Additional Hardware Information
Keysight IO Libraries Suite, available free at:, is required and is useful in connecting to and configuring the test equipment.
System Products
The PD1000A Power Device Measurement System for Advanced Modeling consists of the following products:
PD1000A Hardware Power Measurement System for Advance Modeling
PD1500A Hardware for Discrete Devices
PD1000A Control Software
- Available at
- Note: The PD1000A Control Software is used with the PD1000A, PD1500A, and the PD1550A hardware.
PD1000A PD1000A Hardware
For IV/CV Tests:
- B1506A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer (see:
- or -
B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer (see:
For S-Parameter Tests:
E5080A ENA Vector Network Analyzer. See:
- B2902A/B Precision Source/Measure Unit. See:
- PD1000A Option -SPK. Includes the following:
- Quantity 2, Keysight PD1000A High Current Bias T Networks
- Three device test fixtures:
- Test fixture for TO-220 devices
- Test fixture for TO-247 devices
- Test fixture for Surface Mount Devices (SMDs)
- Quantity 2, Type ‘N’ Male to SMA Female Adapter (Keysight pn 5062-6682)
- Quantity 2, SMA connector cables (7”, Keysight pn 5062-6682)
- Quantity 8, Banana plug to Banana plug cables (4 red, 4 black, for the B2902A/B to Bias T Networks)
PD1500A Hardware for Discreet Devices
Each test instrument comes complete with its own documentation. The Country-specific power cord and other cables or accessories may be discarded. All necessary power cords and cables are included in the DPT system Rack and Safety Enclosure. For detailed information about any of the test instruments, refer to the documentation provided with the instrument.
- PD1500A Control Software Guide: Provides detailed information to install, configure, and use the PD1000A Control Software for the PD1500A DPT system. PN: PD1500-90001
- PD1500A System Installation Guide: Provides detailed information to install the Double-Pule Rack and Safety Enclosure at a customer’s site. PN: PD1500-90002
- PD1500A Rack and Safety Enclosure Operation Guide: Provides detailed information to operate and maintain the PD1500 Test Rack and Safety Enclosure. PN: PD1500-90003
- PD1500A Si/Sic Test Fixtures User Guide: Provides detailed information to install and use the Double-Pulse Test Modules for testing Si/SiC devices in the DPT Test Fixture. PN: PD1500-90004
- For testing GaN devices, contact your local Keysight Application Engineer for information regarding a GaN Test Board and associated documentation.
Components and Accessories of the PD1500A Double-Pulse Test system include:

- Double-Pulse Test (DPT) Rack and Safety Enclosure (includes power cord, bag of 6x16 bolts and washers for rack mounting instruments, an unlocking tool, etc)
- MXR108A 8-Channel Oscilloscope (includes keyboard, mouse, etc.)
- 33512B Waveform Generator with ARB
- 5063-9240 (34190A) Rack Mount Installation Kit
- B2902A/B Precision Source/Measurement Unit
- 5063-9240 (34190A) Rack Mount Installation Kit
- Heinzinger EVO High Voltage Power Supply (includes 6121-2914 High Voltage SHV Cable)
- DPT Test Fixture and Si/SiC device Test Modules:
- PD1000-68701 DPT Test Fixture
- PD1000-60901 DUT module (Power Loop) for TO-247 device package
- PD1000-62401 DUT module (Power Loop) for D2PAK7 device package
- PD1000-66505 PCA Clamp Circuit module for Si/SiC devices
- Isolated Low Side Gate Drive Modules for Si/SiC devices
- PD1000-66540 No Gate Resistor installed on module (qty. 2)
- PD1000-66542 0 W Gate Resistor installed on module
- PD1000-66544 10 W Gate Resistor installed on module
- PD1000-66546 100 W Gate Resistor installed on module
- PD1000-66848 ±28 V, No Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66850 ±28 V, 0 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66852 ±28 V, 4.4 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66854 ±28 V, 9.4 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66856 ±28 V, 20 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66858 ±28 V, 44 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66860 ±28 V, 200 W Gate Resistor installed
- Isolated High Side Gate Drive Modules for Si/SiC devices
- PD1000-66504 No Gate Resistor installed on module(qty. 2)
- PD1000-66543 0 W Gate Resistor installed on module
- PD1000-66545 10 W Gate Resistor installed on module
- PD1000-66547 100 W Gate Resistor installed on module
- PD1000-66849 ±28 V, No Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66851 ±28 V, 0 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66853 ±28 V, 4.4 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66855 ±28 V, 9.4 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66859 ±28 V, 44 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-66861 ±28 V, 200 W Gate Resistor installed
- PD1000-62001 Device Heater with Integrated Type K Thermocouple
- Cables and Oscilloscope Probes
- N2873A 10:1 Oscilloscope Probe (qty. 4 supplied with DSOS104 Oscilloscope)
- 10076C 100:1 High Voltage Oscilloscope Probe
- N2819A Differential Oscilloscope Probe, 10:1, 800 MHz
- PD1000-60002 Oscilloscope Protection Probe (quantity 2) (uses 8121-2816 BNC to SMA cable to go from Probe to Coaxial Shunt)
- PD1000-61901 Coaxial Shunt (installs on DUT Test Modules)
- 8121-2816 BNC to SMA Cable 1 M (quantity 1) (to go from Oscilloscope Protection Probe to Coaxial Shunt)
- 8121-2914 BNC to SMA cable, 1.5 M (quantity 2) for Waveform Generator (Channel 1 and Channel 2) to DPT Test Fixture
- N1294-031 GPIO-BNC trigger adapter for the B2902A/B SMU
- 1250-0781 BNC Tee Adapter
- 8121-2817 BNC to BNC Cable 2 M (quantity 3)
- 8121-2006 HV cable banana plugs (safety box to Test Fixture) Black
- 8121-2007 HV cable banana plugs (safety box to Test Fixture) Red
- PD1000-62001 Device Heater with Thermocouple (also includes N1265-61761, 0.3 Meter K-Type Thermocouple wire)
- Keysight 9170-1792 Ferrite-Core Clamp cylinders. To be attached to the oscilloscope probes (quantity 5)
- 71218629 Keysight Nameplate - Keysight Logo, to be attached by Keysight AE during initial installation.
- Keysight Serial Number label - to be attached by Keysight AE during initial installation.
- 1855-2942 SCT2080 N-Channel, SiC Power MOSFETs. For performing sample DPT tests (quantity 2)
- 8710-1582, 0.56 N-m (5 lb-in) 5/16 in Break-over torque wrench for SMA connections
- PD1000-00004, A set of hand tools is also provided for use when assembling the PD1500A DPT Test System
- E7732A Rack Filler Panels (quantity 6)
The following cables and adapters are used only for the PD1500A AutoCal procedure:
- 1251-2277 Banana to BNC Adapter, quantity 1
- 8121-2816 BNC to SMA Cable, 1 m, 50 W, quantity 1
- U1168A Standard Probe Kit, quantity 1
- 1258-0225, 2.54 mm jumpers, quantity 10
PD1550A Hardware for Power Module Test System
Each test instrument comes complete with its own documentation. The Country-specific power cord and other cables or accessories may be discarded. All necessary power cords and cables are included in the DPT system Rack and Safety Enclosure. For detailed information about any of the test instruments, refer to the documentation provided with the instrument.
- PD1550A Control Software Guide: Provides detailed information to install, configure, and use the PD1000A Control Software for the PD1550A DPT system. PN: PD1550-90001
- PD1550A System Installation Guide: Provides detailed information to install the Double-Pule Rack and Safety Enclosure at a customer’s site. PN: PD1550-90002
- PD1550A Rack and Safety Enclosure Operation Guide: Provides detailed information to operate and maintain the PD1500 Test Rack and Safety Enclosure. PN: PD1550-90003
- PD1550A Si/Sic Test Fixtures User Guide: Provides detailed information to install and use the Double-Pulse Test Modules for testing Si/SiC devices in the DPT Test Fixture. PN: PD1550-90004
- For testing GaN devices, contact your local Keysight Application Engineer for information regarding a GaN Test Board and associated documentation.

PD1550A DPT Rack and Safety Enclosure (the following test instruments are pre-installed in the PD1550A system rack):
Keysight MXR108A 8-Channel Oscilloscope (includes 4 N2873A low voltage probes, keyboard, mouse, calibration cable, etc.)
Keysight 33512B Waveform Generator
Keysight B2902B Precision Source/Measurement Unit
Heinzinger EVO High Voltage Power Supply
PD1550A-010 Dynamic Test Fixture (standard)
PD1550A-020 Dynamic Test Control Unit
PD1550A-030 Dynamic Test Safety Unit
PD1550A-090 Dynamic Test Inductor Unit
True Pulse Isolated Probe Technology Unit (for measuring VGS,H)
Country-specific Power Cord
PD1550-66560 DPT Test Interface Board for 62 mm Modules without decoupling capacitors.
PD1550-61901 0.05 Ohm (50 mOhm Shunt
PD1550-61902 0.005 Ohm (5 mOhm Shunt
PD1550-61602 UDI Cables
DP0001A 400 MHz High Voltage Differential Probes
DP0031A 200 MHz High Voltage Differential Probe NOTE: Your system may have been provided with PMK PD1802A Differential Probes instead of the Keysight DP0031 probes, These probes are identical in performance.
N2873-60001 10:1, 500 MHz Passive Probe
PD1000-60002 Protection Probe
PD1550-30117 Cable Assembly - 50 Ohm, BNC to SMA
PD1550-30118 Standard Lift Table
Holdit Pro-Set Probe Holders (no Keysight part number)
Required PD1550A Accessories (but not included)
PD1550-66561 DPT Interface Board for 62 mm DUT modules with decoupling capacitors
PD1550-66540 ±28 V Gate Driver Modules Calibrated and tested
Gate Drive Resistor modules
PD1000-66550 No installed Gate Resistors
PD1000-66551 0,0,0 Ohm Gate Resistor
PD1000-66552 0,0,1.0 Ohm Gate Resistor
PD1000-66553 0,0,2.5 Ohm Gate Resistor
PD1000-66554 0,0,4.9 Ohm Gate Resistor
PD1000-66555 0,0,10.1 Ohm Gate Resistor
PD1000-66556 0,0,22.0 Ohm Gate Resistor
PD1000-66557 0,0,100 Ohm Gate Resistor
PD1000-66558 0,0,400 Ohm Gate Resistor
Optional (not required) PD1550A Accessories
External Monitor Kit
PD1550-60004 Heavy Duty Lift Table
Cables used for System Calibration
Black Test Patch Lead
Red Test Patch Lead
Documentation and Software
Documentation is available at:
Instrument documentation, data sheets, firmware updates, software updates, specifications, and more can be found on the product web pages listed below. software for PD1000A, includes PD1500A and PD1550A Software (for general product information including the data sheet, documentation, software, etc.) (for general product information including the data sheet, documentation, software, etc.) 8-Channel Oscilloscope Waveform Generator, 2-Ch with ARB Precision Source/Measurement Unit High Voltage Power Supply Model EVO