Last updated: 2014-11-28
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With a lab application, the test set can capture the protocol messages exchanged between the test set and a wireless device. The protocol messages are forwarded via the test set's LAN port to the Wireless Protocol Advisor (WPA) software (which is included with your lab application), so that they can be displayed and analyzed. If you're using the data channel feature of the test set as an IP router to exchange data between the wireless device and a network server, then the WPA can also monitor these communications.
The Wireless Protocol Advisor software runs on a personal computer under the Windows operating system. It is tailored for the capture, display, and analysis of message exchange protocols between the test set (emulating a base station), and a wireless device. The software connects with the test set through the LAN port, to capture messages and data used to set up and maintain links and transfer data. Messages and data can be filtered to include specific protocol layers and message fields.
There are several ways to control the logging of signaling messages.
The primary method for starting and stopping is through features found in the WPA software.
The following information describes features available through the test set's remote and manual user interface for performing these functions:
Once a connection is established between the PC running the WPA (Wireless Protocol Advisor) and the test set, a logging session can be activated (or deactivated) by selecting the start (or stop) softkey from the test set's front panel or by sending GPIB commands that perform the same functions:
If a PC with the WPA software has not yet connected with the test set, an error message will be generated if an attempt is made to start protocol logging. Exactly one PC/WPA can be connected to a test set at one time.
Front Panel Control of Protocol Logging
Press the CALL SETUP key to go to the Call Setup screen.
Press the More key on the left hand Call Control menu to go to menu 3.
Select Protocol Logging ( F1).
Select Start Protocol Logging ( F1 ) to begin logging.
The GPIB command to control Protocol Logging is CALL:PLOGging.