Equalizer: Details (Custom OFDM)

The Equalizer Details properties are used to configure the averaging mode and initial symbols used by the equalizer.

Parameter Description
Equalizer Averaging Mode:

Selects the averaging method used to determine the equalizer filter coefficients across multiple symbols:


Equal Weight:   Equalizer averaging calculated using the equal weighted least squares method.


Least Squares   Equalizer training calculated using the Least Squares method.

Initial Equalizer Mode


When creating the initial channel equalizer, Custom OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing: OFDM employs multiple overlapping radio frequency carriers, each operating at a carefully chosen frequency that is Orthogonal to the others, to produce a transmission scheme that supports higher bit rates due to parallel channel operation. OFDM is an alternative tranmission scheme to DSSS and FHSS. analysis tries to use any available information from known pilot and preamble subcarriers. The Initial Equalizer Mode controls which symbols are included when looking for known pilot and preamble subcarriers. It can be set to either Automatic or Manual.


Automatic:   Custom OFDM analysis tries to use all symbols which contain known pilot or preamble subcarriers. This is the default, and is how previous versions of VSA worked.


Manual:   The user specifies the number of symbols to use. The number of symbols is specified by the Initial Equalizer Symbols property. The Manual mode may be useful for signals which have no preamble, and have known pilots in many symbols. If there is significant frequency drift, the initial equalizer might be more accurate when constructed using fewer symbols.

Initial Equalizer Symbols

Specifies the number of symbols used when Initial Equalizer Mode is set to Manual

Default: 1 Symbol.

Associated Trace Data Results

Ch Frequency Response

Eq Impulse Response

Common Pilot Error


OFDM Error Summary

See Also



Equalizer & Tracking Tab (Custom OFDM)