Measurement Event Synchronization

Measurement Event Synchronization

Last updated: January 16, 2009


Measurement event synchronization saves time by controlling the communication between the controller, the test set, and the mobile station, so that no device does something before it is supposed to (which can cause errors or do something well after it could have). Because some measurements can run concurrently, it is necessary that the control program know when individual measurement results are available.

Measurement event synchronization is accomplished using the INITiate subsystem's command INITiate:DONE? or the STATus:OPERation:NMRReady status registers.


The INITiate:DONE? query returns a string that indicates what, if any, measurements are ready to be fetched. This query should be used inside a loop, checking each measurement that was initiated. See INITiate for more details about this query.

The INITiate:DONE? query returns at least one of the following indicators for each pass through the loop:

Programming Example

The following example assumes that the UE is transmitting and no measurements other than channel power (WCP) and waveform quality (WWQ) are being triggered. See Transition Filters .

10  OUTPUT 714;"SETup:WCPower:CONTinuous OFF" !Sets channel power
20                                            !trigger mode to single.
30  OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WWQuality:CONTinuous OFF" !Sets waveform quality
40                                       !trigger mode to single.
50  OUTPUT 714;"INITiate:WCPower;WWQuality" !Begin channel power and
60                                      !waveform quality measurements.
80    OUTPUT 714;"INITiate:DONE?" !Queries the test set for 
90                                !measurements that have completed
100   ENTER 714;Meas_done$ !String value representing DONE measurements,
110                      ! NONE if no measurements are done.
120   SELECT Meas_done$ !This variable will have a value of  WAIT until 
130                   !a measurement is DONE.
140   CASE "WCP" !Characters must be upper case.
150     OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WCPower?" !If this case is selected,
160             !channel power results are FETCHed.
170     ENTER 714;Integrity,Wcpower_meas
180     PRINT "Average Channel Power is ";Wcpower_meas
190   CASE "WWQ" !Characters must be uppercase.
200     OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQuality:EVM?" !If this case is selected,
210             !the Max EVM measurement is FETCHed.
220     ENTER 714;Evm_meas
230     PRINT "Maximum Error Vector Magnitude is ";Evm_meas
250 UNTIL Meas_done$="NONE"   !When all triggered measurements have completed,
260                           !the INITiate:DONE? query returns NONE.
270 END


The STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:FDD command allows the program to immediately branch to the next operation or command without continuing through a loop as in INITiate:DONE? See STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:FDD Register Bit Assignments for more details about this command.

You must enable the following so that as soon as the enabled NMRReady bit is true the program moves on.

The STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:FDD Register Bit Assignments status register provides status reporting on the following measurement completions:

Operating Considerations

Only one indicator is returned per query.

All active measurements must be set to single trigger mode. This ensures that when a measurement completes it remains in the "DONE" state rather than restarting. Sending the "*RST" command at the beginning of the test code or using the "SETup:CONTinous:OFF" command during measurement setups are ways to set the trigger to single for all measurements.

Related Topics

INITiate Command Functions

What Happens When a Measurement is INITiated?

Concurrent Measurements

STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:FDD Register Bit Assignments