Last updated: 2014-11-28
For more information on the GPIB Command conventions, see GPIB Command conventions
For the measurement, see Dynamic Power (DPOW) Measurement.
Function |
Sets/queries the state of the root-raised cosine (RRC) filter. If the setting is OFF, the measured results will be the mean Power, else the results will be the RRC filtered mean power. |
Setting |
Range: 1|ON|0|OFF |
Query |
Range: 1|ON|0|OFF |
*RST Setting |
0|OFF |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:FILTer ON" |
Function |
Sets/queries the expected initial step power in the measurement sequence. |
Setting |
Range: -80 to +40dbm |
Query |
Range: -80 to +40dbm |
*RST Setting |
0 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:INITial:POWer 0" |
Function |
Sets/queries the number of the measurement steps. |
Setting |
Range: 1 to 300 |
Query |
Range: 1 to 300 |
*RST Setting |
100 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:NSTep:MEASure 200" |
Function |
Sets/queries the number of the trigger steps. |
Setting |
Range: 0 to 10 |
Query |
Range: 0 to 10 |
*RST Setting |
0 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:NSTep:TRIGger 5" |
Function |
Sets whether midamble synchronization is used during the dynamic power measurement. |
Setting |
Range: MIDamble | NONE |
Query |
*RST Setting |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:SYNChronize:MODE MID" |
Function |
The setting form of this command performs two functions: (1) sets the dynamic power measurement's timeout value, and (2) sets the dynamic power measurement's timeout state to 1 (ON). The query form returns the dynamic power measurement's timeout value. |
Setting |
Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds Unit: S | MS | US | NS |
Query |
Range: 0.1 to 999.9 |
*RST Setting |
10 s, on |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:TIMeout:STIMe 5S" |
Function |
Sets/queries the dynamic power measurement's timeout. |
Setting |
Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds Unit: S | MS | US | NS |
Query |
Range: 0.1 to 999.9 |
*RST Setting |
10 s |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:TIMeout:TIME 5S" |
Function |
Sets/Queries the dynamic power measurement's timeout state. |
Setting |
Range: 1|ON|0|OFF |
Query |
Range: 1|0 |
*RST Setting |
0(OFF) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:TIMeout:STATe ON" |
Function |
Sets/queries the dynamic power measurement's trigger source. The setting only applies for the first burst of the measurement, the following bursts are triggered by protocal. |
Setting |
Range: RISE | EXTernal | PROTocol |
Query |
Range: RISE |EXT| PROT |
*RST Setting |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Sets/queries the dynamic power measurement's trigger delay setting. |
Setting |
Range:-25 to 25 ms Resolution: 0.1 us Unit: S | MS | US | NS |
Query |
Same as setting |
*RST Setting |
0 ms |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"SETup:TDPower:TRIGger:DELay 0MS" |