Troubleshooting (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)

This topic contains information to help you troubleshoot measurements when using cdma2000 Demodulation. Also review Setting up a cdma2000 Measurement for additional measurement information.





Demodulation fails to lock-on to signal

Signal not present

Check test setup connections


Carrier too far from center frequency

Adjust center frequency to ± 500 Hz of the carrier frequency





Input signal is over-loaded or under ranged

Adjust input range





Frequency span is too narrow

Increase frequency span





Incorrect chip rate

Enter correct chip rate (not symbol rate or bit rate)





No Pilot Channel missing or level to low

Set pilot channel at Walsh Code Number Zero.

Try adjusting pilot channel power level.





Incorrect Long Code Mask

Generally only cdma2000 reverse link signals with Long Code Mask equal to zero can be demodulated.





cdma2000 signal spectrum is inverted

Check the Mirror Frequency Spectrum setting (MeasSetup > Demodulator > Format tab).





I/Q Offset too large

Reduce the LO feedthrough

(or DC Offset for I+jQ receiver)





If using an Keysight ESG to generate the input signal you need to check the firmware revision level.

Use firmware revision B.03.60 or newer.





Wrong channel marked as active

Poor SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio (signal to noise ratio).

Increase signal power or remove cause of noise/distortion.





All bits not transmitted within a physical channel.

Transmit all bits within a physical channel, or select code-domain power for the layer associated with the physical channel of interest (single-layer code-domain power displays are accurate even if the VSA is unable to identify active channels in the composite code-domain power display).





Data pattern induces large disparity in power between slower channels overlaid by the channel of interest.

Verify that your transmitter is transmitting properly.




ADS application has failed to work with cdma2000 demodulation

See Troubleshooting ADS measurements


The trace data constellation symbol location shape, such as dots, is not properly displayed.

The display driver is not functioning correctly.

Contact your PC manufacturer to see if a newer version of the display driver is available. If not, try decreasing the hardware acceleration. See the Windows documentation for instructions.

See Also

Setting up a cdma2000 measurement

Measurement Speed Considerations

About Opt B7T: cdma2000/1xEV-DV Demodulation

Troubleshooting Advanced Design System (ADS)

VSA error and status messages

VSA Troubleshooting Topics