Normalize each MIMO Path in Frequency Response (802.16 OFDMA)

 Default: Selected (See OFDMA Standard Presets Table.)

The Normalize each MIMO Path in Frequency Response parameter selects normalized or non-normalized MIMO Ch Frequency Response trace data. Normalized trace data is scaled to show each MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output: A physical layer (PHY) configuration in which both transmitter and receiver use multiple antennas. channel antenna path frequency response trace centered around 0 db. For normalized traces, all MIMO Channel paths are individually normalized for magnitude, phase, and time offset. For non-normalized trace data, the trace data is not scaled or modified.

Selected:   The MIMO Channel Frequency Response trace data is normalized trace data.

Cleared:  The MIMO Chan Freq Resp trace data is not normalized.

See Also

STC Space Time Coding (STC) allows the transmitter to transmit signals (information) both in time and space, meaning the information is transmitted by two antennas at two different times consecutively./MIMO Parameters & Trace Data (802.16 OFDMA)

MIMO Ch Frequency Response (802.16 OFDMA)

STC/MIMO Tab (802.16 OFDMA)

MIMO Info (802.16 OFDMA)