Code Domain Offsets (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)

Code Domain Offsets table summarizes the active code channel power, timing, and phase information; it lists one row for each active code channel in the measurement. In each row there are five columns; Chan, Pwr, Timing, Phase and CDE.


The "Chan" column identifies the active channel. Each channel is identified by a single character, followed by a number, followed by another number in parentheses, for example "S16(5)". The first character is either an "S" (used by W-CDMA Code Division Multiple Access: One of several digital wireless transmission methods in which signals are encoded using a specific pseudo-random sequence, or code, to define a communication channel. A receiver, knowing the code, can use it to decode the received signal in the presence of other signals in the channel. This is one of several "spread spectrum" techniques, which allows multiple users to share the same radio frequency spectrum by assigning each active user an unique code. CDMA offers improved spectral efficiency over analog transmission in that it allows for greater frequency reuse. Other characteristics of CDMA systems reduce dropped calls, increase battery life and offer more secure transmission. See also IS-95., the S stands for spread code) or a "W" (used by cdma2000/1xEV-DV, the W stands for Walsh code). The first number identifies the spread code length (for W-CDMA) or the Walsh code length (for cdma2000/1xEV-DV). The number in parentheses identifies the code channel number. So "S16(5)" means that this is a W-CDMA channel, using spread code length 16 and is channel number 5 within that spread code length.


This column shows that power in each active channel. When Normalize IQ Traces is on, the power is expressed in dBc deciBels referenced to the carrier: A technique for expressing a power measurement in logarithmic form using the carrier power as a reference., and is relative to the total power in the signal. When Normalize IQ Traces is off, the power is expressed in dBm deciBels referenced to a milliWatt: dB relative to 1 milliwatt dissipated in the nominal input impedance of the analyzer. The value in this column is the same value shown in the Composite CDP trace for the corresponding channel.


This column shows the timing offset of the channel, relative to the pilot channel.


This column shows the phase offset of the channel, in degrees, relative to the pilot channel.


This column shows the code-domain error for each active channel. When Normalize IQ Traces is on, the CDE is expressed in dBc, and is relative to the total power in the signal. When Normalize IQ Traces is off, the CDE is expressed in dBm. The value in this column is the same value shown in the Composite CDE trace for the corresponding channel.

See Also

CDP Layer

Code Order

About Measurement Interval and Offset

Channel 1 CDP Trace Data

About Trace Data (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)