DFS/DAA Parameters

The accesses a parameter pane that is divided into two parts: parameter settings at the top and the trial-list setting table at the bottom.


Trial List Setting Table


1. Radar Profiles Type

2. Basic

3. DFS Settings

3. DAA Settings

4. Marker Settings

Radar Profiles Type

Sequence Name


Sample Rate


Standards of Radar Profiles

Standard Version (for FCC)

Standard Version (for ETSI 301 893 and ETSI 302 502)

Radar Frequency Mode

Operating Frequency Band

Standards of Radar Profiles

Standard Version

Marker 1 Source

Marker 2 Source

Marker 3 Source (RF Blanking Control)

Marker 4 Source

1. Radar Profiles Type

Radar Profiles Type

Choices: DFS | DAA

Default: DFS

Coupling: When DAA is selected, the Standards of Radar Profiles will be coupled to ETSI 102 754.

Select the type of the radar profiles.

DFS is the radar profiles for Dynamic Frequency Selection.

DAA is the radar profiles for Detect And Avoid.

Depending on your selection, either DFS or DAA appears as a node in the tree view with its selected radar standard as a sub node.

2. Basic

Sequence Name

Enter the name of the sequence file to be played on the signal generator.


Enter an alpha-numeric comment up to 32 characters in length. The comment resides in the file header and can include spaces and special characters.

Sample Rate

Range:the minimum value is 10 MHz and the maximum value depends on the supported maximum sample rate of the connected instrument.

Default: 10 MHz


  1. If the Standards of Radar Profiles or Radar Type is switched, the sample rate will be automatically reset to a value that is appropriate for that radar signal. For FCC type 5 and Japan MIC chirp, it’s 100 MHz; For FCC type 6 and Japan MIC hopping, it’s the maximum sample rate of the connected instrument.For the rest radar types, the sample rate is 10 MHz.
  2. The Sample Clock under Instrument node is read-only, and its value depends on the Sample Rate.

Enter the sample rate used to generate the waveform.


Range: -1 to 2147483647

Default: 99991

Couplings: With the same seed, the Random Number Generator (RNG) generates the same random values. When the seed is -1, System Time will be used as the seed of RNG. Then the generated trial list will be different at different time.

The seed is the initial state of a Random Number Generator (RNG), which is used to generate a random value within the predefined range for parameters such as pulse width, PRI, or number of pulses for each trial , as shown in the table below (FCC radar types).

Radar Type

Pulse Width (μs) Pulse Repetition Interval PRI (μs) Number of Pulses Minimum Number of Trials


1 1428 18 30


1~5 150~230 23~29 30


6~10 200~500 16~18 30


11~20 200~500 12~16 30

3. DFS Settings

Standards of Radar Profiles

Choice: FCC| ETSI 301 893 | ETSI 302 502 | Japan MIC | Korea | China

Default: FCC

Couplings: In the tree view of the display, the node under DFS will be changed with the Standards of Radar Profiles selected here.

Select a radar profile. A variety of organizations proposed their own DFS standards. By selecting the organization's name, the corresponding standard can be selected.

Standard Version (for FCC)

Choices: FCC-06-96 | FCC-13-22

Default: FCC-06-96

Couplings:This cell is only visible when the Standards of Radar Profiles is selected to be FCC.

Select the version of FCC standard to be used for a specific radar profiles. Refer to FCC 06-96 and FCC 13-22 for more details about the definition of the radar profiles.

Standard Version (for ETSI 301 893 and ETSI 302 502)

Couplings: This cell is only visible when the Standards of Radar Profiles is selected to be ETSI 301 893 or ETSI 302 502.

Display the version of standard to be used for ETSI Radar Profiles. Refer to ETSI 301 893 and ETSI 302 502 for more details about the definition of the radar profiles.

Radar Frequency Mode

Choices: Fixed Frequency | Frequency Hopping

Default: Fixed Frequency

Couplings: This cell is only visible when the Standards of Radar Profiles is set to ETSI 302 502.

Select the radar frequency mode to be used for ETSI 302 502. Refer to ETSI 302 502 Radar Profiles for more details.

Operating Frequency Band

Choices: Others | 5600 MHz to 5650 MHz

Default: Others

Couplings: This cell is only visible when the Standards of Radar Profiles is selected to be ETSI 301 893.

Set the Operating Frequency Band to 5600 MHz to 5650 MHz when making CAC and Off-Channel CAC requirements test in 5600 MHz to 5650 MHz band. For other test cases, set Operating Frequency Band to Others.

3. DAA Settings

Standards of Radar Profiles

Choice: ETSI 102 754

Default: ETSI 102 754

Couplings: In the tree view of the display, the node under DAA will be changed with the Standards of Radar Profiles selected here.

Select a radar profile. A variety of organizations proposed their own DAA standards. By selecting the organization's name, the corresponding standard can be selected.

Standard Version

Couplings: This cell is only visible when the Standards of Radar Profiles is selected to be ETSI 102 754.

Display the version of standard to be used for ETSI Radar Profiles. Refer DAA Concepts for more details about the definition of the radar profiles.

4. Marker Settings

Marker 1 Source

Choices: Waveform Start| Burst Start| Pulses| Waveform End| None

Default: Waveform Start

Select the marker points for Marker 1.

Marker 2 Source

Choices: Waveform Start| Burst Start| Pulses| Waveform End| None

Default: Burst Start

Select the marker points for Marker 2.

Marker 3 Source (RF Blanking Control)

This cell is read-only. It is set to Pulses and used for RF blanking control.

Marker 4 Source

Choices: Waveform Start| Burst Start| Pulses| Waveform End| None

Default: Waveform End

Select the marker points for Marker 4.

Trial List Setting Table

All the standards of radar profiles allow mixed trials with different radar types insides their own standards.

Brief Introduction

FCC Trials

ETSI 301 893 Trials

ETSI 302 502 Trials

Japan MIC Trials

Korea Trials

China Trials

Brief Introduction

The parameters for each standards of radar profiles are different, as shown in the table below. For the detailed descriptions of each parameter, go to the corresponding node under the current DFS node.


ETSI 301 893

ETSI 302 502

Japan MIC



Trial IDs

Trial IDs

Trial IDs

Trial IDs

Trial IDs

Trial IDs

Radar Type

Radar Type

Radar Type

Radar Type

Radar Type

Radar Type

Number of Trials

Number of Trials

Number of Trials

Number of Trials

Number of Trials

Number of Trials

Interval Between Trials

Number of Bursts

Interval Between Trials

Interval Between Trials

Interval Between Trials

Number of Bursts


Interval Between Bursts*




Interval Between Bursts


Interval Between Trials



Interval Between Trials

* Available only when Variable Burst Interval Time is set to False.

FCC Trials

FCC allows mixed trials of different Radar Types by adding or removing FCC profiles in the trial list setting table. Note that only type 0 ~ type 4 signals can be mixed.

A set of parameters are provided for each FCC profile to allow a configuration. These parameters can also be set by accessing the corresponding FCC node on the left panel of the UI. In addition to these parameters, the node also offers more detailed information about the profile.

If a radar type, which is not allowed for mixture, is selected, a window will be displayed to let you choose what to do. For example:

You can choose to remove all other type of signals except the selected one by clicking “OK”, or to not change the selected radar type by clicking “Cancel”.

ETSI 301 893 Trials

ETSI 301 893 allows mixed trials of different Radar Types by adding or removing ETSI 301 893 profiles in the trial list setting table.

A set of parameters are provided for each ETSI 301 893 profile to allow a configuration. These parameters can also be set by accessing the corresponding ETSI 301 893 node on the left pane of UI. In addition to these parameters, the node also offers more detailed information about the profile.

ETSI 302 502 Trials

ETSI 302 502 allows mixed trials of different Radar Types by adding or removing ETSI 302 502 profiles in the trial list setting table.

A set of parameters are provided for each ETSI 302 502 profile to allow a configuration. These parameters can also be set by accessing the corresponding ETSI 302 502 node on the left pane of UI. In addition to these parameters, the node also offers more detailed information about the profile.

Japan MIC Trials

Japan MIC allows mixed trials of different Radar Types by adding or removing Japan MIC profiles in the trial list setting table. Note that only W53/56 fixed and variable pulse signals can be mixed. W56 Chirp and W56 Hopping signals cannot be mixed with other signals.

A set of parameters are provided for each Japan MIC profile to allow a configuration. These parameters can also be set by accessing the corresponding Japan MIC node on the left pane of UI. In addition to these parameters, the node also offers more detailed information about the profile.

If a radar type which is not allowed for mixture is selected, a window will be displayed to let you choose what to do. For example:

You can choose to remove all other type of signals except the selected one by clicking “OK”, or to not change the selected radar type by clicking “Cancel”.

Korea Trials

Korea standard allows mixed trials of different Radar Types by adding or removing Korea profiles in the trial list setting table. Note that only type 1 to type 3 signals can be mixed. Type 4 signal cannot be mixed with others.

A set of parameters are provided for each Korea profile to allow a configuration. These parameters can also be set by accessing the corresponding Korea node on the left pane of UI. In addition to these parameters, the node also offers more detailed information about the profile.

If a radar type that is not allowed for mixture is selected, a window will be displayed to let you choose what to do. For example:

You can choose to remove all other type of signals except the selected one by clicking “OK”, or to not change the selected radar type by clicking “Cancel”.

China Trials

China standard allows mixed trials of different Radar Types by adding or removing China profiles in the trial list setting table. Different radar types can be mixed.

A set of parameters are provided for each China profile to allow a configuration. These parameters can also be set by accessing the corresponding China node on the left pane of UI. In addition to these parameters, the node also offers more detailed information about the profile.