pattern

Default: Happy

Sets the Happy Bit pattern.

Clicking Custom Pattern opens an Closedextended Happy Bit window (i.e. for setting: Length, Fill Pattern, Start Index, Fill Length, Interval, Value, ...). Modify the pattern by clicking the box in Happy/Not Happy columns. The custom pattern can have a maximum length of 128000 bits.



If PATTern is the selection, use"0" (Not Happy) or "1" (Happy) in a string (example: "00011101011") to configure the pattern.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]|2:HSUPa:HBIT:PATTern "<string>"



Range: -40 to 0 dB

Default: -2.69 dB

Sets the E-DPCCH power level in dB.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]|2:HSUPa:EDPCch:POWer <val>



Range: -40 to 0 dB

Default: -2.69 dB

Sets the E-DPDCH power level in dB.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:CFACh:GROup[1]|2:HSUPa:EDPDch:POWer <val>


Modulation Capability

Choice: QPSK (2 x BPSK) | 16QAM (2 x 4PAM)

Default: QPSK

Sets the E-DPDCH modulation capability



Maximum Channel Codes

Choice: SF256 (x1) | SF128 (x1) | SF64 (x1) | SF32 (x1) | SF16 (x1) | SF8 (x1) | SF4 (x1) | SF4 (x2) | SF2 (x2) | SF2 (x2) + SF4 (x2)

Default: SF2 (x2) + SF4 (x2)

Selects Spreading Factor (SF) and the number of E-DPDCHs configuration.



E-DCH Data

Choice: PN9 | Custom Pattern

Default: PN9

Selects the Closeddata of E-DCH.

The Custom Pattern slection opens a pattern editor for creating, editing, saving, or recalling a pattern.



If PATTern is the selection, use "0" or "1" in a string (example: "00011101011") to configure the pattern. The maximum pattern length is 81,920 bits.