Last updated: 2014-11-28
The CALL:STATus commands are query only. They return values that indicate the test set's actual hardware settings. Actual hardware settings can differ from settings the user has entered, most frequently due to an error condition. When no error conditions exist, the commands used to enter values return the same results as the commands used to query actual hardware settings. For example, "CALL:AWGNoise:POWer?" returns the same value as "CALL:STATus:AWGNoise:POWer?" when no error conditions exist. |
For more information on the GPIB Command conventions, see GPIB Command conventions
Function |
Queries the additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) level when the AWGN power state is on for the current system type. The optional [:SELected] keyword in this command specifies that the cell power level being set or queried applies to the current system type. |
Query |
Range:+35dBm/1.28MHz to -165dBm/1.28MHz or 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution:0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) level when the AWGN power state is on for the TD-SCDMA system type. |
Query |
Range:+35dBm/1.28MHz to -165dBm/1.28MHz or 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution:0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the additive white gaussian noise power state for the current system type. The optional [:SELected] keyword in this command specifies that the cell power level being set or queried applies to the current system type. |
Query |
Range: 0(off)|1(on) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the additive white gaussian noise power state for the TD-SCDMA system type. |
Query |
Range: 0(off)|1(on) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current cell power level. The optional [:SELected] keyword in this command specifies that the cell power level being set or queried applies to the current system type (TDSCdm or CW). |
Query |
Range:+37dBm/1.28MHz to -165dBm/1.28MHz or 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution:0.01/1.28MHz |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current cell power level for the TD-SCDMA system type. |
Query |
Range:+37dBm/1.28MHz to -165dBm/1.28MHz or 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution:0.01/1.28MHz |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current cell power state. The optional [:SELected] keyword in this command specifies that the cell power level being set or queried applies to the current system type. |
Query |
Range: 0(off)|1(on) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current cell power state for the TD-SCDMA system type. |
Query |
Range: 0(off)|1(on) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current system type of the base station emulator. When the cell operating mode is "CW", current system type is CW; When the cell operating mode is "TD-SCDMA Test Mode", current system type is TDSCdma; When in other operating mode, current system type is determined by active cell system type. |
Query |
Range:TDSCdma | CW |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the recorded DPCH power offset sequence. For each query, the query length is fixed to be 250. The start offset ranges from 0 to (30000-250) for only 250 samples can be queried each time. |
Query |
Range: 0 to -20| NaN |
*RST Setting |
NaN |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.08.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:CLPControl:DOWNlink:DPCHannel:LEVel:RECord?100" |
Function |
Queries the occurrence time of DPCH power offset lower clipping during DPCH power offset sequence recording. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 30000 Resolution: 1 |
*RST Setting |
0 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.08.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:CLPControl:DOWNlink:DPCHannel:LEVel:RECord:CLIP:LOWer?" |
Function |
Queries the occurrence time of DPCH power offset upper clipping during DPCH power offset sequence recording. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 30000 Resolution: 1 |
*RST Setting |
0 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.08.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:CLPControl:DOWNlink:DPCHannel:LEVel:RECord:CLIP:UPPer?" |
Function |
Queries the actually recorded DPCH power offset sequence count. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 30000 Resolution: 1 |
*RST Setting |
0 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.08.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:CLPControl:DOWNlink:DPCHannel:LEVel:RECord:COUNt?" |
Function |
Queries the DPCH power offset sequence record state. |
Query |
Range: IDLE| REC |
*RST Setting |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.08.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:CLPControl:DOWNlink:DPCHannel:LEVel:RECord:STATe?" |
Function |
Queries the TD-SCDMA Test DL DPCH power offset. |
Query |
Range:-30.00 dB to 0 dB Resolution:0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current DPCHo power level. |
Query |
Range:-30.00 dB to 0 dB or -9.9E37 or 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution:0.01 Note, if there is no power being placed into the DPCHo channel then the value of minus 4 infinity is returned, which is -9.9E37. |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:DPCHannel:ORTHogonal:LEVel?" |
Function |
Queries current DPCHo power state. |
Query |
Range: 0(off)|1(on) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:DPCHannel:ORTHogonal:STATe?" |
Function |
Queries the current TD-SCDMA Test DL DPCH power state. |
Query |
Range:0(off)|1(on) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:DPCHannel:STATe?" |
Function |
Queries RRC State. DCH indicates the RB test mode service has set the UE up into CELL_DCH state. |
Query |
Range: DCH | IDLE | FACH |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above, added FACH |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries MM Status:
Query |
Range: NORM | IATT | IDET | NONE |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the status of the latest GPRS attach or detach:
Query |
Range: ATT | ATTINC | DET | NONE |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the status of the call:
Query |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus?" |
Function |
Queries the status of the data connection:
Query |
Range: IDLE | ATT | DET | PDPAG | PDP | PDPD |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above Test Application Revision: A.05.00 and above, added PDPAG | PDP | PDPD |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current paging service type. The current service type will be set to NONE when an event occurs that causes the service to be stopped. These events include:
Query |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current total RF power for the current system type. |
Query |
Range: -165dBm/1.28MHz to 39.12dBm/1.28MHz, or 9.91 E+37 (NAN) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:TOTal:POWer?" |
Function |
Queries the current TD-SCDMA total RF power. |
Query |
Range: -165dBm/1.28MHz to 39.12dBm/1.28MHz, or 9.91 E+37 (NAN) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"CALL:STATus:TOTal:POWer:TDSCdma?" |
Function |
Queries the current total RF power state for the current system type. |
Query |
Range: 0(off)|1(on) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the current TD-SCDMA total RF power state. |
Query |
Range: 0(off)|1(on) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |