Calculation Tab (Advanced Radar)

Menu Path: MeasSetup > Advanced Radar Properties > Calculation

The Calculation tab provides inputs to configure how pulse and region metrics are calculated.

Synchronization Domain -- This parameter is provided on every tab because it is a fundamental configuration parameter affecting the entire Advanced Radar measurement.


Metric Calculation Thresholds

The diagram on the right side of the Calculations tab will update dynamically for ease of understanding. The threshold settings are shown in the diagram when the Thresholds radio button is selected.

Pulse Analysis Percentages

The settings in this parameter group allow you to specify the portion of the pulse to do measurement metric computation for specific metrics and modulation types. Select a desired metric/modulation type (or select All) and set the From Pulse Top Start and From Pulse Top End "Analysis Exclude" parameters to define the portion of the pulse to be used in the calculation of that metric/modulation type. When the Regions radio button under the diagram is selected, these settings are shown in the diagram and the selected metric/modulation type is displayed after "Metric:" in the diagram's title.

Region Analysis Percentages

(not available with Amplitude Synchronization Domain)

The settings in this parameter group allow you to specify the portion of the detected region for analysis. Frequency, phase, and chirp metrics within the Region Table are all affected by these parameters, as they affect the portion of the region to use for calculation.

See Also

Advanced Radar Properties Dialog Box