These settings control the signal I/O ports.

1. Markers

2. Aux Port General Settings

3. Multiplexed Mode

Marker 1 Signal


First Address

Marker 3 Signal

Data Polarity

Second Address

Marker 4 Signal



4. Dedicated Mode Setup

5. Aux Pin/Bit Select

Aux Port Pin

Tx Power Control Up/Down Pattern

Baud Rate

Compressed Mode Start Trigger


Compressed Mode Stop Trigger


DPCCH TPC User File Trigger




HSUPA TFC E-TFCI Pattern Input Port


This button indicates that the current real-time settings have been applied to the instrument—no action is required. This button is not available when the Apply Needed button is active.

This button displays in place of the Setting Current button. It indicates that the instrument settings are not current and need to be updated with the new software settings. Click this button to update the instrument's settings.



1. Markers

Marker 1 Signal, Marker 3 Signal, and Marker 4 Signal

Choice: None | Play Flag | 80ms Frame Pulse | CFN #0 Pulse | HSUPA ACK/NACK

Choice (additional for Marker 4 only): DPCCH | E-DCH | HS-DPCCH HARQ | HS-DPCCH CQI

Default: 80ms Frame Pulse

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select Marker signal.


indicates no marker signal

Play Flag

indicates frame start timing and state if signal is being generated or not.

80ms Frame Pulse

indicates 80 ms frame boundary.

CFN #0 Pulse

indicates CFN boundary which represents beginning of CFN count 0 frame.


indicates sampled external ACK/NACK feedback signal.

And only for Marker 4:


indicates DPCCH signaling position.


indicates E-DCH signaling position.


indicates HS-DPCCH HARQ signaling position.


indicates HS-DPCCH CQI signaling position.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:MARKer[1]|3|4:APRovided[:DPCH]:TYPE NONE|PFLag|F80Pulse|CFNPulse|ANAK

These additional arguments are available only for Marker4: DPCCh|EDCH|HSDPCCH_HARQ|HSDPCCH_CQI


2. Aux Port General Settings


Choice: On|Off

Default: On

Enables or disables the Aux Port General Settings. When disabled, all data sent to the AUX port will be ignored by this I/Q channel.



Data Polarity

Choices: Positive|Negative

Default: Positive

Determines whether AUX input data will be inverted or not.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:AUX:DATA:POLarity POSitive|NEGative


3. Multiplexed Mode Setup

First Address

Choices: Group 1 to Group 15

Default: Group 1

Selects an additional address (different from a broadcast address) to receive the AUX I/O data. The data that comes with this address value is transmitted to this I/Q channel.

This setting is inactive (grayed out) unless Multiplexed is the AUX IO operating mode.



Second Address

Choices: Group 1 to Group 15

Default: Group 2

Selects another additional address (different from a broadcast address) to receive the AUX I/O data. The data that comes with this address value is transmitted to this I/Q channel.

This setting is inactive (grayed out) unless Multiplexed is the AUX IO operating mode.



4. Dedicated Mode Setup

Aux Port Pin

Choices: Unassigned|AUX0|AUX2|AUX3|AUX4|AUX5|AUX6|AUX7|AUX8|AUX9|AUX10|AUX11

Default: AUX1

Selects a serial pin from which the application channel wants to receive AUX port data.

This setting is inactive (grayed out) unless Dedicated is the AUX IO operating mode.



Baud Rate

Choices: 9600| 14400 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200 | 230400 | 460800

Default: 115200 (symbol/s)

Specifies how fast serial data is transmitted (in symbol per second).

This setting is inactive (grayed out) unless Dedicated is the AUX IO operating mode.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:AUX:DEDicated:DATA:RATE 9600|14400|19200|38400|57600|115200|230400|460800


5. Aux Pin/Bit Select

For more informaiton on the Aux IO (pins/bits selections), see the AUX I/O Connector Signal Input topic.

Tx Power Control Up/Down Pattern

The behavior of this parameter is dependent upon the AUX IO operating mode.

Multiplexed Mode

Choice: AUX0|AUX1 | AUX2 | AUX3 | AUX4 | AUX5 | AUX6 | AUX7 | AUX8 | AUX9 | AUX10 | AUX11

Default: AUX0

Sets the AUX pin for the up/down pattern.



Dedicated Mode

The software sets the bit position, which is fixed. While using this mode, this paramerter grays-out and displays the fixed bit.

Compressed Mode Start Trigger

The behavior of this parameter is dependent upon the AUX IO operating mode.

Multiplexed Mode

Choice: AUX0|AUX1 | AUX2 | AUX3 | AUX4 | AUX5 | AUX6 | AUX7 | AUX8 | AUX9 | AUX10 | AUX11

Default: AUX1

Sets the AUX pin for the compressed mode start trigger.



Dedicated Mode

The software sets the bit position, which is fixed. While using this mode, this paramerter grays-out and displays the fixed bit.

Compressed Mode Stop Trigger

The behavior of this parameter is dependent upon the AUX IO operating mode.

Multiplexed Mode

Choice: AUX0|AUX1 | AUX2 | AUX3 | AUX4 | AUX5 | AUX6 | AUX7 | AUX8 | AUX9 | AUX10 | AUX11

Default: AUX2

Sets the AUX pin for the compressed mode stop trigger



Dedicated Mode

The software sets the bit position, which is fixed. While using this mode, this paramerter grays-out and displays the fixed bit.

DPCCH TPC User File Trigger

The behavior of this parameter is dependent upon the AUX IO operating mode.

Multiplexed Mode

Choice: AUX0 | AUX1 | AUX2 | AUX3 | AUX4 | AUX5 | AUX6 | AUX7 | AUX8 | AUX9 | AUX10 | AUX11

Default: AUX3

Sets the AUX pin for the DPCCH TPC user file trigger.



Dedicated Mode

The software sets the bit position, which is fixed. While using this mode, this paramerter grays-out and displays the fixed bit.


The behavior of this parameter is dependent upon the AUX IO operating mode.

Multiplexed Mode

Choice: AUX0|AUX1 | AUX2 | AUX3 | AUX4 | AUX5 | AUX6 | AUX7 | AUX8 | AUX9 | AUX10 | AUX11

Default: AUX4

Sets the AUX pin for the HSUPA HARQ ACK/NACK pattern.



Dedicated Mode

The software sets the bit position, which is fixed. While using this mode, this paramerter grays-out and displays the fixed bit.


The behavior of this parameter is dependent upon the AUX IO operating mode.

Multiplexed Mode

Choice: AUX0|AUX1 | AUX2 | AUX3 | AUX4 | AUX5 | AUX6 | AUX7 | AUX8 | AUX9 | AUX10 | AUX11

Default: AUX5

Sets the AUX pin for the HSUPA TFC E-TFCI pattern.



Dedicated Mode

The software sets the bit position, which is fixed. While using this mode, this paramerter grays-out and displays the fixed bit.