DL-MAP Info (802.16 OFDMA)

The DL-MAP Info trace the shows the data results of the DL-MAP Decoding feature. The DL-MAP Info trace is a summary table of the downlink subframe, decoded FCH and decoded DL-MAP downlink map: A MAC message that defines burst start time for both time division multiplex and time division multiple access (TDMA) by a subscriber station (SS) on the downlink. messages.  When DL-MAP Decoding is not selected in the current configuration, a “NO DATA” message will show, and the results will be filled with "***" asterisks.

The DL-MAP Decoding parameter must be selected to view the DL-MAP Info trace data results.

The DL-MAP Info trace data results include the decoded FCH parameters, a DL Down Link (forward link: from base station to cell phone)-MAP Status indicator, the decoded DL-MAP parameters, and the decoded DL-MAP_IE messages.  A “NO DATA” trace message will show, and the results will be filled with “***” placeholders if DL-MAP decoding is not selected in the current configuration.

Decoded FCH parameters:

Status:    DL-MAP Status indicator results

Decoded DL-MAP parameters:

Decoded DL-MAP_IE list:

The Decoded DL-MAP_IE list, in the lower section of the trace, includes a one-line text summary of each encountered IE (Information Element).  The following IE types will be interpreted, other IE types present a textual summary of the basic IE parameters and the first few bytes of the message.

See Also

Available Trace Data (802.16 OFDMA)