HSUPA - General Settings

High-speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA) offers greater efficiencies with the following:

1. General Settings




Retransmission Sequence Number

RV Index

Maximum Number of Retransmissions


HARQ ACK/NACK Pattern Delay for External

TFC E-TFCI Pattern

TFC E-TFCI Pattern Delay for External

E-TFCI Table Selection (Main)

E-TFCI Table Selection (Alternate)

E-TFC Index (Main)

E-TFC Index (Alternate)

Happy Bit

HSUPA DTX Control Mode

E-DCH Data Block Size

HSUPA Configuration Summary Table

This section defines the Settings Current and Apply Needed buttons. Only one button is available at any time. These buttons are available in all of the W-CDMA/HSPA+ Uplink's tree nodes.

This button indicates that the current real-time settings have been applied to the instrument. No action is required.

This button indicates that the instrument settings are not current and need to be updated to be applied to the instrument. Click this button to update the instrument's settings.



1. General Settings


Choice: Off | On

Default: On

Enables or disables the HSUPA state. This field controls the state of E-DPDCH and E-DPCCH.




Choice: 2 | 10 (ms)

Default: 10 ms

Sets the transmission time interval (TTI) of HSUPA in ms.




Choice: None | IR (Incremental Redundancy) | CC (Chase Combining)

Default: None

Sets the HARQ mode. This field controls signaling pattern of HARQ.



Retransmission Sequence Number

Range: 0 to 3

Default: 0

Set Retransmission Sequence Number (RSN). This field is enabled when HARQ mode is set to None.



RV Index

Range: 0 to 3

Default: 0

Sets the Redundancy Version (RV) Index. This field is enabled when HARQ Mode is None.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSUPa:RVINdex 0|1|2|3


Maximum Number of Retransmission

Range: 0 to 15

Default: 15

Sets the maximum number of HARQ retransmission. This field is disabled when HARQ mode is None.




Choice: ACK All | Custom Pattern| User File | External

Default: ACK All

Edit the HARQ ACK/NACK Pattern by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedHARQ ACK/NACK Pattern dialog box.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.


This choice configures 1,280 subframes (if TTI=2ms) or 1,280 frames (if TTI=10ms) for a simulated ACK only response.

Custom Pattern

Sets the HARQ ACK/NACK data pattern to Custom Pattern. The value of this command is a string which is represented ‘0’ or ‘1’. The maximum data length is 18,000 patterns.

User File

This variable represents an ACK pattern file stored in instrument memory.


Sets the HARQ ACK/NACK data pattern to External. This choice specifies an external HARQ ACK/NACK pattern.



If you select PATTern, use the following commands to create the pattern:



HARQ ACK/NACK Pattern Delay for External

Range: 0 to 115200 (TTI = 10ms), 0 to 53760 (TTI = 2ms),

Default: 7680, Resolution: 256

Sets the delay of the external trigger for the HARQ ACK/NACK Pattern. Refer to External Input-Based HARQ Scheduling (TTI = 2 ms) and to External Input-Based HARQ Scheduling (TTI = 10 ms).


[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSUPa:HARQ:APATtern[:EXTernal]:DELay <val>


TFC E-TFCI Pattern

Choice: Main All | External| Custom Pattern | User File

Default: Main All

Edit the TFC E-TFCI Pattern by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedTFC E-TFCI Pattern dialog box.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.

Main All

This choice configures all subframes for a simulated MAIN only response.


This choice selects an external signal to control the data pattern.

Custom Pattern

Sets the TFC E-TFCI data pattern to Custom Pattern. The value of this command is a string which is represented ‘0’ or ‘1’. The maximum data length is 18,000 patterns.

User File

This variable represents a MAIN/ALT pattern file. Create this file using the TFC pattern Data Type Entry window and download the file to the instrument. Create a bit file with the following bit patterns:

  • A Main All response is represented by 0.

  • An alternate response is represented by 1.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSUPa:TFC:EPATtern MAIN|EXTernal|PATTern|"<filename>"


If you select <"filename"> or PATTern, use the following commands to create the pattern:



TFC E-TFCI Pattern Delay for External

Range: 0 to 115200 (TTI = 10ms), 0 to 53760 (TTI = 2ms)

Default: 7680, Resolution: 256

Sets the delay of the external trigger for the TFC E-TFCI Pattern.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP:ULINk:HSUPa:TFC:EPATtern[:EXTernal]:DELay <val>


E-TFCI Table Selection (Main)

Choice: 0 | 1

Default: 1

Sets the table number of E-DCH Transport Block Size Table for the main setting.



E-TFCI Table Selection (Alternate)

Choice: 0 | 1

Default: 1

Sets the table number of E-DCH Transport Block Size Table for the alternate setting. This field is disabled when TFC E-TFCI Pattern is "Main All".



E-TFC Index (Main)

Range: 0 to 127 (TTI = 2ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 0)

Range: 0 to 125 (TTI = 2ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 1)

Range: 0 to 127 (TTI = 10ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 0

Range: 0 to 120 (TTI = 10ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 1)

Default: 41

Sets E-TFCI Index for the main setting.



E-TFC Index (Alternate)

Range: 0 to 127 (TTI = 2ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 0)

Range: 0 to 125 (TTI = 2ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 1)

Range: 0 to 127 (TTI = 10ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 0

Range: 0 to 120 (TTI = 10ms, E-TFCI Table Selection = 1)

Default: 41

Sets E-TFCI Index for the alternate setting. This field is disabled when the TFC E-TFCI Pattern is "Main All".



Happy Bit

Choice: Happy | Not Happy | Custom Pattern | User File

Default: Happy

Edit the Happy Bit by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedHappy Bit dialog box.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.


This choice sets the happy bit to happy.

Not Happy

This choice sets the happy bit to not happy.

Custom Pattern

This choice sets the custom pattern for entering the number of Happy or Not Happy bit patterns.

User File

This variable represents a happy bit pattern file. Create this file by using the Happy Bit Pattern Data Type Entry window and download the file to the instrument. Create a bit file with the following bit patterns:

  • A not happy response is represented by 0.

  • A happy response is represented by 1.



If you select PATTern, use the following commands to create the pattern:



HSUPA DTX Control Mode

Choice: Process | Custom Pattern | User File

Default: Process

Edit the HSUPA DTX Control Mode by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedHSUPA DTX Control Mode dialog box.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSUPa:DTXMode PROCess|PATTern|"<filename>"


If you select <"filename"> or PATTern, use the following commands to create the pattern::



E-DCH Data Block Size

Range: 18 to 20000

Indicate the block size of HSUPA transport channel (E-DCH). This item is called "Information Bit Payload (N-INF)" in TS 25.141.