Calibration Procedure for ±28 V, Split-Path Gate Resistor
The following calibration procedure is for General Purpose ±28 v Gate Drive modules configured to use separate RGON and RG,OFF Gate Resistors. Only RG,ON is used to measure gate current t,hrough the IG,ON pins.
Oscilloscope Probe Compensation
Gate Voltage Calibration - VGS/VGE Probe
Gate Voltage Source Calibration - VGS/VGE Output
Gate Current Calibration - IG Probe
Gate On Resistance Calibration - RG,On
Gate Off Resistance Calibration - RG,Off
High Voltage Probe Calibration - VDS/VCE Probe
Clamp Circuit Probe Calibration - VCLAMP Probe
Calibration Requirements
Calibration requires the B2902A Precision Source/Measure Unit (SMU) and the following cables/adapters:
- 1251-2277 Banana to BNC Adapter, quantity 1.
- 8121-2816 BNC to SMA Cable, 1 m, 50 W, quantity 1.
- 1168B Standard Probe Kit, quantity 2.
Initialize New Data EEPROMs
The initialization procedure is very similar for both Common-Path and Split-Path configured modules.
the following example shows the Split-Path initialization.
Only the Keysight PD1000-66848 Low-Side and PD1000-66849 High-Side gate drive modules can be configured with split-path gate resistors (RG). The module is considered ‘blank’ until initialized. Additional calibration steps are necessary to calibrate the off-path.
Initialization of the module, for split-path configuration has a sequence of requests for the Low-Side Gate Drive Module only (PD1000-66848)! The High-Side Gate Drive Module is initialized with the same nominal values. The following example sequence configures with RG,ON= 5 W, RG,SHARED = 5 W, RG,OFF = 8.0 W.
For this example:
Nominal On-Resistance = RG,ON + RG,SHARED = 5 + 5 = 10 W
Nominal Shunt-Resistance = RG,ON = 5 W
Nominal Off-Resistance = RG,OFF + RG,SHARED = 8 + 5 = 13 W
RG,ON and RG,SHARED gate drive resistors should be the same value. The resistors are in series and form the complete gate drive resistor. For example, if both resistors are 25 W, the total gate drive resistor value is 50 W. RG,OFF may be a different value.
Initialize New Data EEPROMs for Split-Path Gate Drive Module
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If the module is a blank board (has never been initialized), click Yes. If it has been initialized before, click No. |
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Enter the Nominal On-Resistance Value. In our example, enter 10. Click Ok. |
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Enter the Nominal Shunt Value. In our example, enter 5. Click Ok. |
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If the gate drive module is configured with Split-Path gate resistors, click Yes. If it is configured a a Single- or Common-path, click NO. |
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Enter the Nominal Off-Resistance Value. In our example, enter 13. Click Ok. |
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For maximum high voltage level, use the predefined value (28). Click Ok. |
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For minimum high voltage level, use the predefined value (0). Click Ok. |
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For maximum low voltage level, use the predefined value (0). Click Ok. |
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For minimum low voltage level, use the predefined value (-28). Click Ok. |
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For maximum high-low voltage difference, use the predefined value (0). Click Ok. |
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For minimum high-low voltage difference, use the predefined value (1). Click Ok. |
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For the voltage threshold of the Low-Side Gate Drive module, usethe predefined value (NaN). Click Ok. |
The module is now initialized and ready for complete Calibration.
Oscilloscope Probe Compensation
As the first step calibrating the Double-Pulse Test system, the oscilloscope probes must be adjusted for low frequency compensation. For this, the 10076C and N2873A passive probes have built-in compensation RC divider networks. The N2819A Active Differential Probe also requires offset compensation.
Allow the oscilloscope and probe to warm up at ambient temperature for a minimum of 60 minutes (1 hour) before performing the adjustment.Required Equipment
All equipment required for compensation and calibration were provided with the PD1500A test system. This includes:
- Spring hook and ground clips for passive oscilloscope probes.
- 5 cm Extension Leads and either Pincer or micro IC clips for the N2819A Differential probe.
- Low Frequency Compensation trimmer/adjustment tools (small plastic screwdriver).
Compensating the 10076C and N2873A Probes
The Infiniium S-Series Oscilloscopes have a square wave reference signal available on the front panel to use for compensating the passive probes. Attach the spring hook and ground clip to the probe and then the square wave reference terminal.
- Refer to the N2873A Probe’s User Guide for instructions. A general description and procedure can also be found on page 5 (Hint #3) of the Keysight 8 Hints for Better Scope Probing.
- Connect the probe to the oscilloscope’s front-panel calibration output (a square wave label is seen near this output).
- Use the supplied trimmer tool to adjust the Low Frequency compensation to an optimum square wave response as shown below.
Adjust so that the square wave on the oscilloscope screen looks square.
Undercompensated Overcompensated Optimum Due to the 100:1 divider of the 10076C High Voltage Probe, the signal will appear to be very noisy. Therefore, it is beneficial to enable averaging in the Setup > Acquisition menu for suppressing this noise. Setting the number of averages to 16 will result in a clean signal.Compensating the N2819A Differential Probe
The N2819A Active Differential Probe also requires offset compensation. This is described below and in the N2818/9A Differential Probes User Guide. Use the trimmer tool supplied with the probe to perform the offset zero calibration.
- Connect the probe to an oscilloscope channel input. Turn on the oscilloscope and wait for a minimum of 20 minutes to allow the oscilloscope and probe to warm up.
- Using the probe's 5 cm Extension Leads and the Pincer or Micro IC Clip connection accessories, short the + and - inputs together.
- Press Control > Autoscale on the oscilloscope.
- Press the channel button for the probe and set the oscilloscope channel to DC Coupled mode.
- Set the oscilloscope to Averaging mode (Setup > Acquisition... > Averaging Enabled, x8 or higher) to reduce oscilloscope noise, if needed.
- Set the vertical scale of the oscilloscope to 100 mV/div.
- Using the offset adjustment tool that comes with the probe, adjust the probe offset voltage to zero volts.
In the Compensation & Calibration section of the Control Software, software, click the Skip button when you have completed the probe compensation.
Gate Voltage Calibration - VGS/VGE Probe
Hardware Setup
- Connect the N2873A VGS/VGE Gate-Voltage-Probe into the VGS/VCE deskew connector on the PD1500A Test Fixture.
- Connect the SMA-end of the BNC-to-SMA calibration cable to the SMA INPUT deskew connector on the PD1500A Test Fixture.
- Connect the BNC-to-Banana adapter to BNC-end of the BNC-to-SMA calibration cable.
- Connect the Banana-plug of BNC-to-Banana adapter into the Channel 1 FORCE-terminals of the B2902A/B SMU.
- The Safety Enclosure hood may be left open.
Click Start to perform the calibration and continue to the next step.
Gate Voltage Source Calibration - VGS/VGE Output
Hardware Setup
- Connect the N2819A Differential Oscilloscope Probe to the IG On Pins on the Low-Side Gate Driver Module. Carefully observe polarity when installing the probe.
- Connect red Test-Hook Banana plug to FORCE-High-terminal on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect red Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP501.
Connect black Test-Hook Banana plug to FORCE-Low terminal on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect black Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP502.
- The Safety Enclosure hood may be left open.
Click Start to perform the calibration and continue to the next step.
Gate Current Calibration - IG,ON Probe
Hardware Setup:
Use the following procedure for both Common-Path and Split-Path Gate Resistor configurations.
- Connect the N2819A Differential Oscilloscope Probe to the IG,ON Pins on the Low-Side Gate Driver Module. Carefully observe polarity when installing the probe.
- Connect red Test-Hook Banana plug to FORCE-High-terminal on the B2902 SMU.
- Connect red Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module TP505.
- Connect black Test-Hook Banana plug to FORCE-Low terminal on the B2902 SMU.
- Connect black Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module TP507.
- The Safety Enclosure hood may be left open.
Click Start to perform the calibration and continue to the next step.
Gate On-Resistance Calibration - RG,On
Hardware Setup:
- Using one set of the U1168B Test Probe kit, connect red Test-Hook Banana plug to FORCE-High-terminal (red) on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect red Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP506.
- Connect black Test-Hook Banana plug to FORCE-Low-terminal on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect black Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP501.
- Using a second set of the U1168B Test Probe kit, connect red Test-Hook Banana plug to Sense-High-terminal (red) on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect red Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP507.
- Connect black Test-Hook Banana plug to Sense-Low-terminal on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect black Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP509.
- The Safety Enclosure hood may be left open for this calibration step.
Click Start to perform the calibration and continue to the next step.
Gate Off Resistance Calibration - RG,Off
Hardware Setup:
Using one set of the U1168B Test Probe kit, connect red Test-Hook Banana plug to FORCE-High-terminal (red) on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect red Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP501.
- Connect black Test-Hook Banana plug to FORCE-Low-terminal on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect black Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP503.
Using a second set of the U1168B Test Probe kit, connect red Test-Hook Banana plug to Sense-High-terminal (red) on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect red Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP509.
- Connect black Test-Hook Banana plug to Sense-Low-terminal on the B2902A/B SMU.
- Connect black Test-Hook to Low-Side Gate Driver Module test point TP508.
- The Safety Enclosure hood may be left open for this calibration step.
Click Start to perform the calibration and continue to the next step.
High Voltage Probe Calibration - VDS/VCE Probe
Hardware Setup:
- Install a High-Side Gate Drive Module (0 W Gate Resistor)
- Install a 1200 V FET (for example, the SCT2080KE FET supplied with the PD1500A) in the High-Side position of the DUT module.
- Remove any FET in the Low-Side position of the DUT Module.
- Remove (do not install) the Low-Side Gate Drive Module.
- Connect the 10076C High Voltage Probe to the DUT Module.
Remove all other cables and oscilloscope probes.
After setting up the hardware as described above, click Start to perform the calibration and continue to the Clamp Circuit Probe Calibration.
Clamp Circuit Probe Calibration - VCLAMP Probe
Hardware Setup:
See Figure below.
After setting up the hardware as described above, click Start to perform the calibration and then continue to the next step.
Protection Probe Calibration - ID/IC
Hardware Setup:
Refer to Figure below.
- Connect the PD1000-60002 Protection Probe to the Oscilloscope.
- Connect the BNC to Banana Adapter to the BNC to SMA cable.
- Connect the SMA end of the cable to the SMA connector on the PD1000-60002 Protection Probe. Use the 0.56 N-m (5 lb-in) 5/16 in. SMA Break-over torque wrench (provided with the PD1500A system) to tighten the cable to the PD1000-60002 Protection Probe.
- Connect the banana plug cable to Channel 1 Force terminals of the B2902A SMU (2-wire measurement).
- The Safety Enclosure hood may be left open for this calibration step.
After setting up the hardware as described above, click Start to perform the calibration and then continue to the next step.
Oscilloscope Probe Deskew
A small propagation delay difference exists between different types of oscilloscope probes (e.g., voltage vs. current probes). Although this difference is small, it is significant and is caused by each probe’s unique internal circuitry and cable length. This propagation delay difference is known as “skew” and creates an error when calculating switching loss or measuring timing. In general, the outcome is that all probes must be aligned!
Deskew is a process of applying a signal from the Waveform Generator to all four oscilloscope channels simultaneously. The PD1000A Control Software measures the time difference between channels relative to oscilloscope Channel 3. Finally, the oscilloscope automatically calculates and sets the channel-to-channel skew factor.
After the Oscilloscope Probe Compensation and System Calibration, the last step is to run Deskew. Deskew has the greatest impact on both On and Off Delay times and hence affects the total Switching Time. Both On and Off Switching Energies are also affected.
The following table lists the required alignment for the different measurements.
Parameter | Required Alignment |
Turn on delay td(on | ) VGS, VDS |
Turn on rise time tr | None |
Turn on Energy e(on) | VGS, VDS, ID |
Turn off delay td(off) | VGS, VDS |
Turn off fall time tf | None |
Turn off Energy e(off) | VGS, VDS, ID |
Reverse Recovery Time trr | None |
Reverse Recovery Charge Qrr | None |
Reverse Recovery Energy Err of Diode | VDS, ID |
Gate Charge QGS, QGD, QG | VGS, IG |
RDS(on) | VDS (clamped), ID |
IV-Curve | VGS, IG |
Connect Probes to Deskew Fixture
After the Oscilloscope Probe Compensation and System Calibration, the last step is to run Deskew.
Hardware Setup
Because the oscilloscope has only four input channels and the DPT test fixture uses only four oscilloscope probes at a time, then only four probes may be deskewed at one time. Typically, either the N2819A Differential Probe (for measuring IG) or the N2873A (VCLAMP) probe are used in a DPT test; rarely are they both used at the same time. Deskew the probes that you will be using in your test. Figure below shows the typical configuration for Deskewing the oscilloscope probes.
- Locate the Deskew oscilloscope probe connectors on the main Test Fixture. See figure below.
- Remove the SMA cable from the Low Side SMA connector on the Test Fixture and connect it to the Cal (Deskew) Input SMA connector.
The BNC connector (ID/IC) on the far right is for the PD1000-60002 Oscilloscope Protection probe cable that would normally connect to the Coaxial Shunt Resistor on the DUT Test Module.
- Connect the oscilloscope probes to the Deskew section of the Test Fixture.
- After setting up the oscilloscope probes in the Deskew fixture, click Start to perform Deskew calibration.
- When complete, return the oscilloscope probes to the appropriate connectors on the DUT and Test Modules.
- Return the SMA cable from the Cal (Deskew) Input SMA connector to the Low Side SMA connector on the Test Fixture.
After Compensation & Calibration and Deskew Completes
This concludes the Compensation & Calibration procedure.