Amplitude, Markers, and Timeslot Graph

The Timeslot's Main Amplitude, Alternate Amplitude buttons, and timeslot graph are available in the WFMn node. The timeslot graph indicates the timeslot's 3. Power function table status (Main Amplitude, Alternate Amplitude, or None (i.e. amplitude unleveled) for each of the corresponding Timeslots, Timeslot0 to Timeslot7. The timeslot buttons can be used along with the drop down arrows in the 2. Marker and 3. Power function tables, to set the Alternate Amplitude settings.

When using the Alternate Amplitude function, avoid using the timeslot's Power parameter, in the Timeslot node, to adjust the timeslot's power. The Alternate Amplitude feature has priority over the Timeslot node's Power parameter.

It is not recommended that the Alternate Amplitude function be used with waveform sequences. If the Alternate Amplitude function is used with waveform sequences, the last waveform in the sequence's result is used to calculate the Alternate Amplitude settings and is then applied to all of the other waveforms in the sequence. This behavior may or may not be desired for all the other waveform segments in the sequence.

The alternate amplitude function is unique to the ESG E4438C with standard electronic attenuator (not compatible with Option UNB mechanical attenuator or Option 506). Refer to the ESG E4438C's Data Sheet and the User's Guide.

For Signal Studio, Marker 2 is always used for the Alternate Amplitude function.

When Single bit output mode is turned on for DigRF, a message is displayed in the area below the graph warning that the Preview graph is incorrect. Related settings are not available in this mode.

WFMn Node: 2. Marker, and 3. Power function tables, Timeslots graph, Main Amplitude and Alternate Amplitude buttons

Click this button to have standard amplitude behavior for all of the timeslots.

Use the drop down arrows to select Main Amplitude (default), then the Main Amplitude button can be selected (by clicking) along with clicking in the timeslots to turn on and off the Main Amplitude function.

Alternate Amplitude generates a waveform with the proper marker file and works through the ESG --pre-configured for alternate amplitude-- with the proper marker routings to activate the alternate amplitude function for the specified time slot. The alternate amplitude state, delta, and trigger are located in the 2. Basic function table in the Instrument tree view (i.e. the 2. Basic Alternate Amplitude settings are automatically updated when the waveform is generated ). For more information on Alternate Amplitude, refer to the instrument's Data Sheet and User's Guide for more information.

In the WFMn node's 3. Power function table, use the drop down arrows to select Alternate Amplitude. Then the Alternate Amplitude button can be selected (by clicking) along with clicking in the timeslots to turn on and off the Alternate Amplitude function.

None - When None is clicked in the WFMn node's 3. Power function table Timeslot's drop down, there is no power leveling from the ALC for these timeslots. The result is lower power levels from reducing the IQ data values generated in the None-enabled timeslot(s). For this Closedexample, TS2 and TS3 are set to None.

If the Amplitude Delta is too high in the None-enabled timeslots (as a result of the reduced IQ data values) the result is poor EVM, due to insufficient DAC dynamic range in these timeslots.

To avoid this EVM degradation, the None-enabled timeslots could be re-assigned to an Alternate Amplitude-enabled marker, the power leveling is activated by the Alternate Amplitude's ALC loop. When Alternate Amplitude is used, the IQ data in that timeslot(s) is generated as if it's at its highest power, while being controlled by the Alternate Amplitude's ALC loop. The result is that the EVM and level accuracy are not degraded, because the IQ value has not been reduced or negatively effected by the DAC's dynamic range.

But, as there are only two ALC loops in the instrument --one for Main power levels and one for Alternate Amplitude power levels-- if there is a third power level required, it needs to be set to None (unleveled).

See also the instrument's Data Sheet and the User's Guide.

Alternate Amplitude Procedure:

When connected to a Alternate Amplitude-configured ESG E4438C:

In the WFMn node:

  1. Click WFMn in the Tree View.

  2. In the 2. Marker function table, click Marker 1 Source and use the dropdown arrows to change to None.

  3. Repeat step 2, for the Marker 4 Source.

  4. In the 2. Marker function table, click Marker 2 Source and use the dropdown arrows to change to Alternate Amplitude.

    For this Closedexample, the Alternate Amplitude marker is applied to TS1 and TS5 through TS7 (i.e. indicated by the blue outlines).

    The marker numbers selected for Alternate Amplitude in the N7602C software, should match the markers indicated for Alternate Amplitude in the instrument.

  5. Click Marker 3 Source and use the dropdown arrows to change to RF ALC Control. (This sets the marker 3 source to ALC Hold.)

    For this Closedexample, the RF ALC Control marker is applied to TS0 and TS4 (i.e. indicated above by the green outlines, but may be shown as pink outline in your software).

    For this Closedexample TS2 and TS3 are set to -10 dB. When there are multiple power levels the RF ALC Control marker ignores the multiple power levels and only sets the ALC control marker for the 0 dB levels of power (i.e. other power levels are left unleveled). See also Timeslot Power Assignments.

  6. In the 3. Power function table, click the Amplitude Level Setting Mode to set to Manual.

  7. Using the dropdown arrow next to each timeslot, click Alternate Amplitude or None to setup the timeslots.

In the Instrument node:

  1. In the 6. Dual ARB Marker Utilities function table, click ALC Hold and in the dropdown arrow select Marker 3.

  2. On the Toolbar, click the Generate Waveform button .

  3. Verify Alternate Amplitude's drop down boxhas changed to read Marker 2. (This parameter is set by the software and is not editable.)

Steps 11 through 13 are optional:

  1. In Instrument node's 2. Basic function table, verify Alternate Amplitude State set to On.

  2. Verify the Alternate Amplitude Delta values.

  3. Verify the Alternate Amplitude Trigger is set to Internal.

    When the Waveform Generated button is clicked, the Instrument node's Alternate Amplitude settings are automatically set by the software.

WFMn Node