Last updated: 2010-03-10

For more information on the GPIB Command conventions, see GPIB Command conventions



This query returns an integer value of 1 if the status of the test set's protocol logging data source is:

  • ACT (Active) - Both a real-time session and a logging session have been established and data is being captured by the protocol logging software.

If the state of the test set's protocol logging data source is not Active, this query will "hang" until a transition to the Active state occurs, or a bus timeout or device clear terminates the query attempt.


Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above

Programming Example




 This query returns an integer value of 1 if the status of the test set's protocol logging data source is either:

  • IDLE - A real-time protocol logging session has been established between the test set and the protocol logging software, but protocol logging is not currently taking place.

  • ACT (Active) - Both a real-time session and a logging session have been established and data is being captured by the protocol logging software.

If the state of the test set's protocol logging data source is not one of the above, this query will "hang" until a transition to one of these states occurs, or a bus timeout or device clear terminates the query attempt.



Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above

Programming Example




 This query returns an integer value of 1 if the status of the test set's protocol logging data source is either:

  • DISC (Disconnected) - There is no real-time protocol logging session established between the test set and the protocol logging software.

  • IDLE - A real-time protocol logging session has been established between the test set and the protocol logging software, but protocol logging is not currently taking place.

If the state of the test set's protocol logging data source is not one of the above, this query will "hang" until a transition to one of these states occurs, or a bus timeout or device clear terminates the query attempt.


Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above

Programming Example




Logging state the test set can begin forwarding messages to the protocol logging software.


The protocol logging software must be in real-time mode (not post-capture mode) and a real-time logging session must be connected before transition to the Active logging state is possible.


A real-time logging session is connected by entering the IP Address of the test set in the Tools, Configuration window found in the protocol logging software. When a real-time logging session is connected, the test set's front panel logging annunciator will display Logging:Idle.


After the transition from the Idle to Active logging state has occurred, the test set's front paned logging annunciator will appear as follows:



Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above

Programming Example




This command queries the status of the test set's protocol logging data source. The logging status can be viewed on the test set front panel's logging annunciator.

Possible query results are:DISC

  • (Disconnected) - There is no real-time protocol logging session established between the test set and the protocol logging software.

  • IDLE - A real-time protocol logging session has been established between the test set and the protocol logging software, but protocol logging is not currently taking place.

  • ACT (Active) - Both a real-time session and a logging session have been established and data is being captured by the protocol logging software.

  • STRTG (Starting) - This is a transitional state while the protocol logging software attempts to start logging test set protocol messages.

  • STPG (Stopping) - This is a transitional state while the protocol logging software attempts to stop logging test set protocol messages.




Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above

Programming Example




This command will cause the test set to transition to the Idle logging state.

The test set must be in the Active state before transition to the Idle logging state is possible.

After the transition from the Active to the Idle logging state, the test set's front panel logging annunciator will appear as follows



Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above

Programming Example