Troubleshooting and Tips

This section provides some basic testing tips and simple troubleshooting concepts for IV/CV measurements if your test results are not what you expected.


This section provides troubleshooting information for the IV/CV and S-Parameter tests. For troubleshooting information on the PD1500A Double-Pulse Test System, refer to the PD1500A Service Guide.

Using Debug Mode

Debug Mode causes the PD1000A Control Software to send a SCPI SYST:ERR? command after each command is sent to any of the test instruments. If any errors exist (i.e., parameters out of range, timeout, etc.) they can be easily detected and resolved.

To use debug mode:

  1. Click Settings in the upper left corner of the main display window.

  2. Select Global Settings. This opens the Global Settings dialog.

  3. Select the Debug Mode checkbox.

  4. Run the tests you want to debug.

  5. Use the IO Monitor utility in the IO Libraries Suite to view the error messages.

Using IO Monitor

Errors Before IV/CV Measurements


Before each measurement, the software sends an "SYST:ERR?" SCPI command to the EasyEXPERT software that runs on the B1505A or B1506A analyzer. If an error exists that the software cannot resolve, it is displayed on screen with the error code, the time of the error, the test that has the error, and which parameter failed.


Try to diagnose and correct the error from the information listed. To look up the error code, see the Keysight EasyEXPERT Software User’s Guide, Vol. 2, Chapter 11, which contains an extensive list of error codes.

Measurement results do not contain the expected amount of data points (trace is cut off at an unexpected point)


When you run a test from the PD1000A software, the software sends a sweep range to the B1505A or B1506A analyzer. As the analyzer makes measurements, it may encounter an invalid measurement. (Typically, this happens only because the measurement reached some kind of parameter limit, such as a current over-limit situation.) Rather than making fewer measurements than are specified in the sweep range, the software repeats the last valid measurement in the output file. You can see this directly on the instrument screen when there seem to be not enough data points or when you preview the data after loading it into the PEMG software.


Verify that the input parameters for your test are within limits and adjust them as needed.

When filling out parameter values, do not exceed the device limits specified in the product data sheet.

IV Plot Oscillations


Device oscillation may appear in the output plots of FET and IGBT devices (see below):


You may need to set a Gate resistance value in both the EasyEXPERT software and the PD1000A Control Software.

You must change the Gate Resistance value in two places: 1) in the PD1000A software in the parameters for the individual test, and 2) in the B1506A EasyEXPERT software. Make sure that you use the same value in both places.

For example, to change the Gate Resistance value for the above plot in the EasyEXPERT software:

  1. Click Tools > System > Configuration.

  2. Select the UHC Expander / Fixture tab.

  3. Under Gate Control, change the resistor value to 100 W , as shown in the following graphic:

  4. Rerun the test. The oscillations should be gone, and smooth plots should appear.