Show Extra Impulse Response Width (Channel Sounding)

Show Extra Impulse Response Width doubles the Impulse Response and Inst Impulse Response trace widths for troubleshooting purposes.

Cleared (default) - The Impulse Response, Inst Impulse Response and Inst Ch Power Delay Profile trace widths are based on the Sequence Length. In this mode, the entire impulse response is valid.

Selected - The Impulse Response and Inst Impulse Response trace widths are doubled. In this mode, only the center half of the impulse response is valid. The other parts of the impulse response can be used for troubleshooting.

This parameter will affect the channel frequency response as well, so make sure you clear the check box once you are finished troubleshooting.

See Sequence Length for more information.

Default: Disabled (cleared)

See Also

Advanced tab