Ch Impulse Response (Channel Sounding)

Ch Impulse Response is the channel impulse response calculated from channel N. The channel impulse response is averaged over the number of repetitions of the sounding sequence specified by Number of Repeats.

The x-axis of this trace is in units of seconds.

The t = 0 location is either the impulse response peak or the trigger location depending on the Impulse Response t=0 Location setting. The t=0 location is always placed in the center of the Impulse Response trace.

By default, the impulse response width is the same as the supported delay spread and the entire impulse response is valid. See Sequence Length for more information. For troubleshooting purposes, you can enable the Show Extra Impulse Response Width parameter to show twice the supported delay spread.

If your channel contains multiple paths with close to the same power, the peak detection algorithm of the channel sounding software may alternate between which peak is detected as the maximum due to noise. In this case, averaging will not function properly. A similar issue may happen when you are measuring multiple channels and Reference Channel is set to Auto and the channels have similar SNRs.

When RMS or RMS Exponential averaging (MeasSetup > Average) is enabled, this trace will show the averaged channel impulse response. The channel sounding software supports coherently averaging the channel response across multiple time records without the need for triggering. This means that the average preserves the phase.

The RMS average of the channel impulse response is shown in the Ch Power Delay Profile trace.

The non-averaged channel impulse response is shown in the Inst Ch Impulse Response trace.

See Also

Sequence Length

Sounding Ch Frequency Response