Available Trace Data (802.16 OFDMA)

The following table provides a list of the available measurement trace data for 802.16 OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing: OFDM employs multiple overlapping radio frequency carriers, each operating at a carefully chosen frequency that is Orthogonal to the others, to produce a transmission scheme that supports higher bit rates due to parallel channel operation. OFDM is an alternative tranmission scheme to DSSS and FHSS. modulation analysis. Click on the name for detailed information about each Trace Data result.

Channel X Available Trace Data


Raw Main Time
CCDF Summary Search Time


Correction Time
Inst Spectrum  


Cross Channel 2x1 Available Trace Data



Cross Correl

Cross Spectrum  


Demod Available Trace Data

Ch Freq Resp Adj Diff Inst Ch Freq Resp Adj Diff
Ch Frequency Response Inst Ch Frequency Response
Common Pilot Error IQ Meas
Data Burst Info IQ Ref
Detected Allocations Preamble Freq Error
DL-MAP Info RMS Error Vector Spectrum
Eq Impulse Response RMS Error Vector Time
Error Vector Spectrum Syms/Errs
Error Vector Time UL-MAP Info
Frame Summary  


MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output: A physical layer (PHY) configuration in which both transmitter and receiver use multiple antennas. Available Trace Data

Ch Freq Resp Adj Diff Eq Impulse Response
Ch Frequency Response Info
Common Pilot Error Inst Ch Freq Resp Adj Diff
Eq Cond Number Inst Ch Frequency Response

See Also

89600 VSA Software Standard Trace Data

About Option B7Y IEEE 802.16 OFDMA Modulation Analysis