Real Time

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Click Licenses in the Closedtree view to display the window shown below.

Feature Index (#)

Displays the licensed feature's index number.


Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the operating state of the selected feature.

The State cell turns red if a feature is set to On and a valid license is not available.

If you set the state to Off for a licensed feature that is used in the current setup, a Closedwindow appears that enables you to save the current setup before continuing.


Displays the model number of the licensed feature.

Minor Enhancement Updates (N7625B-Uxx)

The minor enhancement updates (MEU) option allows you to obtain the latest capabilities of the software. It is purchased as N7625B-MEU. However, each enhancement update is licensed as N7625B-Uxx, as shown in the image above. As more enhancements become available, the option suffix increments: U01, U02, U03 and so on. Purchasing MEU includes all the capabilities from previous MEU licenses. For example, purchasing the license for U03 includes everything that was in U01 and U02. If you had purchased an earlier MEU license, such as U01, and want the most recent MEU capabilities available in U03, purchasing another MEU license upgrades your software to the most current state.

Release Date Software Version MEU License

Minor Enhancements

Jan 2017 16.0 U06
  • Added Time Scale Factor for wideband test

  • Added Uplink PSD Equalization for Carrier Aggregation (Basic LTE-A)

Feb 2016 15.0 U05
Advanced LTE-A TDD:
  • Added dynamic uplink downlink configuration capability

Sep 2015 14.5 U04
  • Added multi-channel 4x4 and 8x8 support with multi-channel synchronization for the M9381A PXIe VSG

  • Added high-resolution waveform import and export capability

May 2015 14.0 U03
Basic LTE TDD:
  • Updated Test Model Wizard to allow changes to UL/DL and Special Subframe Configuration

  • Added BC3 CS3 test models

  • Added Carrier Bandwidth Auto for real-time AWGN

Advanced LTE TDD:
  • Added Carrier Bandwidth Auto for real-time AWGN

Basic LTE-A TDD:
  • Added Special Subframe Configuration 9 (Normal CP) and Configuration 7 (Extended CP)

  • Added Virtual Cell ID for uplink

  • Added 256QAM modulation format for PDSCH

  • Added new test models (E-TM2a and E-TM3.1a) to support 256QAM for PDSCH

  • Updated Test Model Wizard to allow changes to Uplink Downlink Configuration and Special Subframe Configuration

  • Added BC3 CS3 test models

  • Added Carrier Bandwidth Auto for real-time AWGN

Sep 2014 13.1 U02
  • Added direct connectivity for the M9381A PXIe VSG. The M9381A has a limitation related to the Power Search and DC Cal functions. See System Requirements for more information.

Mar 2014 12.0 U01
  • LUT-based digital pre-distortion feature

Basic LTE TDD Release 9:
  • Shorter waveform length generation

  • Added Power Definition Type parameter

Advanced LTE TDD Release 9:
  • UL-SCH payload data reset on every subframe

  • Added Power Definition Type parameter


Displays a description of the licensed feature.

Instrument License

Displays the status of the selected license on the connected instrument.

When a new instrument connection is established or the hardware configuration is changed, the instrument licenses are automatically retrieved from the connected instrument. If the connected instrument does not have the correct licensing for the current waveform setup, initial settings are restored. You are prompted to save the setup parameters before continuing.

Carrier Name

Displays the name of the carrier associated with the selected feature.


Displays the status of the carrier.

Required Feature n

Displays the name of the feature required for the selected carrier.
