This command allows you to set whether or not the spectrum monitor's reference level is selected automatically by the test set. This parameter must be set to OFF before the test set uses the manual setting for the reference level. The command to manually set the reference level is SETup:SMONitor:AMPLitude:RLEVel:MANual . |
Setting | |
*RST Setting | |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:AMPLitude:RLEVel:AUTO ON" !Sets spectrum monitor's reference level to set automatically. |
This command allows you to set the spectrum monitor's actual reference level in dBm. The range settings are coupled to the amplitude offset value for the current value of the expected frequency (set using SYSTem:CORRection[:SGAin] ). Changing the amplitude offset value does not change the reference value, unless the new value for the amplitude offset forces the current value of the reference level to exceed the range limits. If this happens the reference level is set to its limit. The test set does not apply the manual setting until the command SETup:SMONitor:AMPLitude:RLEVel:AUTO is set to OFF. |
Setting |
Range: (-50 dBm + Amplitude Offset) to (+37 dBm - Amplitude Offset) |
Range: (-50 dBm + Amplitude Offset) to (+37 dBm - Amplitude Offset)Resolution: 0.1 dB |
*RST Setting | |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:AMPLitude:RLEVel:MANual -20DBM" !Sets spectrum monitor's reference level to -20 dBm. |
This command queries the resolution bandwidth being used by the spectrum monitor measurement. This command returns the resolution bandwidth regardless of whether the bandwidth was set manually or automatically. The command that configures the test set to automatically determine the resolution bandwidth based on the Frequency Span setting is SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth|BWIDth:AUTO . When the resolution bandwidth is not set to Auto, you can manually configure the resolution bandwidth with the command SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth|BWIDth:MANual . |
*RST Setting | 30000 Hz |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth?" |
This command sets/queries the Spectrum Monitor Resolution Bandwidth Coupling State. When the state of this parameter is ON the Resolution Bandwidth is determined by the Frequency Span setting ( SETup:SMONitor:FREQuency:SPAN ). When this parameter is set to OFF the Frequency Span and the Resolution Bandwidth parameters are decoupled and can be set separately to any valid Frequency Span and Resolution Bandwidth. See Frequency Span, Resolution Bandwidth and Dynamic Range for the complete list of valid settings for Frequency Span and Resolution Bandwidth. The command to set the Frequency Span is SETup:SMONitor:FREQuency:SPAN The command to set the resolution bandwidth is SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth|BWIDth:MANual . |
*RST Setting | 1 |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:BAND:AUTO 0" !Turns Spectrum Monitor Resolution Bandwidth Coupling parameter OFF. |
This command sets/queries the value of the resolution bandwidth when SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth|BWIDth:AUTO is set to OFF. When SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth|BWIDth:AUTO is set to ON, the resolution bandwidth is determined by the Frequency Span setting ( SETup:SMONitor:FREQuency:SPAN ) and can be queried using the SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution]? command. When using this command the values in the Frequency Span and Resolution Bandwidth columns of Frequency Span, Resolution Bandwidth and Dynamic Range are no longer coupled. Therefore, the Frequency Span and the Resolution Bandwidth parameters can be set to any value in the Frequency Span and Resolution Bandwidth columns, respectively. This command also sets the Spectrum Monitor Reference Level Coupling State to OFF (see SETup:SMONitor:AMPLitude:RLEVel:AUTO ). The units (HZ|KHZ|MHZ) are optional, if no units are specified then the default is HZ. |
Range: A value in the range 300 Hz to 5 MHz can be entered, however the value is rounded to a valid entry. The decision point for rounding up or down is the halfway point between the first valid entry below the setting and the first valid entry above the setting. The valid entries include: 300 Hz, 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 300 kHz, 1 MHz, 5 MHz. |
300 Hz, 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 300 kHz, 1 MHz, 5 MHz. |
*RST Setting | 30 kHz |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth:MANual 600 khz" !Sets the Resolution Bandwidth to 300 kHz because the first valid entry below the setting is 300 kHz !and the first valid entry above the setting is 1 MHz. The middle point between the two valid values is !650 kHz and since 600 kHz is below 650 kHz, the test set rounds 600 kHz to 300 kHz. |
This command sets/queries the resolution bandwidth when the spectrum monitor is operating in zero span mode. To measure the total power of a signal you must select a resolution bandwidth greater than or equal to the signal bandwidth. To resolve two spectral components the resolution bandwidth must be less than the difference between them. The units (HZ|KHZ|MHZ) are optional, if no units are specified then the default is HZ. Any setting you enter is rounded to the nearest of the three settings. |
Setting | |
*RST Setting | 300 kHz |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:BAND:ZSPan 100 KHZ" !Sets spectrum monitor's zero span resolution bandwidth to 100 kHz. |
This command sets/queries the averaging count used when the averaging is turned on. |
Setting | |
*RST Setting | |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:COUNt:NUMBer 200" !Sets the averaging count to 200. |
Setting | |
*RST Setting | |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:COUNt:STATe 1" !Turns on averaging. |
This command sets/queries the Spectrum Monitor Detection Method. There are three detection methods available in the test set's Spectrum Monitor: Peak Detection, Sample Detection, and RMS Detection. See Detection Method for more information. | |
Setting | |
*RST Setting | PEAK |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:DETector RMS" ! Sets Detection Method to RMS. |
This command sets/queries the spectrum monitor's frequency span. If the Spectrum Monitor Resolution Bandwidth Coupling State is ON (see SETup:SMONitor:AMPLitude:RLEVel:AUTO ) the Frequency Span setting will automatically determine the resolution bandwidth. The couplings between the frequency span and the resolution bandwidth are shown in Frequency Span, Resolution Bandwidth and Dynamic Range . The units (HZ|KHZ|MHZ) are optional, if no units are specified then the default is HZ. The command to set the resolution bandwidth is SETup:SMONitor:BANDwidth|BWIDth:MANual . |
Setting |
Range: A value in the range 125 kHz to 100 MHz can be entered, however the value is rounded to a valid entry. The decision point for rounding up or down is the halfway point between the first valid entry below the setting and the first valid entry above the setting. |
Query | |
*RST Setting | 5 MHz |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:FREQuency:SPAN 10MHZ" ! Sets the frequency span to 10 MHz. |
This command sets/queries the time offset. You can specify the time window for viewing the signal using this command and the SETup:SMONitor:TIME:SPAN . The measurement is made for the duration of the time span, beginning at the time defined by the trigger event plus the trigger delay plus the time offset. The units (S|MS|US|NS) are optional, if no units are specified then the default is S. | |
Setting | |
Query | |
*RST Setting | 0 us |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:TIME:OFFSet 25 MS" ! Sets the spectrum monitor's time offset to 25 millisecond. |
This command sets/queries the state of the spectrum monitor's timeout timer. |
Setting | |
Query | |
*RST Setting | OFF |
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:SMONitor:TIMeout:STATe 1" ! Turns on the timeout timer. |