
This topic provides a comprehensive listing of the Data node settings for all of the timeslots with and without channel coding except for the combined and non-combined BCH. For the combined and non-combined BCH Data node settings, see the Data BCH topic.

Use the following links to navigate to and view figures and available settings:




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Data (Timeslot Type/Channel Coding Type Burst)


Data Bits (n bits)

Stealing Flags (1 + 1 bits) (1 bit entry)


Tail Bits (n bits)

Encrypted Bits (n + n bits)


Tail Bits 1/2 (9 bits)

Extended Training Sequence Bits (64 bits)


Extended Tail Bits (8 bits)

Mixed Bits (142 bits)


Fixed Bits (142 bits)

Training Sequence Bits (n bits)



Guard Period (n bits)


SubChannel0 Data

Synchronized Sequence Bits (41 bits)


SubChannel1 State

Extended Guard Period (68 bits)

Error Insertion



BER Insertion



FER Insertion



BLER Insertion



Click the Closedbutton to display a timeslot structure (graph) at the bottom of the pane. The structure displays attributes such as tail bits, guard bits, training sequence and data type (E field). In some cases, the E field updates to show the coding type, other times it shows the selected data type, and for some timeslots it continuously shows PN9 regardless of the data selection. After clicking this button, the button name changes to Hide Graph

Click the button to hide the structure (graph). After clicking this button, the button name changes to Show Graph.

Data (Timeslot Type/Channel Coding Type Burst)

Data Bits (n bits)

Timeslot Type = Custom GMSK, Custom 8PSK

Choices: PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN20 | PN23 | EXT | Custom Bit Pattern | User File

Default: PN9

Edit the data by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

The Custom GMSK timeslot uses 148 data bits and 8 guard period bits, and the Custom 8PSK timeslot uses 444 data bits and 24 guard period bits.

Tail Bits (n bits)

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK, Frequency Correction, Synchronization, Dummy, Access

Channel Coding Type = Normal GMSK: Coded TCH/FS, Coded TCH/HS, Coded CS-1, Coded CS-4, Coded DL MCS-1, Coded UL MCS-1

Displays the tail bits set by the software in accordance with the 3GPP standards.

The Access timeslot uses 3-bits and the other timeslots use 3+3 bits.

Tail Bits 1/2 (9 bits)

Timeslot Type = Normal 8PSK

Channel Coding Type = Normal 8PSK: Coded DL MCS-5, Coded UL MCS-5, Coded DL MCS-9, Coded UL MCS-9, Coded E-TCH/F43.2, Uncoded

Default: 1FF

Use the timeslot with or without the listed channel coding. Edit the tail bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

If more bits are entered than the required number of bits, the software changes the first number of required bits to their max value (1) and ignores the remaining bits. If less than the required number of bits are entered, the software enters zeros to the left of the pattern until there are enough bits.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:NORMal:T1|T2 <9-bit pattern>


Extended Tail Bits (8 bits)

Timeslot Type = Access

Default: 3A

Edit the tail bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

If more bits are entered than the required number of bits, the software changes the first number of required bits to their max value (1) and ignores the remaining bits. If less than the required number of bits are entered, the software enters zeros to the left of the pattern until there are enough bits.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:ACCess:ETAil <8-bit pattern>


Fixed Bits (142 bits)

Timeslot Type = Frequency Correction

Displays the payload bits for the frequency correction burst set by the software.


This setting is not available for a Normal GMSK or Normal 8PSK timeslot without channel coding. To configure these timeslots, see the Encrypted Bits cell.

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK and Normal 8PSK with the following Channel Coding Types:

Timeslot Type

Channel Coding Type

Normal GMSK

Coded TCH-FS

Coded CS-1

Coded CS-4

Coded DL MCS-1

Coded UL MCS-1

Custom 8PSK

Coded DL MCS-5

Coded UL MCS-5

Coded DL MCS-9

Coded UL MCS-9

Coded E-TCH/F43.2


Choices: PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN20 | PN23 | Custom Bit Pattern | User File

Default: PN9

Set the data payload bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

Normal GMSK Channel Coding Data SCPI Commands

Normal 8PSK Channel Coding Data SCPI Commands

SubChannel0 Data

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK with the Coded TCH/HS Channel Coding Type

Choices: PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN20 | PN23 |Custom Bit Pattern | User File

Default: PN9

This represents the first user in the shared timeslot scheme. Change the data by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:GMSK:ENCRyption:TCH:HS:DATA PN9|PN11|PN15|PN20|PN23|PATTern|"<file name>"


If PATTern is the choice, use the following command to create the data pattern:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:GMSK:ENCRyption:TCH:HS:DATA:PATTern "<bit_string>"


SubChannel1 State

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK with Coded TCH/HS Channel Coding

This represents the timeslot for a second user in the shared timeslot scheme. It is uneditable and shows a Dummy burst in the timeslot for the alternate frame, which represents an empty timeslot.

Stealing Flags (1 + 1 bits) (1 bit entry)

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK

Channel Coding Type = Coded TCH/FS

Choices: 0 | 1

Default: 0

Use the timeslot with or without the listed channel coding. Enter either a 1 or a 0 to specify the normal stealing bits. The single bit defines the value for both 1-bit fields.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:GMSK:STEal 0|1


Encrypted Bits (n + n bits)

This setting is not available for a Normal GMSK or Normal 8PSK timeslot with channel coding turned on. To configure these timeslots with channel coding see Data cell.

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK, Normal 8PSK, Synchronization, Access

Choices: PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN20 | PN23 | EXT | Custom Bit Pattern | User File

Default: PN9

Set the encrypted bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

Number of bits by timeslot type:

  • Normal GMSK

57 + 57 bits

  • Normal 8PSK

174 + 174 bits

  • Synchronization

39 + 39 bits

  • Access

36 bits

Encrypted Bits SCPI Commands

Extended Training Sequence Bits (64 bits)

Timeslot Type = Synchronization

Default: B962040F2D45761B

The default bits reflect the GSM protocol.

For the selected Synchronization timeslot, set the training sequence bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

If more bits are entered than the required number of bits, the software changes the first number of required bits to their max value (1) and ignores the remaining bits. If less than the required number of bits are entered, the software enters zeros to the left of the pattern until there are enough bits.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:SYNC:TSEQuence <bit_string>


Mixed Bits (142 bits)

Timeslot Type = Dummy

Displays the payload bits for the dummy burst set by the software per the 3GPP standards.

Training Sequence Bits (n bits)

Timeslot Type =

Normal GMSK

Normal 8PSK

Channel Coding Type =

Coded TCH/FS

Coded DL MCS-5


Coded TCH/HS

Coded UL MCS-5


Coded CS-1

Coded DL MCS-9


Coded CS-4

Coded UL MCS-9


Coded DL MCS-1

Coded E-TCH/F43.2


Coded UL MCS-1


Choices: TSC0 | TSC1 | TSC2 | TSC3| TSC4 | TSC5 | TSC6 | TSC7 | Custom

Default: TSC0

The Training Sequence Bits apply to the Normal GMSK and Normal 8PSK Timeslot Type with or without channel coding:

To set the training sequence bits, click on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

If more bits are entered than the required number of bits, the software changes the first number of required bits to their max value (1) and ignores the remaining bits. If less than the required number of bits are entered, the software enters zeros to the left of the pattern until there are enough bits.

Normal GMSK with or without Channel Coding:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:GMSK:TSEQuence TSC0|TSC1|TSC2|TSC3|TSC4|TSC5|TSC6|TSC7|<26-bit pattern>


Normal 8PSK with or without Channel Coding:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:NORMal:TSEQuence TSC0|TSC1|TSC2|TSC3|TSC4|TSC5|TSC6|TSC7|<78-bit pattern>


Guard Period (n bits)

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK, Normal 8PSK, Frequency Correction, Synchronization, Dummy, Custom GMSK, Custom 8PSK

Channel Coding Type =

Normal GMSK

Coded TCH-FS


Coded CS-1


Coded CS-4


Coded DL MCS-1


Coded UL MCS-1


Normal 8PSK

Coded DL MCS-5


Coded UL MCS-5


Coded DL MCS-9


Coded UL MCS-9


Coded E-TCH/F43.2



Default (applies to only EDGE timeslots):


GSM Timeslots



For the timeslots Normal GMSK with or with channel coding, Frequency Correction, Synchronization, Dummy, and Custom GMSK, this cell only displays the guard period bits set by the software per the 3GPP standards. Timeslots 0 and 4 use 9-bits, and the other timeslots use 8-bits


EDGE Timeslots



For the timeslots Normal 8PSK with or without channel coding and Custom 8PSK, set the Guard Period bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box. Timeslots 0 and 4 use 27-bits, and the other timeslots use 24-bits.

If more bits are entered than the required number of bits, the software changes the first number of required bits to their max value (1) and ignores the remaining bits. If less than the required number of bits are entered, the software enters zeros to the left of the pattern until there are enough bits.

Normal 8PSK with or without Channel Coding:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:NORMal:GUARd <24 or 27-bit pattern>


Custom 8PSK:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:CUSTom[:PSK8]:GUARd <24 or 27-bit pattern>


Synchronized Sequence Bits (41 bits)

Timeslot Type = Access

Default: 096FF335478

Set the synchronized sequence bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

If more bits are entered than the required number of bits, the software changes the first number of required bits to their max value (1) and ignores the remaining bits. If less than the required number of bits are entered, the software enters zeros to the left of the pattern until there are enough bits.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:ACCess:SSEQuence <bit_pattern>


Extended Guard Period (68 bits)

Timeslot Type = Access

Displays the guard period bits set by the software per the 3GPP standards.

Error Insertion

BER Insertion

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK, Normal 8PSK

Channel Coding Type =

Normal GMSK

Coded TCH-FS


Coded CS-1


Coded CS-4


Coded DL MCS-1


Coded UL MCS-1


Normal 8PSK

Coded DL MCS-5


Coded UL MCS-5


Coded DL MCS-9


Coded UL MCS-9


Coded E-TCH/F43.2



Range: 0–50 %

Default: 0.00%

Use the Normal GMSK and Normal 8PSK timeslots with or without the listed channel coding.

Enter the Bit Error Ratio for the selected timeslot.

Normal GMSK with or without Channel Coding:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:GMSK:ENCRyption:BER <val>


Normal 8PSK with or without Channel Coding:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:NORMal:ENCRyption:BER <val>


FER Insertion

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK with the TCH/FS or TCH/HS Channel Coding Type:

Range: 0–100 %

Default: 0.00%

Enter the Frame Erasure Ratio for the selected timeslot.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:GMSK:ENCRyption:FER <val>


BLER Insertion

Timeslot Type = Normal GMSK and Normal 8PSK with a listed Channel Codding Type

Channel Coding Type =

Normal GMSK

Coded CS-1



Coded CS-4



Coded DL MCS-1



Coded UL MCS-1


Normal 8PSK

Coded DL MCS-5



Coded UL MCS-5



Coded DL MCS-9



Coded UL MCS-9

Range: 0–100 %

Default: 0.00%

Use the Normal GMSK and Normal 8PSK timeslots with the listed channel coding.

Enter the Block Error Ratio for the selected timeslot.

Normal GMSK with Channel Coding:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:GMSK:ENCRyption:BLER <val>


Normal 8PSK with Channel Coding:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0|[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7:NORMal:ENCRyption:BLER <val>
