MIMO Ch Frequency Response (802.16 OFDMA)
FFT Fast Fourier Transform: A mathematical operation performed on a time-domain signal to yield the individual spectral components that constitute the signal. See Spectrum. of the MIMO Eq Impulse Response. The Normalize Chan Freq Resp parameter can be used to select either Normalized or non-Normalized trace data.
shows the equalizer channel frequency response as decoded by the Matrix Decoder. The is the reciprocal of theThis trace is available only for STC Space Time Coding (STC) allows the transmitter to transmit signals (information) both in time and space, meaning the information is transmitted by two antennas at two different times consecutively./MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output: A physical layer (PHY) configuration in which both transmitter and receiver use multiple antennas. measurements..
has one point per subcarrier. is the measured equalizer frequency response for the analyzed signal. It contains one complex value for each subcarrier, plus an interpolated value at the middle unused subcarrier. The total number of subcarriers is dependent on the and type (e.g. analysis for a signal with will have a total of 841 values).
When the channel estimation contains unused subcarriers, the
is linearly interpolated (magnitude and phase interpolation) between the used subcarriers in the channel estimation.When the measurement parameter Include Inactive Antenna Paths on MIMO Traces is selected, the trace displays overlays of all antenna paths, regardless of how low in power they are. When the measurement parameter is not selected, the trace displays only the results of active antenna paths.
Inconsistent Trace Results
There may unexplained frequency response differences between the MIMO Eq Ch Frequency Response trace and the Ch Frequency Response trace. There may be exaggerated spurs at edges of the trace, but no spurs exist in the trace. This is may occur for MIMO bursts that contain only 2 symbols and the multi-channel filter is selected. The inaccurate data result is caused by interaction of the multi-channel filter and extrapolation of the pilot-based channel estimation. To solve the problem, disable the multi-channel filter (clear the Enable Multicarrier Filter on the tab).
See Also