Synchronization Domain (Advanced Radar)
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<all tabs>Synchronization Domain specifies the domain of interest in which detection will take place. Synchronization Domain is provided on every tab because it is a fundamental configuration parameter affecting the entire Advanced Radar measurement. Synchronization domain-specific detection settings are located on the Detection tab > Region panel.
Amplitude (Pulsed) -- Unique pulses will be discriminated based on gaps in RF power or amplitude drops between pulses.
Phase -- Detects regions of constant phase in the acquired signal. The phase used for detection is the measured phase without any correction applied.
Frequency -- Detects regions of constant frequency in the acquired signal.
Linear Chirp -- Detects linear frequency chirps in the acquired signal. Chirp Meas Time, Chirp Ref Time, and Chirp Err Time, and Chirp-related metrics are only available when the Linear Chirp synchronization domain is selected.
When Phase, Frequency or Linear Chirp is selected, a Pulsed checkbox will appear to the right of the synchronization domain selection box.
The Pulsed checkbox allows the user to specify whether to narrow the portion of the acquisition to search for linear chirps in pulsed regions of the acquisition.
- Checked (default): pulses in the acquisition are detected and a pulse table with pulse metrics is provided. All behaviors and traces related to pulse analysis in the Amplitude Sync Domain essentially stay the same in this case. When Linear Chirp, Phase or Frequency is selected and Pulsed is checked, the region detection algorithm searches only inside the "on" regions of the detection pulses in the acquisition. This allows for simultaneous pulse and linear chirp/phase/frequency synchronization domain-based region detection.
- Cleared (not checked): all the traces and behaviors corresponding with pulse analysis are disabled and linear chirp/phase/frequency synchronization domain regions are searched for and detected across the entire acquisition, regardless of whether there are amplitude bursts or not in the signal.
See Also
Advanced Radar Properties Dialog Box