Multi PRACH Settings

These settings control the Multiple PRACH message functionality. These settings are only active when the PRACH Generation Mode is set to Multiple in the MXG/EXG's PRACH node.

There are SCPI commands for Multi PRACH listed below.

See also PRACH (General Settings) tab, ClosedPRACH Structure tab, and to Message.




UE number that is assigned to a PRACH. Up to eight UEs are configurable at one time.


Indicates whether  the UEn is enabled or disabled for multi-PRACH data generation. See :PRACH:MULTi:UE[:STATe].

Pre Sig

Indicates the preamble signature of the PRACH preamble. This is same value as the signal PRACH mode. Range: 0 to 15. See :PRACh:MULTi:UE:PREamble:SIGNature.

Ch Code: Ctl

Indicates the channel code of the message control part. This value is calculated by the preamble signature (Pre Sig) of the related UEn setting. See :PRACh:MULTi:UE:CPARt:CCODe and see :PRACh:MULTi:UE:DPARt:CCODe.

Ch Code: Dat

Indicates the channel code of the message data part. This value is calculated by the preamble signature (Pre Sig) of the related UEn setting.

Start Access Slot Positions in 80 ms Period (0 to 7)

Indicates the PRACH start position in access slot number. Range: 0 to 59, OFF. The start position can be set at 8 locations maximally. The configured pattern is repeated every 80 ms. See :PRACH:MULTi:UE[:ASLot].

If the parameter set by the following command is changed while the signal is active, the :ULINk:APPLy command or the Apply Needed () button.



[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PRACh:MULTi:UE[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8:SPOSition[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8[:ASLot] <val>|OFF




[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PRACh:MULTi:UE[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8:PREamble:SIGNature <val>


[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PRACh:MULTi:UE[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8[:STATe] 0|1|ON|OFF



PRACH Structure